Dexter, MO

East Park

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East Park reviews

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Dull in Dexter

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 3, 2024 Played the course:once


Technically southeast of Dexter, the East Park course features a fairly flat and nondescript eight holes in a moderately wooded park.

The course offers a variety of distances. The first and last hole are fairly open ace runs of about 180 feet, while a couple of the holes in the middle offer some teeth at over 300 feet with some trees to navigate.

The course is fairly easy to navigate. Hole #1 starts near the large parking lot next to the swimming pool and makes a clockwise loop through the lightly wooded area and completes the circle.

Hole #5 plays along a bit of a plateau, and then the Hole #6 teepad offers a drive from that plateau with a bit of decline; other than that, the course is flat.

The baskets are Latitude 64 with bright yellow bands. They're easy to spot and seemed to catch well too.


The rubber teepads are some of the smallest I've seen; one user compared them to door mats. They appeared to be about two feet wide and four feet long, so they're only useful for standstill drives. The signs aren't much larger and are posted on tall metal stakes.

The basket for Hole #8 was gone – reportedly due to vandalism – but this omission was almost welcomed as it allowed me to avoid backtracking on an extremely hot day and continue on to the final hole, as Hole #7 and the extinct Hole #8 ran parallel to each other.

None of the holes really stood out to me; several were mostly open while a few had scattered trees to navigate but without any compelling lines to consider.

Holes #1 and #4 play near chain-link fences.

The park includes other recreational pursuits, including an aquatic center and several baseball fields, which might lead to park-goers and vehicles being near or even on the course at times.

Other Thoughts:

If traveling along US-60 in Missouri, the East Park course in Dexter is a quick detour. The park is about five minutes off the interstate, so you could be back on the road in about half an hour.

During my round, a couple of teenaged maintenance workers stopped their weed-whacking and watched as I threw a shot, then politely clapped as my disc landed near the basket. I gave the polite disc wave to acknowledge their kindness, thankful that I hadn't noticed them observing my toss beforehand.
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