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Is it unethical for a disc golf store owner

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Not exactly ... the "Grow the Sport" bit is primarily a Marshall Street thing ... in their case, "Grow the Sport" means buying crap from them. Then it gets tossed onto DGC and argued about as if anyone really cares what X person thinks they've done personally 'for' the sport. Nothing says broken record tuneout time like "What have you done to grow the game/sport bro?".

For some reason, on this forum at least, it seems that the people who most want to "grow the sport" are the sames ones that want to keep anyone from making money from it.
Not exactly ... the "Grow the Sport" bit is primarily a Marshall Street thing ... in their case, "Grow the Sport" means buying crap from them. Then it gets tossed onto DGC and argued about as if anyone really cares what X person thinks they've done personally 'for' the sport. Nothing says broken record tuneout time like "What have you done to grow the game/sport bro?".

Yes, my examples were hyperbolic, but I did preface the post with "I'll show you ridiculous..."

But I get that it is not enough of a disclaimer on the internets.

All of my examples are of an expected and established price changing because the seller arbitrarily decides that the value is actually higher in some particular instance using examples from the professions since it was suggested that DG is unique. I promise the similarities to DG disc pricing end there.

You just made really poor examples that had nothing to do with this conversation. Here is a REAL example. Your silly ones dont work.
Innova releases 400 Thunderbirds in Red Glow plastic to only 4 online retailers. MSRP is $19.99.
A retailer gives them away in a local tournament in a players pack.
B retailer list them in his online store for $35
C DG retailer stocks them on his shelf for $19.99
D Lists the discs on Ebay for $200 each

A robs the DG world except anyone at that tournament the chance at the disc (UNLESS THEY SELL IT FOR $35)
B allows everyone in the world a chance at these discs but at a higher price
C only has these available for people that visit his store.
D no one will buy these discs

There is nothing more wrong about a retailer getting a rare disc than a player doing the same and selling it for more. Because someone lists an item for $200 doesnt mean it is worth that. No matter what system you use, everything (goods, ideas, services) holds a value.

If you do not make a horseshoe good enough, the farmer can't make crops to feed you. Even if the farmer isnt paying for the horseshoe service, he will stop getting them from you because he cannot survive with your product.

WE should be free to charge what ever someone is willing to pay. If no one is willing to pay that we go out of business.
to sell the coolest/rare discs they receive from in their huge orders, on auction sites such as ebay, or the fb dollar disc auction page?

What's everyone's thoughts on this activity that helps keep the lights on?

Problem? Just the store owner making a quick extra stack of cash? Business as usual?

What's your stance on the issue?
Your rather biased question shows what you think, so I fixed it for you. The store owner can sell their stock of discs at any price they want. YOU can choose to buy at that price or not.

I know of one guy in Michigan who sells out of a van and sells his "natural beauties" online or in person for extra money, and passes the savings on with everything else. His prices are usually 2-3 bucks a disc cheaper for most premium plastic items, and a buck or so cheaper on DX/D. Still think his business model is "greed based"? 'Cause in my mind I love it! I bought an awesome red, white and blue FLX Buzzz for my brother's birthday for $25. Right next to it was a plain blue FLX Buzzz for almost half the price. I paid extra for the great disc, but no-one forced me to.

In talking to the gentlemen a little more about how he arrives at his prices, he told me that customers set the price. He has a base price for each disc/plastic type. Any discs that are unique in terms of mixed colors, interesting stamp/color combos, or unusual in any desirable way he chooses a price higher than the base, and dates the disc on the pricing label. Every week during his busy season the price of these discs drops by $1. The FLX Buzzz I bought had just come in, but if I'd been willing to wait a month I might have gotten it for a few bucks cheaper. On the other hand it would have probably been gone, so I had a choice to make.

He also dates every other disc he sells, and at the end of the year discs that have sat for 6 months or more get cleared out at $1 over cost, leaving him with only a small stock of discs to store over the winter, when his only sales are online. Given the restrictions of his business model (limited sales space, seasonal sales, only carries a handful of brands, etc) I've never seen such a good selection of desirable molds, weights, and colors. He's been doing this for over 10 years now as a weekend job, and is debating trying to relocate somewhere warmer and doing it full time. Given that he's only in his early 50's and able to legitimately consider retirement I'm assuming he feels he has a good idea. For his sake I hope he goes for it, but for my own sake I hope I bump into him out on the course next year.
If your point really is that you think it's silly for people to agree to pay more for things that don't appear to you to have more value, then I agree. I don't, however, think that makes a store owner unethical for finding people who do think there's extra value in certain discs and selling them at a price that those people are willing to pay. Since I don't think they have any extra value, I'm not losing anything by not having access to them at higher prices. The shop owner gets a little extra money, and the buyer gets something that's special to them that they paid a little extra for (at a price that was agreed to before the purchase by that buyer). I'm really having a hard time seeing how anyone not involved in the transaction has an axe to grind.

I agree completely.

I have some issues with DDs particular circumstance, but people can pay whatever they want for anything they want imo.

All of these companies can talk about growing the sport, but nothing would grow the sport like Nike discs, or the Disney Tron line... And thats the kind of thing that will have to happen to have a Pro tour of the caliber you see in some other Pro sports. But thats not what the current crop of disc golf businesses mean when they say "grow the sport."

Dont get me wrong - DG is a bit grass roots and it will probably never be a better and more fun game than it is in its grass roots stages - but what our current DG business wants is growth at a rate that they can handle and stay on top of. If this thing gets on ESPN tomorrow and all of our current manufacturers are out of business or doing runs that are considered boutique by Adidas, I'm not sure that will make anyone trying to "grow the sport" today very happy.

omg this thread is on fire.

They have exactly to do with the post that I addressed, and not the whole thread. Thank you for restating what has been stated in almost every other post and failing at parsing mine. good day. /edit.
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I still can't believe this is going.

People unclear on the basic precepts of capitalism should either brush up on their economics and/or move to a Communist/Socialist country where frisbees are distributed evenly across the population at exactly the same prices regardless of desirability.

I mean, really.
I still can't believe this is going.

People unclear on the basic precepts of capitalism should either brush up on their economics and/or move to a Communist/Socialist country where frisbees are distributed evenly across the population at exactly the same prices regardless of desirability.

I mean, really.

command economies = endless grooves
I still can't believe this is going.

People unclear on the basic precepts of capitalism should either brush up on their economics and/or move to a Communist/Socialist country where frisbees are distributed evenly across the population at exactly the same prices regardless of desirability.

I mean, really.

The idea that anyone on the outside has ANY right to tell someone running an apparently successful business how they should run is beyond ridiculous. Start yours and run it any way you want or shut up.
You probably have an occupy protest your supposed to be at. ;)

Grow the sport, but don't think of making a profit and staying in business, I need to get that one red disc for 2 bucks cheaper!

Not locked yet! ;)
^^Thinks the thread should have died pages ago but still feels a need to add two more posts. :doh: :p
... Given that he's only in his early 50's and able to legitimately consider retirement I'm assuming he feels he has a good idea. For his sake I hope he goes for it, but for my own sake I hope I bump into him out on the course next year.

Where does this guy sell?
Also DD improving payouts is nice, but they could do a lot of things that dont undermine other retailers to add to the pot. I'd much rather they came out with cool special runs ala Innova to add to payouts than hedge around a trilogy retail monopoly personally. Even if it isnt bad, as you say, it looks bad imo.

Also, if its not clear (because I'm an ass sometimes) I appreciate the info you're sharing and your opinions Steeze.

re : team trilogy... I have to say, the team trilogy blurbs where someone has to tout a disc that made a difference in their game sounds soooo forced it physically hurts me every time I hear a trilogy am win something...

I didn't think you were being rude or anything. I enjoy a spirited debate. I respect your opinion even though I feel it's off base with reality. It's pretty much a dead issue now but I didn't want you to think I didn't enjoy the banter and respect your opinion.

DD with their auction I don't feel undermines any retailer. The discs they auction are basically from the "vault" I think every retailer has one. At least big retailers. They get some runs or discs that are just awesome and they keep them in an area not for sale. Sometimes they wait some years and open them up to the public. I see this as basically that. When DD started the auction page they explained it. They were going to open up some discs that had been there for years and use that money to give back to the players. Heck I think someone bought a lot of 10 first run star destroyers for over $1k. Doing a pre-release of their own discs or something to get a little higher bids doesn't effect the retailers in my opinion. You're still getting your discs to release online at the same time as everyone else. Including DD. They just let one...just one, go before release to someone willing to pay more to say they got one early. It's kind of silly people do that to me but whatever you want to do with your money is none of my business.

Last thing I don't know how the team trilogy stuff came in I guess because clown shoes thought it was relevant to point out I'm not paying retail. News flash though for him I often do and insist on it even though my club affiliations with both team trilogy and locally do entitle me to a slight discount. I can understand people thinking that shoutout by a winner is forced but I can assure you that is not something that is required or even promoted to do. It was simply a suggestion for how to conduct yourself in the event you won and wanted to give a little thanks to the discs that helped you do it. I don't know anyone under the illusion that thinks the discs are the only thing that get you a win. I respect and enjoy a lot of different disc companies. I just happen to enjoy latitude plastic the most and use it. Anyway that's it. Good luck with your disc business.
Special TT dyemax designs at a discount
TT stamped discs at near wholesale cost.
TT drifits and other apparel also near wholesale cost

TT bag tag $1
10% off all trilogy discs purchased
Angering DGCR posters with your membership to the team FREE

I picked up 3 TP Giants and a Blend Warden the other day for $46 shipped. Would have been $59 at Marshall Street.

$13 saving on 4 discs is pretty sweet...especially in exchange for doing literally nothing extra but fill out a form.

Just business.

It's risky, but not unethical. You might get stuck holding "valuable"discs if you overprice them. I'm holding a 5 or 6 year old DGA hurricane that I've seen advertised for $50 bucks by a prominent and reputable retailer. Nobody's buying it at that price, I can't even get folks to pay $10 for the one I have. Luckily for me, there is no expense for holding inventory for years. I'm just a swamper.
^^Thinks the thread should have died pages ago but still feels a need to add two more posts. :doh: :p

Aww. Are we boring you?
As one of the regular lurkers, I like the discussion but can't contribute while I'm working.
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