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lostDoughnut Progression


Birdie Member
Jun 7, 2021
id like to start a post to show my progression. I have been working a ton on my form (since about October of 2020) . many hours researching/practicing/having a blast!!!! Such a rewarding feeling seeing an overstable disc flip to flat for the first time

recently, I have been focusing solely on my drive leg. Here is my latest. I normally have a viewing side from behind and on the side but today was my 'fun' day. that means i dont think about my form but instead try and hit trick shots. however one thing led to another and i think i started to feel a faster rear leg drive movement.

full power throw

my thoughts on that video

0. seems like my head is for some reason starting to look at the basket too soon causing my shoulders to rotate towards the basket early

1. i know that off arm, left arm, is HIDEOUS!!!!! i fixed it one week but it reverted back when im really concentrating on my rear leg drive. :thmbdown:

2.you can also see my plant knee extension occur a bit to slow. its very difficult timing that plant knee extension as im trying to get off of my rear foot before i do my downswing

3. my backswing with my right arm could probably be lower, when focusing on my drive leg other things like to not behave

4. at around the 9 second marker you can see my foot move counter clockwise, im really trying to keep pressure (counter clockwise pressure) in my drive leg but also press the gas pedal, and not squash the bug.

5. i believe i could also rotate my shoulders more counter clockwise, thats an old bad habit to break.

6. from my practice i feel i need this large of a stride ( i could be wrong) but when i stride this far i feel im more capable of a faster drive with my drive leg. i feel with a shorter stride i simply cant build or hold the tension in my legs.

7.??? def let me know anything that you see (ill be sure to get another angle next time)

i need more hershyzer drill, more door frame, two orders of kick the can, and a side of more practice, haha :hfive: i watch those videos and crazy how i get a little something different from them each time

trying to throw 300ft with min effort

my plant leg opens when i land, i was trying a low effort throw for distance

anytime i think i have my rear facing the basket enough i ask myself. is it as much as this?

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Forget about throwing or using your arms, or staggering or striding leftward.

Just focus on kicking the crap out the can or ball targetward with your leg swinging. The kick should swing toward the right/inside(not left) if your rear foot is anywhere close to perpendicular.

that was it!!!! took a solid ~1.5 hours of confusion then one throw, time felt like it stopped, i felt way more 'compressed', and than booom, body uncoiled. i think hopefully it was the feeling of holding the compression or whatever and then releasing it when i want to. like resisting the turn or something. feels totally like a movement im not used to

its def a work in progress but i never been able to deweight the foot like this.
yes  yes yes.jpg

this will def be worked on more!!!

its almost like a very unique balancing act , kicking off of the rear foot then landing coiled on the plant foot
ty! cant say how awesome it was feeling the compression (if thats the right word). i def still need practice but just being able to feel what i did is incredible.

normal speed

normal speed

slo mo

slo mo of trying to kick the can
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Your rear foot looks pigeon toed and rear knee isn't turning back away from target, so you are restricting the rest of your body from turning further back and your rear foot spins out.
day 2 of practicing rear drive leg foot deweighting

when i go out and practice i have notes about what to do, forgot to write down about my rear knee. that could still be an issue. i will say this movement is easily the hardest to perform.

regular speed behind back

slow mo, from chest

1. I feel like my hershiser drill is failing. i dont feel im leading with my butt as much as it could. looking at the slow mow the first throw looked better than the second. the 'drift' is hard to do with all this thinking going on. haha

2. right plant foot kinda opens up?

3. i notice when my plant leg is doing the kick the can movement i then need to still go into my backswing. that was something i felt first time today and tried to adjust. basically go into my backswing later than i normally go into it

4. i can see how i need to kick the can harder as in the slow mo 2nd throw with the white disc my plant leg didnt have the supporting angle to hold my momentum back?

I do note that I really feel a pelvic thrust motion now. i feel thats how i 'unwind' from being coiled up from the rear leg drive. i feel my pelvis thrust when i extend my plant land.

Does my rear leg push my body forward created more forward momentum as my plant foot touches the ground? Let me rephrase: Should not try and kick my rear drive leg before my plant foot toe lands? Or is my drive leg 'kicking' as my plant foot is about to land adding to the momentum?
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Your rear foot looks pigeon toed inward, your rear knee is too bent and pointed too targetward and restricting your pelvis from swinging back. Your front leg is trying to swing back, but blocked by the pelvis/rear leg. Your pelvis swinging back should pull the leg back and then forth.

1. Turn rear foot 45 degrees further back. Open up the backswing.

2. Extend rear knee in backswing. You can't turn your pelvis back unless your rear knee posts up for it to swing from.

3. Swing foot back toward left back tee, and forward toward right front tee. So kick is more inward diagonal instead of outside leftward diagonal. See how your foot swings back behind you toward right back tee and forward toward left front tee, you can't make a powerful kick swinging your leg that way across the rear foot.



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continued practice on deweighting rear drive leg

Todays thoughts going into practice were:
1. to get my left knee to extend during the backswing
2. rotate my left foot counter clockwise a bit so my back foot is not Pidgeon tow which should also make knee point away from basket
3. swing my right foot at beginning of backswing towards back right teebox, then swing inwards towards front right teebox

i believe number 1 was ok, 2 and 3 will take more practice . i also need to bring out some chalk so i can mark a straight line to make it easier to observer on camera where my feet land (and or get the camera more behind me).

issues i see:
1.when swinging my right plant leg away from the basket during my backswing i dont think i was rotating my pelvis as much as it should (more hershisyzer?, rotate hips a bit more counter clockwise)
2. when my plant leg swung towards the basket it really didnt make an inward swing. it looked like an outward swing. need more practice to overwrite the old muscle memory
3. my plant foot rotated clockwise towards basket before i crushed the can. possibly shorter stride i need more practice. ill get it :)
4. sometimes i was off balance after the downswing and would fall to the left.
5.i dont believe im kicking the can as hard as possible. im still getting used to the movement. and the movement from keeping an extended knee will take some getting used to.

felt ok with this one normal speed

felt ok with this slow mow

felt bad with off balance issues(fell to the left after downswing), normal speed

felt bad with off balance issues, (fell to the left after downswing),slow mo
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Should i be pushing off of my drive leg before my plant foot touches the ground? or like right as the foot lands? I feel like thats a difficult question because of all of the dynamic movement going on. and possibly it could depend on how much power im putting into the throw? or does the plant foot need to be on the ground so when the rear leg drives it moves the hips in a way that if the front foot was not on the ground the drive leg could not then do. I really need to practice in front of a net again to hammer this down. I'll be sure next practice to do that.

Whats going on in my mind is that im trying to get my drive foot off of the ground before the disc starts going towards the basket. That is the checklist that is in my mind that justifies if a throw is good or not. I believe that might be misguiding my movement in that i need to learn the supporting movements to be able to deweight the foot before the disc progresses towards the basket.
You ain't hardly kicking or swinging anything back or forth with your whole body. Be a lumberjack, not a surgeon. Make a big freewheeling kick and swing without consequence of where it will go. It will probably feel wild and weird to really aggressively tilt backward targetward on rear leg almost like a backflip to counter balance that big leg kick back, and then feel the tilt suddenly change/shift during the kick into the plant to reverse the spine tilt back away from target on front leg.

Your rear foot should get pulled off the ground from the kick and your CoG leading after having been driven/resisting the pull of the backswing going away from target.


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that video kicked butt and took names!!!! that was another missing piece i needed
(video below)

i dont think ive ever gotten so tired so quickly before, haha, after the first 30 minutes i had issues trying the movement because of how much momentum i could generate, and then how much it took my plant leg to post up.

the momentum i was able to generate was really something else!!!!!! i really needed a longer stride(if thats the right word) or else i would topple over (even when keeping my front hip higher than rear hip)

me toppling over, lol

i need more practice. its like rubbing your stomach and patting your head. feels awkward like seabass said, and i did put trust into falling backwards, but my brain was slowing me down. mayb i should have done it on grass instead. cant wait till next time. hopefully my brain lets me commit more.

i felt what you,seabass, was talking about, that the momentum of the plant leg should pull the body, and that is what pulls up the drive leg, and then the drive leg adds to that momentum (hopefully i didnt butcher that explanation) ,when i got that timing down. BOOM!

my notes from today
1. my right knee would bend when starting to swing towards the basket. not that its an issue just something im noting
knee bend.jpg
2.sometimes my plant leg would stride to the left of the teepad vs more right of the teepad and more inline or instep of my drive leg(left leg), need more practice to overwrite that muscle memory
3. my plant foot would open before landing, i still feel like i landed on the left inside of my plant foot
4. sometimes i did not rotate my shoulders all the way, my brain was getting used to what i was doing and focusing on the plant leg supporting me , remembering to rotate my shoulders was too much brain power at the time

good normal speed

good slow mo. i think this might be the first time i actually did it (better than couple days ago)
Heres a from chest view, slow mow, of myself just practicing the movement . i didnt add any shoulders into it, my body was still getting used to this new movement (it might still be processing)

Really helps if you swing both arms separately instead of keeping them both on disc. Make a lefty backhand swing going into backswing. Your left arm is blocking your rotation in backswing which also helps shifting back forward. Note how it looks like I'm about to punt the disc.

Do not worry about planting closed or driving off rear foot. Just get the sequence and flow of momentum going perpetually back and forth over and over before you go into the throw. You are trying to start too static.



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Rain rain rain :(

now back to regular scheduled practice :cool:.

today i focused on getting the perpetual sequence and flow of momentum going(i focused soley on my legs, no arms as it was too much to take in, i will add arm movement next time). it was very difficult to trust my body when tipping that far back, but lo and behold, my leg swung forward, my spine position changed, and my face didnt end up on the grass:)!

i def feel how being too static was hurting myself before. I need to practice this drill more as the video still shows how crude my movements are.

normal speed

slo motion
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After watching the double dragon drill again after todays practice i feel like my spine is tilted too much. after watching the video and just now doing the drill in my apt i feel now that when i raise my leg up high enough that it tilts my spine back and i feel my weight falling. i believe during my practice in the field today i was tilting my spine toooo much as i misunderstood how the drill worked.
In the Can Can you need to put your hands on the tops of your thighs so your arms are in front of your body anterior instead of hanging behind your back posterior.

In the Double Dragon you need to get your arms swinging in front of your body. Your arms are hanging behind you and trying to reachback way too late which is part of why you tip over too far. Crunch your abs like punting the disc. Think door frame drill and how the arm is already back and the lower body moves forward with the arm lagging behind.
such a difficult set of movements to get going. add that i was not on level ground helped with the chaos i believe

chest view normal speed

back view normal speed

1.i feel like i didnt turn my shoulders away from the basket enough
2.my timing seemed off on my arm swinging with my leg. when my leg would swing upwards off the ground im not sure if my
3.when i went to go my left leg collided into my right leg