  • Courses 551
    Countries Played 2
    States Played 36
    Born & raised in S. Fla, now live in Michigan

    Sports, music, the outdoors
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Years Playing
    20.7 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    185 / 3.25 star(s)
    Voting Record
    6835 1508
    Updated Course Conditions
    Capacity Analyst


    I just want to be as happy as a dog with it's head out a car window.

    DGCR Members I've met or played with far.

    Other info

    Unlisted Courses I've played:
    1) Belle Isle Inaugural; Detroit, MI, Nov 6, 2011 (temp course) - completely different from RIP'd course.
    2) Jackson Community College; (Apr 2012) - completely different layout. Not a single hole in common with the current Jackson College Listing.
    3) Hudson Mills Canoe/Camp temp course ; DGLO, Aug 26, 2012
    4) Disc Downtown Grand Rapids (temp); Nov 12, 2017 & Jul 29, 2018
    5) Buck Creek; Lyons, MI, Alztimers Dean Barker Invitational Jun 24, 2018
    6) Heritage Farm; NC, Apr 20, 2019
    7) Ramcat Ridge; NC, Apr 21, 2019.
    8) Nash Park; Livonia, MI (11/25/22) - pulled before course could be listed
    9) Fairlane East; Dearborn, MI (7/25/24)
    10) Camp Dearborn; Milford, MI (8/17/24)

    DGCR members I've had the pleasure to play with: 83
    AKormendi, anthonyippi, Apathetic, apdrvya, Archetype, ArchonOfBogey, armiller, Bgso, blazerico, BrotherDave, Central Scrutinizer, chrissauls, CKR-JK, Connor Jones, Corrack, culinarywiz, Curveball4, DavidSauls, disc flyer, disc_b0k, donnyv, Eco81, ejvogie, esdubya, Fab Man, fishmich, Fourbadboyz, fullnelson, FredV, Future_Primitive, Gflap, glassila, GMcAtee, Goatman, Gonnagal, Horsman, InnocentCrook, Jay Dub, Jaysauls, Jimb, Jukeshoe, keith johnson, King Griplock, markmanchette, mball1684, MGoDisc, monocacy, mr.smOOOth, MrFixIt, MtrCty5, Mushin No Shin, Nick Pacific, Noill Golf, notapro, notroman, PwEmc, Ripper, riverdog, roadtripstuff, Rod Angel, Ronmfjacobs, rshrevo, ru4por, RUSSELL, shuie, sidewinder22, sjberry2017, somerbuch, steven2361, swatso, Sisyphus, tallpaul, tbird888, THE GOV'NA, The Shide, The Valkyrie Kid, Three Putt, timg, tistoude, VeeAreSix, ViolaBouquet, warstar011, zgmc

    DGCR members I've had the pleasure to meet (but not play with): 36
    1978, AikoAdam, Bill at Flip, BillyBoy, Bowers, Craftsman, crazypep, discinboogs, discpicable, dusty5150, ekauserud, E-man, hkb1950, Hognosesucker, holly7845, Innovadude, ItsSteve5, jfrosty42, jjtwinnova, Jmo17591, Juliusdacat, KenTyburski, Mashnut, Martin Dewgarita, Old Bassman, PMcBeth, redrum, Roc-n-KC, SemperFly, sgamerp, Technohic, TedS36486, TheChimchim, TheWCG, Treeman, Weeman


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    Bogey, saw you mentioned knee issues. Haven't seen you say what you are dealing with, but I've been there and done that. Scopes and injections. Finally replaced the left knee in '14 & the right in '18.

    Hope you are able to manage your issues. Feel free to if you want to discuss.
    Thank you so much for the information! I went to South Kingston (Connor Corner School) yesterday and was underwhelmed. If I drive that far again, I definitely want it to be worth my time! Appreciate the heads up for 501, I definitely need a little more conditioning before trying to tackle courses with extreme elevation! I was reading about Willow Valley and it sounds fantastic! Playing Maple Hill will be a dream for me! Can't wait!! Thanks again! You sound great, good to hear from you! :)
    Hey BNM, you might not remember me my alter ego is U_Niced_Me I'm locked out of my account tho and started a new one. I'm working in Providence RI this summer and saw you left a review on a course near here. I of course want to hit up Maple Hill but I'm looking for good courses I can hit up during the week. Any recommends?
    No sweat Bogey! Timing is probably better this winter anyway as I haven't had much time this summer to keep up with the course. Going back into the office seriously cut down on course time. We're doing some work days now and I expect I should have the new "Gold" layout complete within the next month or so. MIGHT even have a handful of teepads poured by then!
    You'd fit right in!

    Suit yourself, though.

    It's the blatant homoeroticism of phantasy phootball menz, isn't it? :| :|

    *runs and hides*
    I know we've asked you before, but any interest in joining the phantasy phootball phun this year?

    Who DOESN'T need moar phantasy menz in their weekly lives? :|
    Appreciate the info. I knew I wasn't going to get out there once that first date was mixed up by my spousal unit. :D
    Hey, I just stole your "about me quote" and stuck it on my friends Facebook as a birthday wish haha.

    It's all designed to blow our minds

    Yeah that's 7... keep doing what you are doin.
    And. Don't. Turn. Around.
    Bogey, thanks for your kind words about my new review in the First Trusted Reviewer thread! I was encouraged, and it's good to know that my effort was appreciated.
    hey man, all the best to your mom. i'm not of any faith but my family will pray for her!
    cheers, brother!
    You can use an image hosting site (like Photobucket or Imgur). But I think the easier method is to attach the file when you post. Note: this requires using the "Post Reply" option rather than "Quick Reply."

    1) Save the desired image on your device.
    2) when you click "Post Reply" scroll down and open the Manage Attachments. Then attach up to three files.
    3) Go back to the text field and add any text that you want. DGCR requires at least four characters of text.
    4) Hit "Submit Reply."the files will appear in your post is thumbnails that people can enlarge.

    If you want imbed the images, you need to click each image and save the URL. Then edited your post and imbed using the Image button and the URL for each individual image. In essence, this method uses DGCR is the image hosting site.
    Bogey - what's the process you use to add how a photo into a forum thread? (the last time I tried it didn't work) Do you use Photobucket?
    Hey Bogz :)

    Not Dead, and looking forward to a most excellent 2020

    U been busy exploring new DGCs... Proud of ya!
    A day early, or a day late....I'll be working on the 23rd. Hate to miss out. I've got another brother who lives next door to Crooked Creek, who might join you.


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