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Bryan, OH

Recreation Park

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3.615(based on 19 reviews)
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Recreation Park reviews

6 0
Experience: 11.1 years 71 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Hidden Decent Course with Shot Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


This course offers a large variety of shots. It is one of the best pros about this course. Most of the front 9 forces excellent height control or you must be able to throw rollers. The back nine is a welcome difference after playing the somewhat technical front nine. There are a few long holes that allow players to grip and rip but still must be aware of where the disc lands because there is still OB and trees to contend with.

I have been to a number of courses where I find myself using the same few discs because the holes don't force different tee shots. This course offers many shot types off the tee including, rollers, hyzers, anhyzers, hyzer flips, force flex shots, and most of the holes have multiple options.

Cement Pads

Practice Basket (although pretty low to the ground)

The back nine has all the same baskets (Chainstar)

Restrooms open during the season and a portable available during the off season.

In addition to the cement tees, two more sets of tees. One set being shorter/combined with cement tees and the other set being longer. Other than the 8 combined white/red tees, these alternate tees are natural. For the most part they are good for footing but after a heavy rain, a few of them can be slick.


Other than the 8 combined white/red tees, these alternate tees are natural. For the most part they are good for footing but after a heavy rain, a few of them can be slick.

The front nine has a few baskets that are Chainstars and the rest are older mach 3s. The mach 3s don't catch as good as other premier baskets I have played. It would be a welcomed upgrade to replace these baskets.

A few of the baskets are lower to the ground. they don't seem to be cemented into the ground which would explain some of the sink that has happened on a few of them.

A few of the holes can be unplayable (unplayable meaning that you have to skip it because there are pedestrians too close to the fairways) due to other park activities taking place such as soccer or flag football. This is not often but it does happen during the busy sports season.

What the course makes up in shot variety it lacks in elevation change. The course is flat.

Other Thoughts:

Hole 6 is something that many players don't like because it is challenging. I will take hole 6 at this course over a poke and hope wooded hole or wide open hole every time. The reward for throwing 2-3 good shots consecutively is very evident on hole 6.

The local leagues happen weekly and usually yield between 10-20 players.

There is a bit of a walk from 18 basket to hole 1 tee pad. This is unfortunate but is part of the design to use the park the best way the designers saw fit. I personally don't mind the walk but sometimes after a bad round no one likes to look in the distance and realize they have to walk over 500 feet back to the car.

The title of this review is hidden decent course because it is located right in the middle of Fort Wayne and Toledo. Unless you are from the area, most people venture to Toledo or Fort Wayne to play when they are up this way. I would say that this course is as enjoyable as any course in Toledo or Fort Wayne with the exception of maybe one course.
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2 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

The Best Around 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


This is the premier disc golf course in Northwest Ohio.
- Course is well designed with a nice flow of play
- Players of all levels can enjoy playing this course
- The variety of holes, requires different shot making skills
- Concrete tee pads
- Well maintained park with excellent facilities
- A practice basket has been installed near the No. 1 tee


- Front nine holes are a mixed variety of baskets
- Hole No. 6 can ruin your day
- 18 different holes provide very few chances for an ace

Other Thoughts:

With new concrete tee pads installed during the summer of 2018, the course deserves a higher over all average rating than it presently has.

It is a fun, yet challenging course, that is a cut above most other disc golf courses, and that enjoyment will draw you back, again and again.
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3 0
Experience: 37.1 years 28 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

wish it was a bit closer to home 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


the parks did a good job on this course.
design is good, tees are excellent. signage is above average, except finding going from 9 - 10 which plays in other half of the park.
when i first played, there was a wall on number 1 and the basket was on the other side of it, so you had to have a good accurate drive down past the left of the trees and stay from crossing the fence to the ball field, then go for the pin.

hole I believe maybe 6, under the pines , long, narrow ..very challenging hole.
It plays around the perimeter of the park, starting on the south west side. this where where the first 9 are played. the second 9 (east side of park) goes from right across the lot of the disc golf playing sign and goes a bit north, then back south with a nice chance through wide open field to let it fly, going back east again for decent length hole and working north along the and through the park and ending at the playground.


what can i say.. it is a nice course.
too bad 18 did not end where you start. however,, just a fun course.

Other Thoughts:

i like to talk to people when ever i play new course I am visiting.
I have been here a few times and each time the local people walking their dogs, and generally utilizing the park were extremely friendly and inviting and excited that people are using the park.
the only ones that did seem somewhat short was the league players that i bumped into the last time i was there., Again they were not unfriendly, but not as helpful as i would have been to a traveler.
I guess for me it is more social than for some.
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3 0
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Constant Improvement 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


New this summer are concrete tee launch pads on all 18 holes! They also replaced many of the signs making it even easier to find the basket, shorter/longer tee locations, and distance from each of them. Construction has also removed a few obstacles and troublesome trees making it feel more open in some places.


Big Green Monster on hole one has been removed, not sure if this is temporary or permanent. There are markings for a cross country course through the area so it could be just for that. Seasonal youth soccer fields may block the course in a couple spots making it risky to play on if people are present.

Other Thoughts:

The low canopies on several holes have encouraged me to throw more rollers and they have proven to be quite effective.
Other players here are usually very friendly, multiple times I have arrived alone to play and immediately was invited to play with another group.
It looks like the park management values disc golf and input from players as it continues to make improvements in the quality of the course.
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3 0
Experience: 12.4 years 45 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Worthwhile 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2017 Played the course:once


+ Multiple tees
+ Long if played from the red or blue tees
+ Mostly easy to figure out where to go next. Exceptions are from basket 1 to tee 2, and basket 9 to tee 10 - the worst of the two. The 10th tee is clear across the parking lot from the 9th basket.
+ Good signage
+ Sits in an ENORMOUS, gorgeous, well kept park.
+ Nice big map just to the right of the first tee


- I'll start with the big one for me. Nearly every single tee shot on the front 9, and some on the back have low tree ceilings. Enjoy rollers off the tee? 70% of the course? Then this course is for you! On the positive side, I got to work on my virtually non existent roller, and got it to a point I could rely on it. But I'm not a fan of walking up to tee after tee after tee and it requiring the same throw off the tee as the previous, let alone it being a roller. I personally like variety from hole to hole, and while rollers can be fun, and challenging I found it monotonous and tedious here. There *are* some opportunities to actually throw off the tee, especially on the back side of the course. But front is roller city, and not my thing.
- No real tee pads - just grass or dirt, with colored, circular markers flush with the ground.

Other Thoughts:

> The baskets seemed taller and narrower than what I am used to.
> I would consider this a course that is in the open, but with tons of trees. It is not "in the woods" at all.
> The last 4 or so holes are in an area with these humongous, old mature trees that at least still give you the opportunity to actually throw off of the tee. Those holes were my favorite part of the course, by far.
> Overall, it IS a good course. Actual tee pads would be great, but otherwise well worth playing. I just personally didn't care for roller city on the front 9. Others may love that...
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1 0
Experience: 13.2 years 19 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2017 Played the course:once


Loved the multiple tee pads, signage was very good, landscape was kept up nicely


Very open course not good for windy days, tee pads were hard to find on some holes

Other Thoughts:

We got there in the early afternoon and took our first shot on hole one before we decided it was way to windy to play there. We decided to go do some hiking in Fort Wayne and try to come back at the end of the day. We got back around 4:30 that afternoon and the conditions were much better. Beautiful grounds and fun place to play. Some of the tee pads could use little flags or something to make them a little easier to find. We never found the white tee for hole 18 so we just took a guess since the sun was going down quickly.
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2 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.6 years 158 played 27 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Roll On 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2014 Played the course:once


Recreation Park is a strong course that challenges some unique aspects of your disc golf game. The course's primary pro is that it uses the property available very well. The course is set on a very flat piece of land with occasional groves of pine trees. It makes use of the pine trees by playing along fairways that have ceilings at approximately ten to fifteen feet above the ground, at most, and have distances that make it impossible to reach the holes on the low line drives necessary. This is primarily true on the front nine. The back nine is a bit more open, with some true distance pumps.

The nice thing about this is that it tests new aspects of your game. As a player with a fairly strong roller game I dropped seven rollers off of the tee, six of them on the front nine if I remember correctly. These were low line drive rollers with my flippiest low speed driver, put down on the ground quickly to cover more ground than a line drive could. No other course that I have played has challenged me like this one did to utilize my roller game. Hole one, with its green monster, is also built as an ideal roller hole with the basket placement behind the wall and trees to the left of it making an air approach from the tee a matter of luck, but an approach on the ground a matter of skill.

As mentioned the back nine opens things up a bit. The holes on the back lack the ceilings of the front, but hold onto the distance necessary. A few of the holes are set up to play with enticing risk-reward gaps that challenge players appropriately: a wide open hyzer to 400 feet, or take the wide but challenging anhyzer for a near 500 foot flex shot that'll get you to the pin? All told some very nice shots on the back.


The first negative aspect of the course is the flatland play. There is no elevation in play, and no quirks on the greens to add any elevation to the putting game. Overall you will be throwing a lot of low straight shots on the course along the nicely mowed property.

Additionally the course lacks proper signage at times. The course does have scorecards out for players to take and use, however only certain teepads have tee signs. Most of the signs are set up on the longest layout listed, but others are set up on the mid or shorter tees. If a player intends to play a round entirely from the longest layout it is impossible to find a few of the long tees listed in the scorecards. It is possible that they simply are no longer in use at all anymore, and the scorecards simply haven't been altered to match.

The tees themselves are not concrete pads. They are dirt. In many cases this is not a negative, however this course does have very long holes which require a lot of driving power coming through the legs. Wearing a pair of hiking sneakers I definitely slipped more than a couple of times on the worn dirt surface in attempts to put a little more behind my hucks.

The course also has a very long walk from the 18th green to the 1st tee. The recommendation I have is parking at the area around holes 16/17 and putting that walk into the early portion of the round. Walking back to the car takes 5-10 minutes. Walking briskly as someone fit and with a friend likewise fit it took us 5 to get to the car. I can imagine it being a longer walk for many other golfers. It really is a bit excessive and could have been planned out a bit better.

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed my time on this course. It challenged unique aspects of my game, forced me to play some challenging up shots, and featured some neat shots overall. The green monster is, as has been mentioned, a nice feature. I wouldn't call the hole a "signature hole" and agree with the poster that said that there was not truly a "signature hole" on the course. It makes for a challenging and unique shot, but when you step up to the teepad you don't get the feeling that you're seeing something unique and incredible as you do on holes like Highbridge Gold 8, Idlewild 16, Winthrop 5, etc. But it is a neat feature.

It is also a relatively easy course to find, a fun play, and somewhere that was worth driving an hour and a half to check out. I had a fun day out there. I recommend playing it at least once, it gives you some insight into your own game, and makes for a nice afternoon.
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3 2
Experience: 32.6 years 16 played 16 reviews
4.00 star(s)

What a Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Championship caliber course!
Has multiple sets of tee's to cater to all levels of players.
Has a Big Green monster on Hole #1 very much like fenway park, very cool!
VARIETY! This course does not have repetition. If you have allot of thumbers & rollers you will do well.
Challenging! - If you like simple easy hyser shots all day this course is not for you.
If you whine like a little girl because a hole is to hard then don't come here, If you want to test your game and see how good you aren't... then come here.
Vending machines on many holes.
Course map, scorecards and take along maps.


Middle of nowhere - Not close to anything really. If you dont mind a drive then it's worth it.
A slight walk from #18 to hole #1
Can be confusing if you cant read or follow simple directions.

Other Thoughts:

I like how someone wrote in a previous review - "this course has no personal identity/nothing that sticks in your mind"
Really? How about the Big ass green monster wall on hole #1,

These guys have done a phenominal job with the park land they have been given. Not many shots play the same, allot of trick shots required off the tee, baskets placed to make them quite challenging.
I have played over 200 courses and this ranks in my top 10, if you are scared of a challenge then stay away!
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3 1
Experience: 27.2 years 82 played 5 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Average,lone ranger 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


well..its 18 holes..its the only 18 hole course within a 45 minute drive..if you like long holes you will love this course..if not the white tees are great but incredibly hard to find.


1.lack of elevation
2.crowded by other sports that seem to dominate the area.
4.natural tees,and front 9 has really old baskets that arent put together correctly.
5.this course has no personal identity/nothing that sticks in your mind
6.White tees arent documented on the course map
7.regular tees arent very beginner friendly

Other Thoughts:

this course is great if ur in the area and looking to play 18..otherwise there are 2,9 hole course close by that i personally like better..but hey its 18 holes right?
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1 0
Experience: 15.1 years 53 played 4 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Big Variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 14, 2011 Played the course:once


I liked the variety of the hole types on the course. I found the low tree cover tough on many of the holes. The course seemed quite well kept. The tees were pretty easy to find, especialy with the maps.


A couple of the baskets were hard to find and didn't seem to match the tee signs or maps very well. We didn't see the hole 1 basket until we finished putting into 8.

Some of the holes would have been intimidating to play if the park was busier (especially around socccer and baseball fields).

Other Thoughts:

I will go back to play the course again, even though it is an hour drive. I think it will be more fun knowing where the baskets are located.
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3 2
Experience: 27 years 62 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Something Different 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 29, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Great variety to the holes. Lots of different shot opportunities. Long holes as well as some short holes. Three different tee sets to play from adding even more variety. Park is well kept with bathrooms on site. Scorecards on site with a nice sign with a huge map. The red tees are well marked with nice tee signs.


Wet weather in the spring and fall create wet playing conditions due to drainage issues at the park. The white tees can be hard to find unless you have someone playing with you that knows where they are. Soccer in the spring and fall can be an issue as well as softball in the spring, baseball in the summer and flag football in the fall can create a problem with people in the fairways.

Other Thoughts:

I appreciate the effort that went into designing the course and as long as you can find times where there aren't a whole lot of other things going on at the park it is an overall fun course to play.
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2 2
Experience: 13 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Best course in the area 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 18, 2011 Played the course:once


1.Only 18 hole course within a hour
2.long wooded holes
3.great use of trees
4.nice tee signs ,and a huge map at the start of the course with scorecards
5.tape pointing you to the next tee
6.short and pro tees
7.#6 is epic unlike anything I have every played
8.most holes offer something different from the last
9.difficult and challenging
10.Very friendly locals


1.Layout can be confusing at times ,some locals had to point me the right way
(after nine walk back towards big map at the start of the course and cross street)
2.walk back from 18 is kinda long (not a problem for me but my be a issue for some )
3.#2's tee is hidden by a green box and I had trouble finding it (walk past 8's basket and shelter it's next to a green box)
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2 2
Experience: 14 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

New and improved 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 11, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


After playing the new layout with my brother ,
I was impressed with how much the course was improved by just moving things around just a little .
The walking paths are out of the way and theres no longer a risk of hitting cars/people .
The soccer fields are also now less of a issue
Hole 4 has a mando sign where theres no route onto the soccer fields ,there could be a problem on summer days with a lot of people during soccer games but during routine practices it won't be a problem at all.
The new 18 play long and slightly wooded ,To be honest I had trouble with holes because I just can't throw far enough , not that I didn't enjoy the challenge ,I liked it because each hole offered something different from the last .

This Is layout is big change from the mostly open old layout ,this course is tough and will test most players


Some holes are just too long and are not enjoyable .
Hole 2 and 4 may not be playable during soccer games .
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5 1
Experience: 22.3 years 6 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

A Refreshed Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Major changes (autumn 2010) on this course make for a rewarding, new challenge. Layout is much improved with better planned obstacles, requiring more thought and technique.
Wooded park setting is enjoyable, offering trees as the main obstacles without creating impassable walls (except maybe for hole 6).
Holes 5, 6, and 7 offer especially interesting tee-offs. Hole 6 is very memorable and extremely challenging.

The course offers an overall good mix of long throws and technique shots. On first play, I was somewhat frustrated (mainly from hole 6) but came to appreciate the design and difficulty with more play. An impressive DG challenge for a small town like Bryan.


The course winds through a series of soccer fields, which create a few annoying obstacles like a fence along hole 1 and the fields themselves throughout. During peak soccer season, the course may be frustrating due to games and spectators. With that being said, this course is certainly possibly to play without going onto a field... you just need to be accurate with your shots.

The tee box for hole 5 can be difficult to find coming from hole 4. Head toward the ice rink from the basket of hole 4. The tee box is near a collection of trees.

As previously mentioned, hole 6 is very challenging as one has to navigate through some tight tree alleys for nearly 600 feet. This hole will become more enjoyable as the alley becomes wider with more play.

Other Thoughts:

When the back 9 baskets are placed in the spring of 2011, this course will be legit. The back offers a range of holes from wide open to heavily wooded shots.

I would recommend this course for both the casual disc golfer who is just looking to get outdoors, and the pro looking to work on technique and finesse. The course is well-marked and easy to find from the car. Parking is plentiful and free.
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4 2
Experience: 6.3 years 19 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

An Enjoyable Challenge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 8, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


September 14, 2018. The disc golf course in Recreation Park has really been updated by the parks and recreation department. 18 cement tee pads have been placed for the regular tees. The short tees are marked by white pavers and the long tees are marked by blue pavers and have painted numbers making them easier to locate. Red flags now fly on the baskets making them easier to see and adding a colorful and festive look to the course. The trees have been trimmed higher making the course fairer to play. A practice basket has been added near the first tee. In my opinion Recreation Park is the best 18 hole course between Toledo and Ft. Wayne. Leagues play on Friday evening, Sunday at 11, and Wednesday at 1:30. Come join the fun.


Other park activities may occasionally cause challenges in playing a hole or two.
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5 2
Experience: 17.3 years 46 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Improved and Still Improving Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


This disc golf course in Bryan's Recreation Park is partially wooded and partially open. Its nine baskets provide a good mix of challenging wooded shots and clearer distance attempts. The new design is an improvement. The signs at the tees which show the layout of each hole are a neat feature as well.


The course winds around many soccer fields and walking paths, so a disc thrower must use care not to get too wild with his throws. Due to its location, there are no hills or water hazards to provide more interest or challenge. One hole near Townline Road is too long in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

With an additional nine holes planned for 2011, this course should become really nice. The newer holes are located in both open fields and the mature oaks of Bryan's Moore Park. Then there should be an even better mix of surroundings for the entire 18 holes.
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1 2
Experience: 31 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

a good road trip 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 9, 2010 Played the course:once


great mix of long and short holes ,with a good mix of both open and wooded technical hole .
Basket placement on #1 was very cool .
Bricks mark the throwing areas and give the tees a nice look .
soccer fields are no longer in play .
most of the course is now pretty wooded and technical ,but theres also a few bomb it holes .
the front nine are wooded with lots of pines ,but hole the back nine plays open then goes to a heavily wooded area with lots of mature trees .


long walks between 9-10 and a little walk back to your car ,but the walks were not to bad.
grass tees
10 plays close to a low baseball fence
Pro tees are only marked with stakes and are hard to find

Other Thoughts:

Drove from ft wayne with a few freinds and glad we made the trip .
we met the course designer while playing and he showed us the new holes that are going in the spring ,the holes were only marked with poles ,and stakes
Can't wait for the basket for the other nine
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4 2
Experience: 20.3 years 56 played 25 reviews
4.50 star(s)

A big improvement over the old layout 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 20, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Great use of trees and basket placement .
Long wooded holes that require good shot placement over bombing it .
Hole six is so beautiful ,the tee shot is though pines and require a low control shot and good placement ,the hole is 598' so you have to mentally plan every shot to score well on this hole .
There's also two sets of tees for each hole ,as for now the second set are only stakes in the ground painted orange we plan on putting a tee for them when we can ,the pro tees play much tougher than the short play much longer and makes every hole a little different from the short tees
All the holes are away from the soccer fields and walking paths and have well placed mandos to keep disc out of these areas .
a few holes have a great risk reward to them ,like 5 it's a short 198' hole and has o.b 50 feet behind it ,so if you run at it to aggressively you risk o.b
Every hole is well thought out and you can tell the designers put a lot of time in the placements .


some fairways and a really close and if you have a bad drive you may land into another fairway .
only natural tee's for now ,the park board plans on cement tees after we convert to 18 in the spring and when the funding permits .
It's only nine holes till spring 2011

Other Thoughts:

Great course and soon to be better as soon as it gets nine more holes .
Improved in everywhere it will challenge the novice that plays by the pars which were set so the course isn't overly hard ,are the seasoned player who's been playing for years
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5 2
Experience: 42 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The New 9 !! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 19, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


The new design of this course puts a brand new feel to a familiar park. I had the pleasure of playing it for the first time with the two designers of the new layout. The course flows extremely well through park staying away from the soccer fields and walk way for the most part. A better use of all the natural obstacles was WELL planed. The challenge level just went way up on this new course ! With pro and am. tees,,it seems all the right things went in to this plan: (big arms, finesse, and a very good short game) and out came one of the better local courses by far !


The tee boxes are just marks beside the posts on the dirt.... for now.

Other Thoughts:

If it has been a while since you have hucked a round at this park or perhaps have even given up on playing it..well well LOOK again !! The new layout is AMAZING, and with the future looking real positive for a back nine here...This place is only going to get better !!...A new favorite course on the local scene !! Thanx !!
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