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Form help


May 21, 2024
This is my first form post on this forum and I've been stuck at about 400-425ft for a while and I've tried a bunch to push past the plateau but I can't really seem to figure out a way to fix any of my more major problems. I was hoping that someone could give me some targeted advice on what I am doing wrong and how to fix it. Thanks in advance.

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View attachment back 1.MOV
Looks like you are trying to force your rear foot too forward facing on the x step and it spins out and kinks up your posture.
So I've been trying to fix that problem for a while now. I think it prevents me from shifting my weight well and takes off a good chunk of speed from my throw. I had tried out your crush the can drill but it never really fixed the problem. I kind of took what you said about not forcing the rear foot too forward facing and also just tried to shorten my xstep (after reading some stuff off another thread in the forum).
View attachment IMG_E7427.MOV

and this was the result. I know there's several things wrong with not opening up on the front foot but it happens when I am too focused on my footwork and not really throwing hard. I think that this looks better and it looks like my weight is shifting in a more proper way. I am curious for more opinions on whether or not my feet are moving in the correct way.

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