  • Courses 635
    Countries Played 1
    States Played 13
    You miss 100% of the putts you don't take. I miss 100% of the putts I take.
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    May 11
    Years Playing
    20.7 Years
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    584 / 2.38 star(s)
    Voting Record
    74515 119
    Updated Course Conditions


    Shout-out to the members of my 3-time club: _-dut-_ (9x), Thomashasfun (5x), chain-addicted (5x), BrotherDave (4x), asu225 (4x), Sparkles (3x), Dave242 (3x), BENFTS (3x).

    Other info

    A few random things about my ratings:
    - These are my ratings alone. Every has their own preferences. There will be courses I like that you don't and there will be courses you like that I don't. Play what you like and rate courses how you see fit.
    - All courses are compared to each other in the overall scale of ratings. In theory, most courses achieve, or come pretty close to achieving their ultimate quality, or who they're appealing to. In other words, being 'beginner friendly' is not a reason to boost a course's rating. I've played school courses and/or short pitch-n-putt courses that could not be any better due to certain limitations - terrain, available space, skill level its appealing to, etc. In a vacuum, that course is as perfect as its going to get, so in that sense it's a perfect course. Because we don't live in vacuums, that course is going to get compared to every course, which is why perfectly good courses I've played are going to get a lower rating. Conversely, there are certain courses I've played, that if I was rating solely on fun factor (or in a vacuum), it would get a lower rating. Overall though, when compared to all courses, and taking out personal feelings, they've ended up with higher ratings than I think would be merited if it were solely a subjective rating. So, in the end, more challenging courses will usually get rated higher and shorter, easier; more beginner friendly courses will usually get rated lower. Simple as that.
    - The biggest factor I use in rating a course is difficulty/overall quality. A course's challenge is really the only thing that goings to make a person want to play a course over and over, or never again. Look at my highest rated courses, they're the most challenging courses I've played. The highest rated courses should challenge even the best of players. Champion-caliber courses are champion caliber courses. Even if they destroy me, I'll recognize quality when I see it. A lower rated course may still be a good, or enjoyable course, it's just not as difficult.
    - If I'm stuck between 2 ratings, I'll go with the higher rating.
    - I can be overly critical of course flaws, particularly when I see potential for it to be even better. If and when changes are made, I'll adjust my rating accordingly.
    - Amenities are nice, but they're a small part of the equation, and can only help a course's rating so much. They may improve or hurt a course's rating by a half if they're really good or bad. In the end, it comes down to the course and how it plays; hence the rating should reflect this.
    - I make sure to separate my personal feelings about a course versus the rating I feel it deserves. For example, I love playing Park Circle in North Charleston, SC or Timmons Park in Greenville, SC. They're two of my favorites, but they're neither difficult nor elite caliber. And as such, I reflect that in my ratings.
    - As I play and review more courses, I will adjust some of my ratings if I see fit. A course I originally may have thought was really good or unique may not appear so as I have more courses to compare it to.
    - As much as I like my hometown courses, I'll be the first to admit when other courses are better.
    - There is no "set-in-stone" rule that I abide by. For example, concrete tees are best, but sometimes a dirt tee is better for the course layout - more natural feel, etc.


    Favorite "fun-factor" courses. These courses have that special something, that have me hooked no matter what I shoot. These are the courses I'd give a 5.0 for fun factor.
    1. Harmon Hills (Fall Branch, TN)
    2. High Country (Jefferson, NC)
    3. Sugaree (Linville, NC) - RIP
    4. Timmons Park (Greenville, SC)
    5. Pipeline (Spartanburg, SC)
    6. Brackett's Bluff old layout (Davidson, NC) - RIP
    7. Neatman Creek (Germantown, NC)
    8. IDGC - Steady Ed Headrick Memorial (Appling, GA)
    9. Mountain Lake (Pembroke, VA)
    10. Fox Chase (Albemarle, NC)

    Don't judge a book by its cover. These courses may not be the most aesthetically pleasing, or have other negatives (bad neighborhood, crime, etc), but they're solid courses nonetheless.
    1. Renaissance Park (Charlotte, NC) - it's built on a landfill. Enough said
    2. Morningside Park (Knoxville, TN)
    3. Kiwanis DGC (Staunton, VA)
    4. Dillon Park (Sumter, SC)
    5. Rankin Lake DGC (Gastonia, NC)
    6. Greenwood Park (Greenwood, SC)
    7. Sugaw Creek Park (Charlotte, NC)
    8. Jim Barnett Park (Winchester, VA)

    Best 9-hole courses I've played:
    1. Park Circle (Charleston, SC)
    2. Steele Creek (Bristol, TN)
    3. Royston DGC (Royston, GA)
    4. Hagood Mill DGC (Pickens, SC)
    5. Eagle Landing (Hanahan, SC) - RIP
    6. Mint Hill Park (Mint Hill, NC)
    7. Shaw AFB (Sumter, SC)
    8. Warriors Run DGC (Pawley's Island, SC)
    9. Sherwood Forest (Conway, SC) - the best kid friendly course I've played.
    10. Hampton Park Baptist Church (Greenville, SC)

    Courses I've played that I wish were closer:
    1. IDGC - all three courses (Appling, GA)
    2. Harmon Hills (Fall Branch, TN)
    3. Sugaree (Linville, NC)
    4. Mountain Lake (Pembroke, VA)
    5. Timmons Park (Greenville, SC)
    6. Idlewild Park (Burlington, KY)
    7. New Quarter Park (Williamsburg, VA)
    8. Langley Pond (Burnettown, SC)
    9. High Country (Jefferson, NC)
    10. Pipeline (Spartanburg, SC)

    My one-hit wonders (courses I've only played once, but can't wait to play again)
    1. Harmon Hills (Fall Branch, TN)
    2. IDGC - WR Jackson Memorial (Appling, GA)
    3. Mountain Lake DGC (Pembroke, VA)
    4. Langley Pond (Burnettown, SC)
    5. Idlewild DGC (Burlington, KY)
    6. Panther Creek State Park (Morristown, TN)
    7. Stoney Hill (Newberry, SC)
    8. Grand Central Station (Central, SC)
    9. SOAC (Bowman, SC)
    10. Rolling Pines (Wilkesboro, NC)

    My most underrated courses:
    (This could mean they're: 1. out of the way, so they're lightly played; 2. get lost in the shadow of other nearby courses; 3. an average course (in terms of ratings) but are still fun plays.
    1. Chester State Park (Chester, SC)
    2. Stumpy Creek (Mooresville, NC)
    3. Jackson Park (Hendersonville, NC)
    4. Goose Landing (Richfield, NC) & City Lake Park (Albemarle, NC)
    5. Goyne Park (Chester, VA)
    6. Columbia International (Columbia, SC)
    7. Garden Grove (Pleasant Garden, NC)
    8. Tommy Schumpert Park (Knoxville, TN)
    9. Potter's Grove (Seagrove, NC)
    10. Shoally Creek (Boiling Springs, SC)

    Career Aces
    Kilborne #13 - 285 feet
    Elon Eager Beaver #13 - 220 feet
    Richmond Hill #2 - 219 feet - 6/6/10
    Lowell Elementary School #9 - 145 feet - 7/29/10
    Elon Park Eager Beaver #17 - 247 feet - 7/4/14
    Mars Bluff #3 - 95 feet - 4/1/18
    York Preparatory Academy #3 - 97 feet - 7/12/19


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    oh yeah, i also meant to ask how do you vote on practice area reviews? i didn't think you could do that
    i figured someone would read my random Nebraska reviews eventually. thanks for all the thumbs!
    hello disc golf craig,
    I am responding to your review for laurens county Park. I did design this course and no I am not a disc golfer. so your review is very well taken. I am a Parks and Rec Director who must try to do the best he can we installed this course many many years ago. After many many attempts to have a disc golfer design it and offering the opportunity for anyone i saw playing once we installed to redesign there were plenty of interest but no commitment. so i am asking you in your infinite wisdom and expertise. If you would like you are welcome to come lay out a course including a back 9 and we will install it. we have over 70 acres and 2 mile walking trail through the woods. Where that long walk back to your car can be a pleasurable 9 more holes.through the nice cool shade of a natural forest. my cell is 864-580-0576 my name is Andy Howard. contact me anytime.
    It was my pleasure to just give your 3000th Helpful vote! Well done, good sir, and well deserved. You are my number one go-to reviewer, especially for South Carolina. I know you will keep those great reviews coming.
    Hi Craig. I added some pix today to showcase all our SC dg courses. I played it last August. It's a poor area to have to have to design a course. But it's 9 pro 18 targets that hopefully will introduce students & new players to the sport. And, maybe they will seek better layouts to play. As far as using existing other areas...I have to hope & think that the designer was restricted to just that area. I do not know who that is or I would ask.
    I would just call it a beginner friendly, open, very short course. Pix tell the story. Pros/Advanced players can decide whether to play there.
    I am pro dg. I reframe from bashing courses.
    Pisgua Park is near by. That's an interesting one. I do know the details on that one.
    Red Bank Elem, I designed that one...for the kids, not pros or advanced players.
    IMO it hurts dg when reviewers only review from pro/advanced player viewpoints.
    Hope you understand my viewpoint. ab
    I'd love for a new updated review. Next time you are here, hit up the course. You'll enjoy it better than last time! Play from the blue tees!
    Hey man! Hope your Christmas and New Year were great. The school course is now a full 18. There will be two layouts. So many of the existing tees will be removed to make two distinct layouts. I just wanted to let you know just in case you hadn't had the chance of playing the new layout. Layout A as I'm calling it is currently marked with yellow stakes. We are working on updating the signs. I'd be interested to see your rating for the full 18. Happy chuckin'
    Thanks for reviewing the Firecracker. As much as being the course designer and not wanting to agree with what or all you said...I can agree and appreciate the sincerity of your review. We are working on a full 18 layout and moving to only an Firecracker A layout and a B layout. That's not to say it will be one average player layout and a kid friendly layout. TBH, the course has not been utilized much by our school during school hours. But I have high hopes to have a disc golf club next year. It has been a process and family life doesn't make that easier. I have had plenty of kids come through the school and grow up to very much enjoy disc golf, one that I play disc golf with often. Your review was unbiased and honest. I may not agree with a rating of 2 (I'm a solid 3 on my course...but biased) however I can respect it.
    Thanks so much for the kind words on the First Diamond Trusted Reviewer thread!
    (That was my first post in 1.5 years.)
    Hi there! I just posted a review of Reedy Creek. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
    Great achievement to get to 2000 Helpful votes! I guess that makes you a "Double Diamond" reviewer or maybe "Platinum Diamond". Keep posting more of your great reviews!
    Thanks for the review of dacusville elementary course. My co-worker and I have put 100s of hours in on the course hoping it will be the best school course in the country. We are only 1/2 way done but opened it to get traffic on the course to hopefully clear it up more. It should be much better by next summer. We worked every week on it last year and will continue this year.
    Hole 16 needs too be relocated add requested from the school district. Too steep. Its ok because we have the land. Please come check it out next summer if you get a chance.
    Next time you get a chance to come out to Winget Park, The Ruins, I think it would be nice to meet you and play a round.
    Just let me know. I usually play there everyday and at least once on the weekend if I'm not somewhere else playing.

    Dickie B.
    Thanks craig, i have played a ton and just signed up. to post on the forums. Play nashville and bowling green ky.
    That sucks man. Merry Christmas! Anyway, can you tell me more about Bracket's Bluff? Any extreme elevation or other interesting holes?


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