the1DiscChallenge ITB

I would suggest the Orion LF in Millenium Standard plastic vs a Pro Thunderbird. Orion LF has a bit more glide and a bit straighter with a nice drifty finish, probably between a standard Thunderbird and Valkyrie. Thunderbirds need a little beating in before the glide kicks in.

My K1 Rekos are dead straight (with a slight finish if I give them height), and the K3s fly a little more OS, but beat in faster. I think you may have gotten a mutant for your premium plastic Reko.

A K1 Svea might be a good slightly US mid for you if you don't mind dome (dome is king). The svea has been compared to a Fuse in the past. Also if you pick up a K3, they get real US and can do some hard turnovers that you don't want to fade out. K3 is my US utility disc.
The comparison to the R-Pro Rhyno may be a little hyperbolized, but not by much (I could have also gotten a straighter Rhyno, my sample size is 1 haha). My K1s remind me of a fresh JK-Aviar or a Wizard in stability. I'm definitely going to keep giving my K3s a try since I'm admittedly not the most consistent player, but I just found if I tried to power them up or down, they act differently than I expect them to.

I was also wondering if anyone would recommend the OLF since I know it's a fan favorite and gets a lot of love on DGCR. Isn't the standard like a DX type plastic? I know it's baseline, but not sure if their baseline is more the DX type plastic or the i-blend/pro type plastic.
Way back when, I got an X-out CE Valkyrie that was beefy. Shouldn't have sold it, but hindsight is always 20/20. Are Pro Thunderbirds fairly easy to find? And do you know which runs/plastics of Valkyries might be a little more OS? The one I have is 171g champion and a fair bit older, so a brand new max weight Champ one might do the trick.

infinite has a couple Pro Thunderbirds and the Innova Pro Shop has them available too. GStar flies pretty good as well

I'd agree max weight Champ Valkyrie would be your safest bet for OS but I can't say for certain. I've only thrown DX Valks so I'd have to consult the Valkyrie thread
The comparison to the R-Pro Rhyno may be a little hyperbolized, but not by much (I could have also gotten a straighter Rhyno, my sample size is 1 haha). My K1s remind me of a fresh JK-Aviar or a Wizard in stability. I'm definitely going to keep giving my K3s a try since I'm admittedly not the most consistent player, but I just found if I tried to power them up or down, they act differently than I expect them to.

I was also wondering if anyone would recommend the OLF since I know it's a fan favorite and gets a lot of love on DGCR. Isn't the standard like a DX type plastic? I know it's baseline, but not sure if their baseline is more the DX type plastic or the i-blend/pro type plastic.
Millennium Standard is more like an I-blend. Current runs remind me of a middle ground between Star and Pro plastic. Admittedly, I have not tried the Sirius Plastic much, but it seems to be the preference of most throwers on DGCR.
Got out to play at Heistand today and brought a 5-disc bag to try some stuff out. Stopped by the local shop and picked up a firm Voodoo and a Halo Valkyrie after doing a little bit of research and feeling discs. The Voodoo is amazing because the structure of the disc is firm, but the plastic not slick like some of the older runs of firm/medium were.

The 5 discs were the Voodoo, Star Jay, beat-in StarTeebird, old Champ Valkyrie, and Halo Valkyrie.

The Voodoo resembles the hand feel of the Reko, but is a little deeper and straighter. For putting, it's definitely less glidey than the Rekos. I have a little more confidence in my putting than last year, so I've been putting it higher and putting a little harder so it's working out well for now.

Why are more people not throwing Halo Valkyries? They're amazingly versatile and for my arm speed and play style, it flies like how my Champion Leopard3 does: thrown with a little bit of hyzer, it'll flip up to flat and ride until the healthy fade kicks in. I was able to park a few 350-360 uphill shots as well as getting further down the fairway on a 520' ever-so-slightly downhill shot (with about 120' left), and got a 450' downhill shot to about 10-15'. Because it's a Valkyrie, it powers down well for the 350-60' range, and because it's Halo, it powers up well for the 400'+ shots.

TL;DR: focused today's round on just 5 discs/4 molds. Voodoo is underrated and Halo Valkyries are criminally underrated.
Still figuring a couple things out, but really feeling confident in my general set up. ORDB has been a subtle influence. Seeing page after page of a very similar bag set up has helped me to remember that more molds/new molds aren't the answer. If Barry, Philo, Innova Paul, and Climo throw Rocs and Teebirds, then darnit so should I.

–Picked up a QOLF recently and I'm not sure how it took me so long to throw this mold. I only got a couple throws with it, but its a little more OS than my Halo Valk. I'll have to get out and do a side-by-side comparison soon, but initial throws are promising.

–Minimized my midrange line up and I'm landing on champ Roc3s and DX Rocs. I threw a round this morning and threw 50% of my drives with a Roc.

–Still figuring out the putters a bit.
– I've been loving the Voodoo still off the tee. Flips up to flat and stays on a rope with a small finish at the end.

– The Rhynos have been working great, except I haven't been loving the champion plastic. Feels too chunky in the hand. The R-pro has been great, however. I know a lot of people don't like R-pro, but the one I have is more like JK pro plastic. Grippy, but not too floppy. On backhands, the r-pro will hold a hyzer well with a good finish, or hold straight if released flat with a good finish. I have noticed it doesn't want to fight out of anhyzers too well, especially on forehand.

– Might pick up a Toro to try to replace at least the champ Rhyno. I might have to concede reducing my putter molds and have a Toro/Rhyno/Voodoo set up. Not set on it though. I generally like slight OS discs for my OS slots (I know some people try to find the flattest stiffest FB and super OS runs of Zones and the like), and I'd like to stick with Innova/Infinite/Millennium if possible. Is the Rat worth giving a try? I like the flight of the Aviar X3, but not as much the hand feel.

–I'm also figuring out my distance drivers. I have a Wraith, a couple Graces, and a couple Destroyers I'm playing around with. Thinking about only carrying 2 max distance drivers (Wraith/Grace and Destroyer) since most of the courses I play aren't long. That and the OLF/Valkyries go so far and are close in distance for my arm speed.

Current core bag minus distance drivers:

2 Firebirds
3 Valkyries

2 Teebirds
Leopard 3

4 Rocs (2 Roc3, 2 DX Roc)

3 Voodoos
if you can afford it you could pick up both a Toro and Rat. I think Rat was supposed to be Innovas "Zone killer" but it just wasn't as overstable as intended from what I've read, whereas the Toro is rumored to be maybe even more OS than a Zone. Pretty sure Sexton bags a Rat so it's not a bad disc by any means.

One other option would be get a champ Toro and KC Pro Toro and you could try to beat in the KC pro to take your Rhyno slot if you really want to mold minimize
if you can afford it you could pick up both a Toro and Rat. I think Rat was supposed to be Innovas "Zone killer" but it just wasn't as overstable as intended from what I've read, whereas the Toro is rumored to be maybe even more OS than a Zone. Pretty sure Sexton bags a Rat so it's not a bad disc by any means.

One other option would be get a champ Toro and KC Pro Toro and you could try to beat in the KC pro to take your Rhyno slot if you really want to mold minimize
Probably a good idea. I sometimes try to narrow down which disc to try based on watching videos and consulting you all, but realistically I should just buy 2 and test them myself haha

I wish KC was a little less slick. I'd throw KC Rocs and Aviars, but I can't grip them. They slip out of my hand. Especially in the dry Wisconsin winter, they're unthrowable for me. Is newer KC really slick?
Probably a good idea. I sometimes try to narrow down which disc to try based on watching videos and consulting you all, but realistically I should just buy 2 and test them myself haha

I wish KC was a little less slick. I'd throw KC Rocs and Aviars, but I can't grip them. They slip out of my hand. Especially in the dry Wisconsin winter, they're unthrowable for me. Is newer KC really slick?

Haven't bought any KC for a year or so but I'd imagine it's pretty much the same feeling. Not hard to imagine it being tricky to use during the colder months
Played a quick round today and stopped in the local shop before hand. I found a used R-pro Pig in the bin and the owner was great and let me try it out for the round before buying. I think it's a really great compliment to the Rhyno. My Rhyno is getting a little beat in, so the LSS is getting straighter. The Pig just wants to go left on a similar throw. Also feels MUCH better on forehands, which is what I was hoping for.
a quick fic for KC Pro is to rough it up with some OO steel wool. Got the idea from ODRB and it worked pretty well for me.
Noticed some elbow pain the last few field sessions and rounds, so I'm taking a bit of time off. But in the meantime, I need some serious form work. I'm going to pick up a couple discs to toss that will be much easier to throw while I recover/build good form habits.

Thinking about a:

Comet or DX Roc
Star Leo3 or DX Teebird
Valkyrie or DX Beast

Any other recommendations? I'm not tied to any of these. Was thinking about maybe a Meteor or Tursas for a better hand-feel option mid, but the Comet is the textbook "teach you form" disc and the beaded feel doesn't bother me too much. Also maybe thinking about the River, Maul, Relay, or Stalker for fairways instead of the Leo3.
I'm definitely feeling age catch up with me.

I've really been enjoying Comets this year. They ensure I focus on clean form and good spin and not just trying to force the disc down the fairway. A fresh, 175+ Z Comet can still be pretty stable though. If you can find even a gently used one they really reward good form with straight flights.

And fresh DX Rocs are still pretty stable, but if you already have a cycle going they of course work great.

Star Leo3s are pretty stable, especially near max weight. DX Teebs are fun but don't last terribly long on wooded courses. If you're staying in the Innova family, the new IT in Champ/Star approaches DX Teeb levels of stability. Otherwise I've enjoyed some premium rivers, or just going way down to ~160g star/champ teebirds. Relay/Crave can be good, but they can also run pretty darn stable. I'd definitely drop some weight if you went with them. Used Stalkers can be fun as well.

Beyond speed 7? For me it's just whatever I have that's worn, lighter and flippy without being too fat rimmed. I'm partial to Valks. A lighter star for bombing and still a halo valk for when you need the stability.
Great thoughts, I might try to find a premium Comet and pair it with my beat up Roc for now. It's been years since I threw a River but I remember them being really fun. I'm also realizing that I should realistically be discing/stability-ing down because my current bag is all a little too OS for me. This will be helpful in the short and long term.
Started throwing lefty while my right arm takes a break. Current bag is something like this; mostly neutral to understable discs except for utility.


Teebird (beat in star)

2 Jays

KC Aviar
Bag has changed a bit, with a couple fun used-bin additions and some narrowing down in molds. With my left-handed throw coming along, I'm finding a lot of utility in lighter weights and DX plastic. I keep trying other mid molds, but ultimately keep coming back to Rocs. Might throw in a Roc3, but have been liking them for now. There's no reason why I shouldn't like the Jay, but it just doesn't click with me for whatever reason.

DX Beast– proving to be a great disc for my arm speed right now
Star Roadrunner– surprisingly overstable and works well for straight–hyzer shots

Teebirds– Champ is serving as my utility OS slot, and the star is straight-OS
FLX XL– a fun used bin find, flip up to flat straight shots
Star Leopard 3– had an old Z XL, but with the weather getting chillier, decided to retire it for the season

Rocs– Sanny star, and two DX

Aviar P&As
– two glow for putting and one halo nexus 40th Anniversary for throwing
Omega SS– this thing will never leave the bag, buttery smooth shots
Been thinking more about hand feel when throwing molds recently and have made some tweaks accordingly. Nothing huge. Also gaining more distance and have rotated some molds because of that.

champ Firebird
champ Valkyrie

i-blend Exodus
star Leo3

pl Quake
champ Roc3
DX Rocs

star Toro
DX Aviar3
SS Omega
glow and nexus Aviar P&As

- DX Beast is getting too flippy now for my arm and the Roadrunner I have is quite stable. The QOLF kicked it out for more wind resistance and for a mold with more OS options. QOLF/Valk combo is awesome

- I actually lost my Teebird recently, but realized in the last few months that I really don't like the hand feel of it so I'm not going to get another one. The 169g I-blend Exodus is a little too neutral for me like my Leo3 with a little more LSS, so I'm going to try out a couple 2 fairway combos. I love the Exodus mold, but would like a little more stability. Really liking the Leo3 though.

- The Quake is just such a good mold, especially with a little more distance I have now

- Got an Aviar 3. Decided that it fits my game better. I'll still throw a P&A off the tee, but the beat up Omega feels better in the hand and does a similar thing
Sadly haven't had any time to play at a real course in a while, but the field across from my apartment has been getting some use recently.

Toro/Omegas/Aviar P&As

The QOLF, Roc3s and Rocs, and Omegas have been the majority of my throwing. As I learn them more, I'm realizing how dang versatile they are. Learning angles has been a focus in the field recently and each of these molds has been doing very well on any angle I put them on.

Eventually, I'll probably cycle QOLFs and pick between the Vela and F2, but for now, it's a little congested. Picked up a fresh Vela that flies slightly less OS than I thought it would, but still nice and stable since it's new. The F2 surprised me a lot- it's like a slightly mellower Teebird rather than the Eagle flight that the numbers suggest. I really like both fairways and will keep them both in the bag for a while until I can figure them out. But will most likely be taking one out.
Only played a handful of times since last month with the holidays and too cold and/or windy weather. But I was able to get some field work in. I found a Buzzz in my bin that I haven't felt in a long time...a going away to college gift from a friend in 2012- a Ledgestone glow Buzzz. I'm sentimental and couldn't bring myself to sell it even when I haven't thrown the Buzzz in many years. Picked it up and it feels really good. Tested it against the Roc3 in the field and man, it feels and flies so was in my first ever bag (Wizard, Buzzz, Leopard, Beast, Wraith) and I'm not sure why I ever stopped throwing it.

3 QOLFs/ 1 Valk
1 Vela/ 2 Leo3s
Quake/ Buzzz/ 2 DX Rocs
Toro/ 3 Omegas/ 3 Aviar P&As