Thanks guys. Yeah for a while I wasn't sure how long it was going to take but I got there. There will be plenty more to come... shooting for silver now
Congratulations on becoming a bronze level trusted reviewer.. Only took you 46 Reviews to achieve it. not to bad!! i got mine in 31 but over many years.. Hope all is well see you in a few days.
I would recommend posting you Roadtrips depending on length. at least one to two weeks away. i usually do them a month ahead of time because some people don't go on the site all the time. but have some good feed back when they do.
yea, it would of been nice to hit up some of those courses!!! u just to hit up DGCR a bit more and post in the forums that your traveling, lost of people will give you tips about what courses are pulled or not to manicured not to mention someone to play with... Stay up bro and slay them courses i will see you in a week.