It's A Disc Golf Course
Course Ends Where It Begins
No Long Walks Between Holes
Ample Parking
Bathrooms and Soda Machines in Park
Park is Crowded
No Tee Pads
Some Tees Not Marked At All
Discs Can Get Lost Near Back of Park (Going over wall.)
Parking Lots Close to Some Baskets (Could hit parked cars.)
Other Thoughts:
Enter the park off of Hidden Pines Way near the intersection of Preisker Lane and turn left as you enter the park. Park in the first lot and the first tee will be towards Hidden Pines and play to the corner of the Hidden Pines and Preisker.
From here the next few holes were very easy to navigate; tee pads were marked near the previous basket, within eye shot, no long walks or wandering required. After hole four, everything goes downhill.
After playing hole four we glanced at our map and made our way to five. Unfortunately we were only able to locate the basket due to the missing tee sign. After searching for a bit we just made our own hole and continued on to six. Long story short there were a couple holes that had no pad, no sign, nothing at all to mark them, making it nearly impossible to navigate without a certain level of frustration.
Aside from the upkeep issues, the park also has crowd issues. Not only do the other park users walk in front of you, they seem to have no regard for what you are doing at all. Again, not only is this somewhat frustrating it is also very dangerous. I think it was hole six where a small boy ran out from behind the pines trees just after I released. We were freaking out. After it landed the kid, of course, proceeded to pick it up and start to run off with it. After retrieving the disc and holing out we make our way over to seven to find a group of gentlemen that were playing horseshoes, or something of that nature and rather than ask them to move we continued on to eight. From here navigation started to get a little easier with less signs missing and the layout started to make sense.
I would have to say that Preisker Park has seen better days. Did I enjoy the round? I could go either way really, but the course is definitely on the bottom of the list of courses I have played so far, and could use some work. Would I play it again? Probably not unless I was told they put it some hard work getting it back up to "par".<---Yeah I did it, used the lamest golf pun there is, what of it?