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Albuquerque, NM

Roosevelt Park

3.035(based on 35 reviews)
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Roosevelt Park reviews

4 0
Experience: 16.3 years 7 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beautiful Park With an Awesome Community 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 15, 2020 Played the course:once


Lots of variation, hills to bomb down on, and most of all, everyone that was at the park was very aware of each other. It's an old park that is played to it's strength and quite open despite all the trees. The baskets are in good condition and the local club is very friendly and more than willing to show new comers around.


Majority of the holes do share the same basket, which does make things very confusing at times and dangerous as well. While everyone is constantly looking around and out for flying discs it can be a problem.

Other Thoughts:

Overall it is a very beautiful park to play in and is more than worth it to play while stopping by in ABQ. I would highly recommend this park to anyone.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
2.00 star(s)

fun but cramped and dangerous 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 6, 2020 Played the course:once


-hilly terrain with mature trees
-concrete tees and tee signs
-some fun elevated tee shots, a few hillside greens
-the scattered trees offer many line options off the tees
-baskets have all the appropriate hole numbers on them


-confusing layout, must have a map or a local
-crossing fairways, tees throwing over other tees, tons of interference
-multiple baskets visible from most tees, the signs don't always help
-busy park with pedestrians, dog-walkers, etc
-limited parking

Other Thoughts:

Roosevelt Park seems typical for an 80's course and looks like it's been well-loved by University of New Mexico students over the years. The park is shaped like a bowl and the holes criss-cross from side to side. There are a number of elevated tees on the rim of the bowl and there are also a few baskets on the sloping hillsides near the rim. There are large, mature tees scattered throughout the park and they are spaced widely enough that there are a variety of line options off most tees. There are also many holes with low ceilings. The tees, signs, and baskets are all in good condition.

The park seems like it could get extremely crowded. UNM is right next door and there were many pedestrians on the Thursday morning that I played. The total park area is fairly small so the pedestrians and crossing fairways make the course very cramped and potentially dangerous. It also makes it a pain to navigate. Make sure you bring the map.

This course is fairly fun and it has some enjoyable holes. If you happen to have the course to yourself then it's a pretty decent round. More likely you will have to wait for pedestrians and keep your eyes peeled for discs flying in from other holes. It's hard to rate the course because the holes aren't bad but the interference and potential safety hazards are serious.

If you're driving through Albuquerque and looking to stop and play a round, Roosevelt Park is not too far off the route but you may end up spending more time than you like trying to figure out where to throw and where to head next.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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7 0
Experience: 11.1 years 124 played 10 reviews
2.00 star(s)

DANGEROUS 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful park. Great elevation change. Wonderful mature trees.


Most dangerous park I have ever played. It has 18 holes on 10 baskets. Fairways cross, you throw over other tee pads. A lot of kids running around doing other stuff and people laying in the grass that appear to be completely oblivious to disc golf. Map is terrible.

Other Thoughts:

A 6 hole course could be good. 9 holes would be pushing it. 18 is dangerous.
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3 1
Experience: 11.5 years 30 played 4 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Too crowded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 4, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Has grass
Lots of shade.
Good elevation change of holes


Very crowded with other frolfers and general park-goers. Some people are unaware of the frolfers and won't get out of way.
The course is very difficult to navigate.
Only 10 baskets for 18 holes making some throws very dangerous with multiple people throwing at the same hole from different directions.
It is not always clear which hole you should be throwing at.

Other Thoughts:

Should be made into a 9 hole course, there simply is not enough land for a full 18 hole course.
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4 0
Experience: 12.6 years 34 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Vacation Run 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2017 Played the course:once


It's a fun course for a small area. It's somewhat wooded with lots of up and down shots. It stopped by while on vacation and was lucky enough to find a group playing so I could get a breakdown of the course. It's got some challenging shots and good mixture of back and forth. It only has 10 baskets that are used for 18 holes so you need someone to explain the layout. I wish they had a guide posted near hole one just for that reason.


It can get confusing when too many people show up (for me It was about 5 groups playing at the same time) as you need to take turns and watch out for each other. I imagine it gets easier the more you play though.

Other Thoughts:

Maybe posting a course guide on DGCoursereview would be helpful.
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1 0
Experience: 28.3 years 69 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 3, 2016 Played the course:once


Beautiful park with big shade trees and green mowed grass. Course is fairly easy to navigate if you have a map. Locals were also friendly and helpful in locating baskets and next tee. Seems like it would be almost impossible to lose a disc here. I liked the multiple high elevation tee boxes. Course designers did an excellent job using available land and baskets.


It's hard to think of any cons, I suppose crowded conditions could make this course a bit frustrating, but that really applies to any course. I saw a few non golfers on the course and occasionally had to wait a few minutes for people to clear before throwing, but had no issues with "bums" or any unpleasant people.

Other Thoughts:

A local disc craft pro joined me for the last nine holes and sold me a cool breaking bad disc. Over all a great round.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 553 played 429 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Roosevelt Rocks, but... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


The disc golf course at Roosevelt Park in Albuquerque is set in a beautiful city park, with grassy hills that are spotted with mature trees. There are 9 baskets, each with two concrete tees, combining for an 18 hole layout. The hills offer a nice elevation element, and the trees make the lines more interesting. Everything is par 3, so you will get birdie chances, but there are a few tricky drives.


The course layout is confusing, and the multiple tee pads often result in holes that are too near each other. I printed the map linked to the DGCR page, and still had trouble navigating. Others using the park to walk dogs or just hang out are another issue.

Other Thoughts:

While the course offers some fun throws in a nice setting, it is hard to play a round and not be interrupted waiting for park goers wandering through or other disc golfers playing adjacent holes. The shared baskets are far from ideal, and the signs were not very helpful. I have played all 18 holes on a previous trip years ago, but couldn't complete the circuit on my most recent round. A Sunday morning group was preparing to begin league play, and dog walkers and homeless slowed progress prior to that. It is what it is, I'm not sure redesign would help a whole lot. If you are going to play the course, try to get a local guide the first time and visit off peak hours. A fun course that that has a little too much going in a cramped space. I would rate it higher if it was better marked and not so busy. There are not many options for disc golf in ABQ, while this course is far from ideal, I'm sure it is well loved by those who live there.
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4 0
Hyzer Ale
Experience: 15.1 years 97 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice course, if you can avoid the crowds 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2015 Played the course:once


- Nice Park Setting
- Park has water fountains, trash cans, dog bags
- Good mix of challenging and straight forward holes
- Nice Elevation change
- Lots of trees/shade
- Good Variety of holes
- Mostly nice tees (some had and incline and decline)
- Quality Baskets


- Too many crossing fairways
- Shared baskets and fairways meant a lot of waiting, even at 8am. Can't imagine playing this course in the afternoon
- Graffiti on some tee signs

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I had a good time playing this course. There was a nice mix of easy holes and holes with a little higher difficulty. The total size of the course is way too small to have 18 holes. On almost any tee pad, you are throwing at or across another fairway. The shared baskets led to both confusion and a lot of waiting even while playing an early morning round. There were a few times that I was almost hit by a disc by someone on another hole. I have a feeling that this course is nearly un-playable when the crowds get up there.

If you could have this same course, with out any crossing fairways or shared baskets I would score it closer to a 4/5. Even with the that I was going back and forth between a 3 and a 3.5 (I wish we could do quarter points on DGCR) but felt with the overlap I had to go with a 3.

I would recommend playing this course, just try your hardest not to go at a time that it might be busy.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.4 years 260 played 40 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Confusing 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2014 Played the course:once


Plenty of grass in the park, which is a nice change of pace and easier on your disc. The tee pads and baskets were fine. The holes had a variety of distances that use a variety of shots. They did a good job of getting the most out of the space. If the holes were spread out and didn't cross this course could be a 3.5.


Use baskets multiple times which makes it confusing on what basket to shoot for. Sometimes the baskets were really close together and I ended up aiming for the wrong basket. Then when finishing a basket there were 3 tee pads equal distances away and I had to guess (sometimes wrong) which tee pad was the next one. Not very much parking and you have to guess where to start. (Park on the west side of the park).

Other Thoughts:

I ended up being frustrated and did not finish the course. It was crowded and I often had to wait on others because they were using the same basket. Once there was someone waiting at a tee pad that was in my path so I waited. He was waiting on a group that was using a shared basket. Very frustrating.
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1 2
Experience: 5 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Good fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 2, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice long open drives, double chain baskets is always nice, love the hills for extra challenge, hills help for a good workout.


Very hard to figure out for first time players at the course, back nine go to same baskets from front nine so makes navigation a little bit harder.
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6 0
Experience: 120 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Rosey 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


Tee Boxes= One set of concrete tees, mostly in good condition.

Baskets= the baskets are in good shape and the pins are moved frequently. I don't think I've ever played in the same layout twice.

Signs & Stuff= signs are hit and miss, a few have useful information, but most are heavily vandalized. The tees are well enough marked to know that you are on the right pad, but sometimes its hard to tell exactly which basket you should be throwing to.
Really nice playground next to 1 & 10's tee pads.

Design= With such a small plot of land, the designers got as much disc golf in as they could. Locals also have at least one set of alternate tees that I believe are used for minis.

Dave's Point= The only course in ABQ, Rosey is an experience unto itself. The course has many "unique hazards" in the form of vagrants, bums, crashed out addicts, non-discing locals and folks playing with their dogs, most of which are aware enough of disc golf to find safe places to stand (I've had a gallery of bums gathered watching ace runs on hole seven before) It is a unique landscape in ABQ with lush grass, large mature trees and rolling hills.


Tee Boxes= some of the pads are sloped, minor issue though.

Baskets= Most are shared baskets, which can be confusing and downright dangerous at times. The pin numbers can be hard to see off of the tee, which makes navigation more difficult. I always have to remind myself basket 5 really is that close.

Design= Lots of crossing fairways with the shared baskets and changing locations, a local guide would be very helpful the first couple of times you play this course.

Signs&Stuff= Some of the signs are heavily vandalzed. No public bathroom at the course.
Very few benches on the actual course.

Dave's Point= You better have yo head on a swivel while playing Rosey. Be aware of where other groups are and watch out for non-golfers. Lot's of "unique hazards", last trip out we had a family setting up a tent next to the mando tree on 11...it forced a very safe shot.

Other Thoughts:

Ratings Breakdown:

Tee Boxes= .50
Signs & Stuff= .25
Design= .50
Dave's Point= .50
total= 2.00
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3 0
Experience: 23.4 years 13 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

The social course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 25, 2001 Played the course:2-4 times


This course is challenging because they change the pins and tees often. There are so many varieties of shots it is hard to become bored at this course. The cement tee pads are great and offer sure footing for the long downhill and uphill shots. You will use all disc in your bag. Very nice green grass with large trees make this course very scenic in the heart of ABQ. Great place to meet other disc golfers and get the "skinny" on the DG scene. Holes are well layed out and signage is present.


The bums and transients frequent the park often for its location. They do not watch out for discs, they sleep in the park, ask you for money and sometimes have seen players being bothered by the bums. There are a lot of families that use the park but they are aware of the discs and watch out for them.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a blast to play with so many different tee and pin locations you can play there all day and have different shots. Some of the long downhill shots are great, you just need to watch out for other players as some fairways are crossed, which you can't help when the course is set in a "smaller" park. Play in the morning and you will get less traffic, but there is always some kind of event happening and they are not concerned with the course. Play at your discretion but please Enjoy!
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2 0
Experience: 12.1 years 30 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Great course but... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Grass course with movable baskets.Moderately wooded and hilly conditions.Cement tee pads that are in great condition. There are several alternate courses for this course.


This is a large city park which only half of it is set up for disc golf yet people who come to the park ignore the other half and set up events in the middle of the disc golf course. Last weekend there was a wedding right on hole 17, so we made up an alternate real quick but they could have been on the other side of the park uninterrupted.Also there are homeless people living at the park and there is evidence of drug use there.

Other Thoughts:

I really like the course but what bumps it down for me is the outside interference that is constantly there.if its not a family gathering or wedding its people playing games in the middle of the course and it doesnt matter if you were playing before they got there
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10 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Not safe 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 27, 2012 Played the course:once


The course plays through a small city park with great grass and nice mature trees. There are lots of nice elevation changes that are used pretty well. There are tricky uphill shots and some fun downhill shots. A few of the pins are in spots that offer some rollaway potential adding some difficulty to the short game.

There is decent distance variety, with some short reachable holes, and some longer shots that stretch your arm out a little. A few of the shots have tighter lines that force more technical line shaping, and there are some nice low ceilings to navigate.


The layout is a bit of a safety nightmare. The baskets are shared and the holes all cross over other fairways, tees and baskets. Just about every single shot risks hitting someone on another hole. This park would have made for a really nice 9 hole course, and instead 18 holes were crammed in.

The crowded and crossing layout also makes for some navigation issues. There are always several tees around, so it takes some time to figure out which is the correct one especially with a couple missing signs. There are also many baskets visible from each tee, so it can be a little unclear on where to throw (or if you're really supposed to throw right over 2 other baskets to get to the correct one).

Other Thoughts:

This would have been a fantastic park to install a 9 hole course with a beginner friendly set of tees and a more challenging set. Instead, there's a very unsafe layout that crams too many holes in too small a space.

Beginners will find the shots here challenging, but there isn't too much punishment for errant shots so it won't be too frustrating. More experienced players will find some really nice challenges on some of the holes, along with some easy birdies. If you can play this course when nobody else is using the park it's a fun round, otherwise be ready to wait and ready to duck.
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4 0
Experience: 12.2 years 37 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Improvements needed 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 28, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-Trees! Not many courses with trees in ABQ.
-Nice concrete level tee pads.
-Elevation changes add to the challenge.
-The only grassy 18 hole course in the ABQ area.
-Multiple pin positions allow for a variety of hole variations.


-TONS of people on a sunny Saturday afternoon
-Signage is damaged. Lots of signs graffiti'd up.
-Sharing baskets with people coming from a completely different direction can get confusing.
-TRASH littered all over throughout the park
-Homeless, transients, and evidence of drug use throughout the park.

Other Thoughts:

BUM CENTRAL. Bums passed out in fairways, near holes. Generally not a problem, just a slight hazard.
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1 4
Experience: 20.3 years 14 played 7 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 2, 2011 Played the course:once


great use of the space, love the elevation changes,


cross path with other holes and sharing baskets so must really watch for where others are

Other Thoughts:

if a first timer take the map of the course it was very very helpful
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3 0
Ghetto Leprechaun
Experience: 22.3 years 6 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Good Terrain, Bad Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice Terrain: Grassy, Hilly, many big, full trees.


Confusing layout: It's a guessing game as to where the next tee is.

Bums, drug addicts, and more! Lots of bums, addicts, and transients have made this park their home or temporary motel. I was out with a buddy once and he asked where the pin was. I literally told him, "You see that bum peeing in the tree over there? It's 20 feet to the left."

Trash, trash and more trash. I guess with bums comes trash. Empty booze bottles and general garbage scattered throughout the park.

Crowded park: The park can be crowded on the weekends. The other park goers have every right to be there but it can be detrimental to playing always looking out for them, waiting for them, worrying about hitting them, etc.

Humid: This may be the only humid place in all of NM and boy is it humid. (And this is coming from a Midwesterner)

Other Thoughts:

If this was less crowded, cleaner, less confusing layout, and a few less bums/addicts this would be a great, great park. It reminds me of the parks from back home. But, I don't see that ending any time soon. It's too bad really. Great terrain, wasted...
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3 0
Experience: 25.3 years 13 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Everything's Coming Up Rosey 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 12, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Wooded park in the city near universities. Course can play short or long, depending on which basket you choose as your target on all holes. Multiple course configurations, but that can become confusing to players who haven't spent much time on the course. Great elevation changes, and challenging shots around large trees. Good for playing on windy days in Albuquerque, due to bowl shape of park and large trees, especially since the other "desert" courses in town have little to no trees to block wind.


Can be crowded on weekends and busy summer days. Many homeless choose to sleep in park, they can get in your way sometimes, but most know to look out for players. Confusing layout for those new to course, tees are marked with signs but don't point to next tee, whose locations aren't obvious from some of the preceding baskets. Almost all baskets are shared with another hole, and fairways continuously cross one another. Lots of yelling" fore".

Other Thoughts:

Good little course that's fun for all levels. Can be some shady characters hanging around in the park, but for the most part it's a fun place to play.
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10 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Teddy And FDR Would Be Proud! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 27, 2011 Played the course:once


Great piece of rolling land for a course. Just across the street from the Univeristy of NM. Lots of mature trees for those sweltering hot NM days. Green grass to walk on. A few ACE RUNS! Lots and lots of epic downhill shots. Tee pads are adequate. Signs are nice although I wish they showed the distance. Park was relatively litter free.


I did wake up one homeless dude when I banged in a putt at 7 AM. Sorry, he shouldn't be camping out right under the basket. Later I threw a great approach right over his head for a gimmee birdie. I don't think he noticed. I did let another homeless guy tee off with a couple of my discs. I think he's hooked! 10 baskets and 18 holes does make for a confusing layout. I could see this course getting mega crazy on a busy afternoon with discs flying everywhere and picknickers too, what a zoo that would be. # 4 is listed as a par 4. It's a eagle waiting to happen.

Other Thoughts:

This was easily my favorite of the 9 New Mexico courses that I was able to play. The challenge probably isn't there for the advanced to pro player. There are the safety issues. But I'm a total rec player. I'd play it at odd hours stepping/stumbling over the occasional homeless fellows and loving all those epic downhills.
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5 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 83 played 46 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Roosevelt Park... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 20, 2010 Played the course:once


Course located right next to the university. The park is located in a very picturesque part of Albuquerque. Holes utilize trees, hills, and O.B. very well. Tee pads were ok, but a little on the small side. Baskets were in good condition and were all marked correctly.
Lots of fun shots to play. Tons of elevation changes with some elevated tees. A few ace runs (#5, 7, 18).


Navigation issues. Almost every fairway crosses another fairway. Every basket (I think) was shared with another tee. Long walks between tees and some holes you have to walk all the way back to where you teed off the previous hole. Graffiti is a major problem...almost everything has spray paint on it making it impossible to read some of the tee signs(which weren't very good to begin with).

Other Thoughts:

This course probably should have been a 9 hole course with alternate tees, making it an 18. It's crammed up into a small space when there's more empty space in the same park. Sprinklers in the morning seem to be aimed at the tees and baskets, but shut off at 7a.m. so it shouldn't be a problem for most people. Lots of not disc golfers, but they usually stay out of your way. This course could be a 5 disc course if it had more space.

If you mark this review unhelpful or you find a mistake, please send me a personal message here on DGCR explaining what is wrong with it.
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