Carbondale, IL

Giant City School DGC

0.55(based on 1 reviews)
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Giant City School DGC reviews

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Experience: 16.5 years 667 played 206 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Giant City is a giant mistake

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 24, 2024 Played the course:once


The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and the dinky course at Giant City School is indicative of good intentions that were unrealized.

The original course has already been altered, but seven baskets (and eight playable holes) remain as of July 2024, though additional construction could threaten a few of the holes and the course's existence.

Holes #3 through #6 play on a nice lawn that allow the most room to throw.

The holes are of a reasonable distance for an elementary school audience as none of the holes appeared to be over 200 feet.

The Patriot baskets seemed in good condition and caught well.


The cons are significant and concerning at Giant City for a course this small. First, Hole #1 no longer exists and appears to have been replaced by a parking lot. When I played there last month, there was some construction being done in the fairway of Hole #2, so I skipped that hole. And some construction near Holes #8 and #9 might threaten the future existence of those holes.

Also, several of the holes play near areas that might not be safe, especially regarding errant throws. Hole #7 plays near a maintenance building and baseball backstop and over a paved walking path. The basket for Hole #8 is near a fence that protects a residential yard and the fairway runs parallel to a trafficked road. Hole #9 is squeezed between two fences and the fairway isn't much more than the aforementioned walking path.

The basket for Hole #7 is also used for Hole #9, which requires some awkward backtracking to complete.

The teepads are grass and unmarked, which prompted me to throw from near the previous basket or guess the location from the UDisc map. There was barely an indication of one teepad per hole, let alone shorts and longs, as the scorecard incorrectly says.

Other Thoughts:

Giant City School was a giant mess. The four holes near the grassy area were nice but wide open and not too interesting. The course doesn't appear to get much play and I wouldn't be surprised to see a few of the baskets pulled and the layout downgraded to a "practice area" in the near future.
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