I don't know why I thought you were in Rochester. Red Rocks is a bit far for me now, but I am moving to Boulder at the end of the summer. Sorry about the confusion, but I'll look you up when I get out there. I'll be looking to meet some local DG'ers quickly.
Hey, I just wanted to clarify that I was neither agreeing nor disagreeing with you about the Civil War being fought over slavery, just trying to point out that complex historical events are hard to boil down to singular factors. But even an idiot can see that slavery was the most important factor.
You should watch your generalizing though, it doesn't help your arguments.
We are slow right now. We have not done too much advertising. We will pick it up in a few weeks or so. We plan to talk to Mile High after they have theirs this weekend and after some of the Buzz for the JRM dies down. We are putting signage out on the course soon. Tell anyone who wants to come. It is a very beginner friendly tournament. The more the better.
We'll be getting stuff up for the ace race within the next two weeks. I'll let you know when the pre registration hits the web, I get the feeling it'll be filling quickly.
Yeah, man I love that book, well the series. Started it in 8th grade. took me till this summer (6 years) because of school and everything. plus I read a few others in there too, The Stand being one. Such a great series
My biggest problem on message boards is watching people torture the concept of logic and reason. I just cant believe some of the things they say. I cant help but respond. And i should be ashamed but sometimes its fun picking on someone who is less intelligent, especially when they are a racist idiot
Excuse me!! I guess the discrimination that my ancestors went through doesn't matter to you because we are white. THAT is a racist statement if I have ever heard one
he reinterprets what you say, and then calls his OWN statement racist, trying to attribute it to you. OMG man this **** is funny
I uploaded those pics that I took today. Nice playing with you this afternoon. Somehow I missed hole 3 and 7 so if you are out with a camera take some pics. If you are interested in coming to doubles, we start at the Brighton course at 6:15pm on Monday nights. $5 buy in and ace pool.
You sound pretty encouraging about my ability to play in a tourney. I'm not often a big scorekeeper and will often times take a few putts if I miss, but I played it straight for 18 at RR a couple of weeks ago and was -1 for the round. I'm not sure what I've got going on Saturday, but I'd like to check out a new course...I'll have to check w/ the GF and get back to ya.