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Old Farts Only 40+ (no kids allowed)

What do you find most annoying about the new disc golf scene?

  • Total voters
Research indicate that the biggest trolls on the internet are typically 50+ years. The kids have grown up with internet and know the proper etiquette. Old farts do not

That sort of surprises me, as it's us old farts who started the whole thing and developed netiquette in the first place. I remember that September where the hordes from AOL were unleashed and the 'net quit being a polite place (and September hasn't ended).
Played in a 'throw your age' event last year (set up so the younger guys could play like we do: within a ten year age group), where I asked one of the 40-somethings (who I knew had a bad back & a quick wit), "Hey Phil, what's the best nickname for your division? Ours (50's) is "the Prostate division", so he promptly replied, "the Ibuprofen division."

Not to be outdone, I have a friend who is always funny, who was there in his 60's. I told him what we'd decided so far, and asked what nickname he would choose for his group. Without batting an eye, he said, "...depends".

alls i'm sayin' https://www.duluthtrading.com/mens-...09UQT2gn-qnSF9wjyeelNSV6wpqkfeVUaAprhEALw_wcB :D i wear them..nuff said.
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My gf will occasionally accompany me to a tournament round as I play in Am 40+. When there are non-age protected divisions on the same course as us, she notices how the younger players constantly gripe about everything. I launch and thank god im in the 40+ environment.
My gf will occasionally accompany me to a tournament round as I play in Am 40+. When there are non-age protected divisions on the same course as us, she notices how the younger players constantly gripe about everything. I launch and thank god im in the 40+ environment.

That's true in my baseball leagues too. The older you get with the minimum age in a division, the less issues there are. It's like the 20-25 year olds still think there are scouts waiting to sign them to MLB contracts if the damn ump would just call strikes on pitches a ball off the black
Observations about life:

In order to 'create' their own lives, the youth MUST denigrate the aged (at least privately). Thank goodness that in public, some choose to display good taste and form.

Every inventor knows beforehand, his masterpiece will be twisted into a tool for conquering the world and crushing souls by a mad scientist (probably a nazi).
So... the poll only allowed me to select one option and only allowed me to vote once. If I had been able to I would have selected numbers 2, 4, 5, 9 & 10.

#10 being - Stupid DG polls that don't let you make more than one selection even though they ask for multiple responses. :D
Research indicate that the biggest trolls on the internet are typically 50+ years. The kids have grown up with internet and know the proper etiquette. Old farts do not

That sort of surprises me, as it's us old farts who started the whole thing and developed netiquette in the first place. I remember that September where the hordes from AOL were unleashed and the 'net quit being a polite place (and September hasn't ended).

It doesn't surprise me at all. Boomers are just a little too sensitive, and we think we have all the answers. If only they ran the country my way! Our generation went from, "ask not what your country can do for you," to "what are you gonna do for me?"
Research indicate that the biggest trolls on the internet are typically 50+ years. The kids have grown up with internet and know the proper etiquette. Old farts do not

Observations about life:

In order to 'create' their own lives, the youth MUST denigrate the aged (at least privately). Thank goodness that in public, some choose to display good taste and form.

Every inventor knows beforehand, his masterpiece will be twisted into a tool for conquering the world and crushing souls by a mad scientist (probably a nazi).

I've seen plenty of old folk impatience and denigration of youth. Most of the young folks I know don't have the time to spend going after the old.

Indeed, it was a huge youth movement that supported Bernie, and the old went with the fear mongering Trump.
My gf will occasionally accompany me to a tournament round as I play in Am 40+. When there are non-age protected divisions on the same course as us, she notices how the younger players constantly gripe about everything. I launch and thank god im in the 40+ environment.

That's true in my baseball leagues too. The older you get with the minimum age in a division, the less issues there are. It's like the 20-25 year olds still think there are scouts waiting to sign them to MLB contracts if the damn ump would just call strikes on pitches a ball off the black

I played exactly one tournament with Pro Masters players. Never again. I do think the over 40 ams are better, than the younger ams, but if your gonna measure the young by their testosterone levels you'll never be disappointed.
I don't ever think I've ever bickered about anything like this on a disc golf course. Some people suck....any age... go throw plastic and be grateful you get to play.
I don't ever think I've ever bickered about anything like this on a disc golf course. Some people suck....any age... go throw plastic and be grateful you get to play.

I'm with you... I have seen bickering and dickering about stuff especially foot faults. I'm really glad the PDGA has relaxed the footing rule, in my little world it has made a big difference. Some of the cranky players, yes all older IME, used to call foot faults whether they were or not to at least disrupt the rhythm. It was used as a crafty/cranky advantage, I don't worry about it anymore, I know my foot is roughly in that box.

Just happy to play... I've had plenty of injuries, had to play wrong handed for months at a time, I even played with crutches a bunch too. I really just love watching a disc fly, even if it's a Comet one disc round just for the purity of the sport. Doesn't matter I can't get it as far as I used to, if I want to feel awesome I jump in with some amateurs. Sometimes I play with ams wrong handed and then sneak a drive in with my regular hand and see if they notice.
Youth is wasted on the young.

George Carlin explains it best.

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death! What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating …and you finish off as an orgasm."
Youth is wasted on the young. 90% of millennials are completely worthless stupid lazy whiny sniveling entitled human meatbags.:)

Yeah I don't know if the numbers are quite that high but I agree. It's a very entitled generation or the "why me" generation. Why should I work hard when I won't ever be able to afford a house. Why should I stock shelves when I can play on my phone and watch stupid memes? Why doesn't the government pay for my internet. There's this whole defeatist attitude before they even get out of the gate.

Don't even get me started on millenial humour... I don't get it, I guess there is a finite number of jokes and funny stuff in the universe and once you've seen it all you just need to come up with stupider stuff. How did a generation raised by Simpson's, South Park and Family guy suddenly get so offended by everything.

We are going backwards, I'm going to go watch Idiocracy and yell at the T.V. now...
While I do understand some of the general attitude toward the young'uns, I also try to look objectively at the world they stand to inherit.

It ain't exactly an inspiring view.

It's very interesting to see how my 22-year-old sees things, and then compare and contrast that with how my 13-year-old behaves and thinks. There are differences, of course, having to do with real-world experience. But the similarities tell the story.

They both see corruption, vice, hypocrisy, and deceit. We can try to shield them from such realities - and it was easier with the elder of the two - but the fact is, unless you home-school your kids or live out in the woods without a TV and internet access, they're going to be exposed to some of it. And of course we (my wife and I, plus the extended family) try our best to inject our own values in there somewhere, but the sad fact is that it's a pretty awful time in history, and they're plenty smart enough to see that.

Without cracking into the Keg O' Politics too much, I find it difficult in the extreme to temper their angst when they see how our so-called "leaders" act. So I don't really blame them for thinking, "WTF?" at every turn. And that eventually translates into a sort of depression. It's low-grade now, but by the time they're fully in the workforce as "contributing members of society" (whatever that may look like in 10 or 20 years), they're going to be in Full-Blown Panic Mode.

I hope there are fundamental changes for the better before that ever happens, but again - the prognosis is not good. All I can do is try my damnedest to make them strong enough to survive it.

Edit to Add: Their escapism is not mine to dictate. We all have to find our Groove on our own. "Entitlement" is a word I hear a lot, but I'm not sure that's exactly what it is. It's more like, "You're giving us this craphole - don't pretend we should be happy about it."
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While I do understand some of the general attitude toward the young'uns, I also try to look objectively at the world they stand to inherit.

It ain't exactly an inspiring view.

It's very interesting to see how my 22-year-old sees things, and then compare and contrast that with how my 13-year-old behaves and thinks. There are differences, of course, having to do with real-world experience. But the similarities tell the story.

They both see corruption, vice, hypocrisy, and deceit. We can try to shield them from such realities - and it was easier with the elder of the two - but the fact is, unless you home-school your kids or live out in the woods without a TV and internet access, they're going to be exposed to some of it. And of course we (my wife and I, plus the extended family) try our best to inject our own values in there somewhere, but the sad fact is that it's a pretty awful time in history, and they're plenty smart enough to see that.

Without cracking into the Keg O' Politics too much, I find it difficult in the extreme to temper their angst when they see how our so-called "leaders" act. So I don't really blame them for thinking, "WTF?" at every turn. And that eventually translates into a sort of depression. It's low-grade now, but by the time they're fully in the workforce as "contributing members of society" (whatever that may look like in 10 or 20 years), they're going to be in Full-Blown Panic Mode.

I hope there are fundamental changes for the better before that ever happens, but again - the prognosis is not good. All I can do is try my damnedest to make them strong enough to survive it.

Edit to Add: Their escapism is not mine to dictate. We all have to find our Groove on our own. "Entitlement" is a word I hear a lot, but I'm not sure that's exactly what it is. It's more like, "You're giving us this craphole - don't pretend we should be happy about it."

That was well said. Disc golf is my outlet from this crazy world.
I agree mostly with Earthrocker but the entitlement to "nothing" is a self fulfilling prophecy.. Work ethic has gone out the window and has been replaced with a "Why should I try?" attitude. The internet has made people tremendously self absorbed and detached from real life experiences.

I love my kid and she's great, better than most but still guilty of doing the minimum effort and she doesn't get that from me.. It's like they think everything they want should just happen on its own, and it probably won't happen so why bother trying.

Life should deliver all of the goodies gift wrapped on my doorstep like everything else does from Amazon
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Youth is wasted on the young. 90% of millennials are completely worthless stupid lazy whiny sniveling entitled human meatbags.:)

I'm old enough to be nostalgic for the long ago days when we were called worthless stupidy lazy whining sniveling entitled human meatbags. Yeah, us Baby Boomers. The "Establishment" didn't have a lot nice to say about us in the 60s and 70s, either. Odd to grow up and find out that, sometimes, they were right.
I agree mostly with Earthrocker but the entitlement to "nothing" is a self fulfilling prophecy.. Work ethic has gone out the window and has been replaced with a "Why should I try?" attitude. The internet has made people tremendously self absorbed and detached from real life experiences.

I love my kid and she's great, better than most but still guilty of doing the minimum effort and she doesn't get that from me.. It's like they think everything they want should just happen on its own, and it probably won't happen so why bother trying.

Life should deliver all of the goodies gift wrapped on my doorstep like everything else does from Amazon

Children are the reflection of what they learn. It is a parents' job to teach. No child is genetically "bad" or "entitled", it is bad parenting. A parent is responsible for EVERYTHING a child learns and is exposed to. You can pin the blame elsewhere, but the buck stops at mom and dad.

If you child thinks "why should I try", teach them why. If your child is self absorbed, maybe a routine of Saturday community service work will expose them to the needs of others, if your child is detached from real live experience, it is on you to provide them with real life experience.

"It's like they think everything they want should just happen on its own"? You mean like a child turning out the way you want?

Not really directing this at you Envy, but many parents. Our generation (old farts over 40+) is the real cause, not the children.

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