Recent content by uscsux

  1. uscsux

    looking to try a new disc for side arm

    OP what hole did you ace? I play there once in a while.
  2. uscsux

    DG Manufacturer map

    Innova - California It is difficult to find Discraft in stores here. I thin it might have to do with the Innova factory being thirty minutes away from me.
  3. uscsux

    Putting Practice

    My fiance plays, but she won't throw in front of people she doesn't know. It is frustrating because sometimes she will only play a couple of holes. I guess I should be greatful that she comes with me and plays a little. Hopefully she will play full rounds soon.
  4. uscsux

    Driving technique

    Dudiablo I have just made the exact same change. When I began to let go of my left hand my accuracy decreased and my distance increased. I have played four full rounds with this technique and by my last round I have become muc more comfortable and accurate. Initially it feels uncomfortable and...
  5. uscsux

    Post a cool disc golf photo

    Fire ants in Texas are awful! To be honest I may have just left the disc. :\ I have had too many bad experiences with fire ants there.
  6. uscsux

    The essential "What's in the mail?" thread.

    Just bought a dx roc last night. I have been struggling with my innova shark since the day I got it. So hopefully the roc will fix my midrange game and allow me to have a consistent disc for short drives. I have read a lot of good reviews on it and I am excited to test it out.
  7. uscsux

    Whats your coolest story?

    How do you like the shark? Personally it is my least favorite disc I have ever thrown. I am curious as to what you think about it.
  8. uscsux

    Lets go do work son! I bet you a slurpee I win today :)

    Lets go do work son! I bet you a slurpee I win today :)