Kärsämäki, Finland

Frosterus School Frisbee Golf

Permanent course
05(based on 0 reviews)
2333 ft. Metric
Mostly Flat
Moderately Wooded
9 Holes
9 Baskets

Frosterus School Frisbee Golf

Course conditions:

  • Unplayable
  • Bad
  • Decent
  • Good
  • Perfect

Course serves both school students and other frisbee golf enthusiasts in Kärsämäki. The forest trail is great for beginners, thanks to their short hole lengths. However, there are a lot of different lines in the track, so the challenge is also for more experienced players.

Year established: 2015
Multiple Tees / Pins: No / No
Par Info: 27
DGCR SSE: [ ? ] 22.7
Rounds Recorded / Average Score: -- / -- -- / --
Tee Type: Concrete
Hole Type: DISCatcher
Discs lost: 0
Misc. info.:
very cart friendly


Local Directions:

Please see Map Location.

Latitude / Longitude:
63.9775, 25.7732 degree