*Ratings Philosophy*
Ultimately, when rating a course, I try to give the numeric rating that best corresponds to the DGCR adjective for that number (e.g. 1.0 means a "Poor" course, 3.5 means a "Very Good" course, etc.). The single biggest factor in determining that, for me, is the quality of the throwing lines. The excitement, difficulty of choice, and fairness of the gameplay are most important, because I think that is the core of the sport. Practically, this means that maintenance, amenities, and navigation will be slightly de-emphasized unless they impede my ability to play all the holes of the course with fair conditions.
I have no formula, but I compile a list of every course I've played from best to worst, stratified by quarter point ratings. As a rule, if on the fence, the rating goes inwards toward 2.5. Having indiscriminately played over 200 courses, I assume I have a decent random sample of courses, so the ratings should generally have a normal curve centered at the middle, "Typical." I don't assign ratings based on the curve, but from time to time I check the curve to make sure I'm not terribly skewed. Overall, this means that I tend to rate lower than other reviewers, since most reviewers have a curve that is very heavily weighted above the midpoint of the DGCR ratings scale. I generally review my courses based on the order I played them in, but will make exceptions.
*Bagging Philosophy*
When people ask me why I play so many courses, I usually tell them two things. First, I love to be outdoors. I love to place myself in various natural environments, and throwing discs allows me to experience terrain in a different way, to see a landscape in relation to a moving, flying object, thus offering a different perspective on the beauty of that environment. Second, I love to explore the world. Yes, I drive hours to play courses--because on the way I get to see something new, something that I haven't experienced before, and that broadens my mind to have a fuller appreciation for life, nature, and civilization.
I've decided that, for those interested, I'll just make my master list of courses from best to worst available at this link. There are some minor discrepancies in ratings on the sheet, but it's close enough for me.
Thanks for the props on my reviews! I love this game and DGCR is such a terrific site for researching courses to play. I see in your profile that you've played a LOT of courses in a relatively short time. You've got the fever!
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