Here are the rims and the ink on the final 2..
based on the marking the blue might be a pro destroyer...?
Innova CFR discs include: ($20)
Champion Destroyers, Ch. Gators, Ch. Cros, Ch. Glow Wraith, Ch. Glow Orc, Ch. Teerex-X.
I got a $50 box, and along with the $5 certificate, I got...
175g Star Teebird (Captain America dye)
175g Soft Wizard
158g Star Vulcan
175g Champ Firebird
175g Champ Destroyer
What do you guys think? I ordered my box on November 29th.
I wouldn't be happy with that...that's only around $75 or with shipping, you got screwed too. :/
Those are good discs, don't get me wrong. But they should have thrown in two more.
where is the "i didnt buy one,just here for the lulz" option for the voting poll?
If everyone bitching in this thread spent their money getting the discs they actually throw in the exact weight and plastic they prefer, we'd have a lot more satisfied customers.
^ goldline pain