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College Corner, OH

Disctractions DGC

3.425(based on 32 reviews)
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Disctractions DGC reviews

2 5
Experience: 21.2 years 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A good distraction from the real world drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 25, 2022 Played the course:once


Very nice walk in the woods for an enjoyable round of disc golf. The natural canopy of trees provides shade and it is cooler in the woods especially on a hot summer day. Nice amenity for lodge guests and locals.


Baskets hard to see on some holes.
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9 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.2 years 36 played 36 reviews
1.00 star(s)

How is this mess so highly rated? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2022 Played the course:2-4 times


It's the closest "real" course to my house? (more of a con than a pro for me personally)

It does have concrete tee pads

It does have two sets of pin positions

Water and elevation are in play


I'd rather play my 9 hole home course than this poorly designed 27 hole mess

The teepads are short, cracking and crumbling in places and poorly positioned.

The two sets of tees don't really divide up by skill level. My wife played from the reds while I played the blues, thinking we'd have a roughly even contest. However, on at least 4 holes in the back 18, the reds are much harder (and even sometimes LONGER) than the blues.

Water is only in play on the front 9 if you're really bad.

The course doesn't loop back to the parking lot. Once you head out, plan on playing all 27 holes or walking forever to get back to your car.

The tee signs are the worst positioned I've ever seen anywhere. Not only are they on 4-6' high 4x4 posts, they're frequently located in a spot where you worry about slamming your hand into one. One is even located on a line between the tee and the basket!

The best baskets are original DisCatchers. And when I say original, I mean the original 18 that rolled off the assembly line! There are a mix of about 6 other name brand baskets and the rest look like they came from AliExpress or Wish.com. The chains on them don't catch for beans and the baskets themselves appear as though they'll solve the issue of their crappy quality by falling apart in the very near future.

Other Thoughts:

Disctractions is the type of course I hope my worst enemies will be playing in hell someday. The decision to make this a 27 hole course was a disaster. It forced compromises like wish.com baskets, a horrible 95' straight hole with no meaningful obstacles, and a layout that doesn't allow any option to return to your car. My only explanation for some of the other design choices is that the course must have been designed by people who hate disc golfers and want to see them suffer.

As an 18 hole course this piece of land would have potential, but in it's current configuration it's just not worth your time. If you're staying at Heuston Woods, the nationally known Mt. Airy course is less than an hour away. In just over an hour you can reach Caesar Ford in Xenia, Echo Valley in Springboro or (again, nationally famous) Idlewild. Even factoring in the couple hours of drive time, I promise you'll have a much better round at any of those courses that you will at this sad, frustrating mess. I live less than 10 minutes from this course and really wish it was better, but I've wanted to walk off both times I've played it, and will never return.
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13 0
Experience: 27.3 years 64 played 4 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Very technical but play in the shade! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 10, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


- Beautiful course
- Wooded, so it is challenging but provides plenty of shade
- Two tee pads per hole, creating two distinct layouts
- Red or Blue teepad - both offer their own challenges
- Lodge next to the course, this provides access to restrooms, and food and drinks.
- Concrete pads have been completed on all 27 holes
- Technical, requiring different shot selections
- Signage is very good throughout
- Benches provided on several holes
- Elevation changes
- Variety: Play 27 Blue, Play 27 Red, Play 1-9 Twice (once red then blue) to stay on the Lake side, play 10-27 if you want to reduce the elevation changes (access 10 by walking down the road away from the Lodge and it will be on the right)
- Active volunteer support, the park appreciates this and supports them.


- The falling leaves in the fall... =)
- Elevation... I know that was also a positive but sometimes it is not. =)
- Baskets are all permanent but since there is a variety, people try to blame that on why they missed a putt. Referring to the white Predator baskets which make up 4 of the 27 baskets.
- Trees - having to deal with them after a storm has came through can be annoying. Downed limbs or even whole trees.
- Hueston woods needs to add Disc Golf course to their park signage to help visitors find the course easier.
- The abundance of dead timber on the sides of some fairways makes going off fairway very rough.

Other Thoughts:

This course has a lot of potential! It is very fun, but you will be challenged, sometimes it feels like the trees are out to get you but sometimes they show love back with a great redirection.

I feel this course is well worth the trip but plan accordingly as playing 27 holes can take 3+ hours but it also allows for playing 9 holes while camping or staying in the lodge for a weekend, so keep that in mind.
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11 0
Experience: 10.4 years 121 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great potential 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 14, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


I played this course a few years ago before the additional holes were added. The locals have done a lot of work to make this a top notch course. Excellent tee signage, mostly concrete tees (some are awaiting installation). Thanks for all your hard work.


Several tee placements give you no lanes to throw to the basket. It looks like its still a work in progress, as more trees need removed. There are a number of "throw and pray" holes, as skill has little to do with missing all the trees. I don't remember the hole (Maybe 13), the red tee was only about 200 feet, but you had to throw a 100 ft layup, and then a 100 ft approach...having such an extreme dogleg gives you no options to get it close from the tee. One hole towards the end had the tee throwing directly into the bushes...it was painted on the ground where the concrete is to be added...hopefully they will fix this.

Other Thoughts:

There is a mix of three different brands of baskets. The newest are the Predator baskets. Fortunately, these are the ones that don't have the cross-chains (which cause a high number of spitouts.
Usually the red tees are always the shortest. I found on several holes, the red tees are actually longer than the blue.
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7 3
Experience: 14.3 years 20 played 20 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Still not there 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Great course for a nature walk. It's in the woods, very scenic and plenty of variation. It's close to Oxford, easy to find. Baskets are good, concrete pads, etc. But...


This course, while having been improved lately, still suffers from the environment. As mentioned, many holes simply have no line to the basket. You are forced to throw in the general direction of the basket and hope you have a line. The look from A to B pads is very different but not any better. While I applaud the efforts, it still is not fun to play here. If it were possible, some trees could be removed to create lines to the baskets that would add challenge. This is the classic situation. While a disc golf course in the woods is cool, this is simply a course in the woods. It could be great but right now it's simply tiring.

Other Thoughts:

I don't know if it being a state park prevents the improvements that this course desperately needs but I'd like to see them happen. The course could be great but is not right now. It's not a question of hitting trees but of which tree to hit because you will hit trees.
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4 5
Experience: 10.7 years 38 played 13 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Glad to be DISCtracted!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 29, 2017 Played the course:once


Tee Conditions: Excellent (at time of play)
Tee Placement: Phenomenal (Very Challenging)
Tee Variations: Excellent

Course Ratings:

Course Conditions: Phenomenal
Course Design/layout: Excellent
Course Maintenance: Excellent
Course Cleanliness: Phenomenal

Hardware Ratings:

Catcher Basket Quality: Phenomenal
Catcher Basket Condition: Phenomenal
Catcher Basket Placement: Excellent
Catcher Basket Visibility: Very Good
Signage / Navigation: Very Good

Hole Information: Excellent
Next Tee signage: Excellent
Pathway Conditions: Excellent
Directions: Good
Parking / Access: Phenomenal


This course has a lot of potentials but currently, it is very technical. Looking for smooth lines or open drives this is not the place to go, and you will likely give the course a low rating.

Being a State Park where natural preservation is foremost, this is likely why there is a reluctance to cut trees. The undergrowth in peak growing season only adds to the difficulty.

If you don't mind a course that will help improve your skills and forces you to push yourself, then this course is an A+.

As another reviewer has mentioned, finding hole one is tricky.

Other Thoughts:

Shade: Phenomenal
Facilities: Excellent

Played once while on vacation had this course in the wishlist for three years. Wonderful course enjoyed the experience. Will return one day to throw again.
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3 1
Experience: 23.3 years 40 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Better Every Year 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 13, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


-Recently updated and clearly labeled navigation/signage
-More and more brush/trees being cleared out each year makes the course more playable but still difficult
-Challenging shots due to tight lines and narrow windows carved out between tree-lines.
-Mature trees and elevation changes
-Mowed fairways.
-A and B Tees
-More trash cans and less trash on the ground
-Baskets clearly marked with red paint.
-Shaded course keeps it on the cooler side all day long.


-Some Tee signs don't have yardage and a bit shoddy.
-Course is a constant work in progress, and its always changing gives it an inconsistent feel.
-There are bout 6-12 too many trees on most holes that, if removed, would transform it into a more reasonable (but still quite challenging) disc golf course.

Other Thoughts:

Thanks to all the hard work being done by those managing the course. I know you do it for no pay on your own time, so I truly appreciate the improvement of the course over the past few years.
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3 1
Experience: 314 played 10 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Disappointment 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 20, 2017 Played the course:once


Holes first couple holes


Holes 6-18

Other Thoughts:

On the first hole my mouth was watering, down hill, tight lines and good length. I really liked the course on the first 5 holes but starting on hole 6 it was putter hole after putter hole. (Except for hole 18) the course felt rushed and very little thought in to hole design. Property has potential but maybe a more expiereienced course designer could bring out that potential. I've seen a lot of changes were made to the course so I do give props to the guys doing the work, its not easy. However if you do it right the first time you will spend less time doing it and more time playing it.
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4 1
Experience: 18 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Much Better Lately 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2016 Played the course:2-4 times


There has been a lot of work done to this course this year. I had really thought it was a joke then. Following the first 6-7 tees, it looked like someone hastily finished the rest of the course and moved on to better things. The signage was poor, fairways were tight or nonexistent with some really nasty rough, and it was impossible to navigate the course without a map.
Now, the course looks so much better. The fairways are clear of much of the thorns, honeysuckle, and other weedy brush that made this course nearly unplayable. The additional baskets are awesome, and every hole as multiple tee pads so that two rounds feel like two different courses. Hank has done a real nice job!


Some of the baskets have absolutely no line from the pad. While I'm sure this is part of the design to make it difficult, some of the shots you are basically throwing a disc into a wall of trees hoping to get lucky enough not to hit one until it has traveled 150'.
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2 3
Experience: 8.3 years 9 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

course updated 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 27, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


The whole course has been cleared of honeysuckle/weeds so any mis throws are much easier to find and new lines to take that wrent possible before. Baskets have been painted orange so they are much easier to find from the tee. This course has been completely turned around since I last played it in May. #5 bastket moved to a rhbh hyzer. I talked to one of the designers heading the clean up and he informed me that they are adding alternate pin placements soon. If you didn't enjoy the course in the past because of the overgrowth, take a look at it now, you will be surprised.
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1 6
Experience: 37.5 years 11 played 2 reviews
5.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 28, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


Beautiful, challenging course. Tons of big beautiful trees. Lots of high risk/reward shots. This course will make you a better golfer by making you concentrate on hitting tight lines instead of just gripping and ripping it. Two tee pads and 2 pin locations for each hole. The course designer Hank (sweetee's disc golf) has poured his heart and soul into this course and it shows. Well worth the drive from wherever your coming from. Camping and the resort to stay in while there. Course maps available in the lodge.


The only con is that there aren't more courses like this one!

Other Thoughts:

One of my favoites. I'd put it up there with mt.airy and idlewild!
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10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 103 played 49 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A little slice of the Northwest, here in the Midwest 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2015 Played the course:once


If at the end end of the day, this course is anything, it is definitely hard. It's a technical, shot shaping master work , set on a resort, in the middle of the woods by a beautiful lake. Truly, I can't think of a better place to be playing disc golf. That's the summary. Now on to the specifics.

Targets - The baskets are new and catch wonderfully. no vandalism or rust happening on any of the beautifully placed targets yet.

Tee pads - there are two tee pads on most holes. There might even be two pads on every hole, but we only played from the A pads. All of the pads we played from were level, well thought out concrete launching areas for our disc golf pleasure.

Shots - From sweeping anhyzers, to giant, downhill hyzer shots, to tunnel bombs that require pinpoint accuracy, this course almost has it all. I love the idea that I can't just take a small bag to a course. You need everything you own for this place.

Signs - There are signs there, but not the best ones I have ever seen. However, there are signs that explain each shot and show you where the basket is relative to the hole. They could be better, but I am listing it as a pro, as they are there. There are also signs on every hole that show you where the next tee is. I see that other people say that navigation is tough on this course, and I don't find that to be the case. Snag a map at the cabin, and then follow the "next tee" signs around"

The x factors - Lots of elevation changes on the front nine, and some of the back. Maybe some of the most beautiful shots that I have ever seen. Old growth pine trees that stand as sentinels on many baskets.
It sits on a resort property and it's still free to play!


Finding the start of the course was harder than it should have been. Find the the little group of trees with basket 19 under it, and head into the woods from there. There needs to be a sign or announcement board or something there to show you where to go.

The signs need a lot of work. In some cases, the signs are hand drawn and don't really give a ton of information.

The course is rough in some places. I am assuming that the resort maintains a lot of the work. There were places on the back, in the woods, away from the walking trails where it looked like no one had been yet this year.

The course is in the middle of nowhere. It's interesting that this would be a con, but we thought about this as we were in the Cincy area playing; This course is a road trip for almost everyone that wants to play it. And because of that, I wonder if there are almost no locals that care for this course.

Other Thoughts:

This place is supposed to be 27 holes in the near future. I am super curious to see it get there. Because while this course is an hour and a half from where I live, I would totally drive there to play a lot.
to be super honest, I find this to be one of the better courses that I have played in Ohio. I don't hear it hyped up enough, but I really did love my experience here.
If you need a technical challenge, go here and play!
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6 0
Derek B
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 411 played 47 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Hueston, we don't have a problem 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 7, 2015 Played the course:once


1) Beautiful scenery
2) Elevation changes on front 9
3) Concrete tees
4) Ace runs
5) Foot bridges


1) Signage in certain areas
2) Navigation in certain areas
3) Repetitive at times from B tees

Other Thoughts:

Scenery: 4/5
Difficulty v Fun factor (5/5 is best mix): 3.25/5
Tees: 3.5/5
Signage: 2.5/5
Navigation: 3/5

Tip: As soon as you see the lodge, turn right at the first opportunity into the parking lot and stay to the far right of the lot. The practice basket is underneath some pine trees. You'll see where to go from there.

I played the B tees, which are the shorter tees, so my review is based upon the B tees only. When I go back, I will play the A tees and update my review accordingly.

The whole course plays in dense, mature forest. The first 7 holes are on incredible property. There are fairly significant elevation changes here. Hole 1 is probably one of my favorites. It plays downhill and you get a nice view of the lake in the background.

After hole 7, you cross the road and continue with hole 8 on the other side. The whole rest of the course is on this other side. The property isn't quite as impressive here...not as many elevation changes, and it plays away from the lake and the lodge. That said, it's still peaceful and gorgeous back in there.

The concrete tees are adequate, although I found myself at times wishing they were a little longer, but that's probably because I'm 6' 5". They should be just fine for a normal sized individual.

The tee signs started out being very uniform and consistent, with giant full color metal on poles with maps, tee numbers and distances, but started to degrade as I got further into the course. After I crossed the road, some tee signs consisted of a permanent marker on a wooden pole. Some signs had no distance. One thing that is consistent are the "Next Tee" signs that lead you to the next tee for both the A and the B tee. This was very helpful for navigation. That said, I still recommend bringing a course map because I noticed myself whirling around just looking for the Next Tee sign on occasion. As it turns out, bringing a course map was also helpful because on the map is a notice that "Holes 23-27 serve as holes 14-18 until phase 2 of the course is completed." I wouldn't have known that little fact and would've been very confused had I not had that map. They have handwritten the proper tee number next to the printed number on several of the signs, but it would've been confusing as hell without the map.

The course has a lot of ace runs for a densely wooded course. In tandem with this statement is the fact that many of the targets are straight ahead from the tee, which made the course feel repetitive at times. To its credit, even though the targets were straight ahead a lot of the time, you have to go around obstacles to get there, which create the illusion of a dog leg. There's still plenty of challenge for a beginner/intermediate player from these tees, which is the target audience for these tees. I can't wait to go back and play the A tees though, because it appears from the map that there are more turns from those tees.

I found myself wishing that they had been able to incorporate a couple of water holes. Holes 2 and 3 have their tees down by the water. I wish that at least one of those were reversed, with the target by the water. It's a shame that there's a giant lake right there, but it's not even a factor at all. Even so, it's still fun to play the way it is.

I gave the course an average of 3.25/5 over all the areas. I'll make it 3.5 just because I liked the setting so much and in anticipation of playing the A tees next time.
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3 0
Experience: 12.1 years 6 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Yeah Buddy! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2014 Played the course:once


I loved the layout and the fact that they did not remove many trees. Completely in the shade, great on a hot summer day. With a little tender care this can be an AWESOME place to play.


A little damp but expected after the rain we had and that the course is completely in the shade. After the 7th hole I think it was the postings for each hole was missing. The post was there so someone drew the path on the post.

Other Thoughts:

Ran into the guy that is taking care of the course. Nice guy very talkative. Seems passionate about making the course better. Says in a couple of months it will be more to his liking but still a ways to go. He wants to cut more but is not allowed.
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1 3
Eric troll Biscuits
Experience: 36.2 years 31 played 29 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Troll's Review 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Around Miami U. where they uninstalled a course recently..
18 holes
wooded and shaded
right in the park, by the lodge
it has it challenges, but nothing "disc fearing"
Neutral course, wont favor right of left handed players.


No mix up in the lay out, at all... just walking in the woods. No grass anything...

Other Thoughts:

If you've ever played with Hank, you should not be surprised by this 18 hole super wooded course he designed. I first met him in 1991 at Winton woods. Super beast, we watched him drive old scorpions across the baseball fields. He had great control too, and then, of course, he doesn't miss a putt
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3 0
Experience: 20.6 years 21 played 13 reviews
4.00 star(s)

DISCtractions DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 28, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


- Shaded course
- Well maintained
- New Baskets
- Challenging


- Fairways still need some work(other thoughts)

Other Thoughts:

I feel some of the fairways could be better defined. Some holes you don't have a clear line for a shot. I find myself shaping shots through the trees and either making it through, or hitting a tree and it is not a skill issue. It is simply some shots you have to make are unavailable due to one or two extra trees in the way. I do like that this course is designed for more technical skill than just bombing out drives, but a few cut down trees would make this course still very technically challenging while helping new players learn to use different shots and be rewarded for hitting proper lines. In my opinion a course should challenge pros or players of higher skill, while also having well defined fairways so that new players can learn properly what ways to throw and why. This only applies to a few holes as you can see the course designer(Hank) has put in a lot of work and this course shows it. Overall I gave the course a 4 because these issues are outweighed by the beauty, overall design, and just natural fun of the course. I have only played the A tees so far, but next time I get out I will be playing the B placements. I look foward to playing here in the future.
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2 0
Experience: 14.1 years 85 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Hueston woods still tweaking? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 10, 2012 Played the course:once


-Newer chainstar baskets
-Mature trees and elevation changes
-Concrete pads in excellent shape
-Offers a wide variety of shot selections
-Dual teepads for All types of players
-"Next tee" signs on nearly all holes


-Lots of trash around when i played.Trash buckets were full and were torn down or missing.
- Tee signs on holes 8-16 gone.(see other thoughts)
- Listed as 27 but only 18 playable.(see other thoughts)
-Chainstar baskets are difficult to see in the woods. Maybe the park could put flags on top for better visibility?

Other Thoughts:

There were no tee signs on holes 8-16. At first i thought they were vandalized, but the screws holding them on were missing too. it appears they were removed and being updated i guess. the teesigns on 17 and 18 were listed as holes 26 and 27.
I only played 18 holes because i couldn't find the other 9. it was only as I was leaving the area that i saw some Innova Discatchers in the woods north of the current course. I parked the car and investigated this area. it apprears they are not being used. there were no posts or signs and the teepads and baskets looked like they haven't seen any use for a while. there was a lot of debris in the fairways also. I'm not sure if this area will be incorporated into the other 18. i emailed the Cincinnati Disc golf club asking about it.
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2 2
Experience: 12.2 years 12 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Excellent course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 13, 2012 Played the course:once


-Great course in a beautiful state park.
-Multiple teepads and in great condition.
-Fairly well maintained, even in the fall.
-Well shaded course.
-challenging enough course to make it enjoyable.
-perfect way to spend a few hours while camping at Hueston Woods.
-lots of slopes


-little confusing finding hole at 8.
-needs more signs and images of the holes like a few of the early ones have.
-needs better signs for the second teepad
-needs holes with wider fairways and more variety

Other Thoughts:

This is an excellent course and while I was playing, I ran into the creator of the course and he was a very nice, enthusiastic, and informative man. He told me that there are big plans for the course, including maintenance and expanding the course to 27. He also told me that they are planning to create mutliple locations to switch baskets on each hole and they will change the basket placement twice in a day, which encourages multiple plays in one day.
I recommend to anyone at hueston woods, go to Miami University or live near the area. Great course
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Woods, Lake, College town: what’s not to like? 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 23, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


The Disctractions DGC in Hueston Woods state park is a challenging woods course near the lodge on Acton lake, featuring dual tee pads on every hole, of which 18 are established, and 9 more are in the works. For me (a Rec level player), the difference from the long tees to the shorter ones makes up 8 to 10 strokes per round, so there is enough variety to keep player of several skill levels interested. Most of the holes have been cleared well enough to establish a choice of realistic flight lines to the 'greens', and there is a good variety of left/right, uphill/down, and shorter/longer holes. Holes 1-7 play on the sloped lake side of the main driveway, and the rest are only a few steps across the road to the 8th tee. In all, a fairly well balanced course for the Intermediate disc golfer (plus or minus a division).

There are some ravines, particularly on holes 1-7, you want to avoid (and are deemed as OB during tournament play). You definitely want to avoid going long on #1, so the clearing has left a bit of a wall (fallen timber) as a backstop. I leave this as a positive because most higher level players seem to enjoy the challenge.

The flow of the course is relatively intuitive for the blue tees, but where needed, the course has 'next tee' signs. Even if some of the dual tee positions might make these a little confusing, following the fairly straightforward map will keep you on track for the finished 18. It looks like the nine holes being added are likely to go further into the woods between holes 8 and 9 (?), so there might be a little bit of confusion with some of the hole numbering during the transition.

Most elements of the infrastructure, such as bridges, etc., are excellent and solid, and there are trash receptacles (some need more frequent emptying) and benches scattered throughout the course. The best bench is behind the long tee on 3, overlooking the lake: a beautiful view!

The park, of course, has a huge variety of activities for the non-DG members of the family, from nature trails to horseback riding, a quality ball golf course, camping, and, of course, the lodge. Check the state park website for kid's classes, such as archery, and other events.


A very few of the 'fairways' aren't yet clear enough to really call 'em 'fair' (most folks have issues with the 18th not offering an obvious lane from the long tee, but there is also a 'U' shaped hole that seems to be going through some clearing which might make it more fun for a very clean and well thrown hyzer (rhbh) shot, in the near future.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fantastic course to play in the summer heat because it plays almost entirely in the shade.

"Disctractions" is only minutes outside of the (Miami University) college town of Oxford, OH, so there are some really nice places to go and enjoy your "19th hole". And with the college course being modified (in fact, temporarily closed) due to construction, it's the only game in town.
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1 5
Experience: 17.3 years 83 played 44 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Ohios Addison Oaks 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 25, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Excellent Wooded course, though some tees need better green signs, the scenery is gorgeous, the drives are nice and long with a few short ones, great view of the lake on the first few holes.


Need signs and pictures for the rest of the holes, like the first few do.

Other Thoughts:

Takes a while to drive to the lodge where the course is located, but worth it.
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