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Canton, GA

Sequoyah Park

Permanent course
3.075(based on 53 reviews)
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Sequoyah Park reviews

7 5
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.1 years 96 played 40 reviews
1.00 star(s)

12 holes good, 6 holes bad 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 3, 2010 Played the course:once


First 12 holes.


Last 6 holes.

Other Thoughts:

My rating for this course is a one disc/poor primarily due to the last six holes. The first 12 holes are a really fun pitch & putt. Tightly wooded but very fair--there are actual paths to the basket and not just random openings through scattered trees. I used a good variety of discs & shots here. The two long holes (10 & 11) combine distance and accuracy. The features of the "Front 12" include:

• Concrete tee pads on all holes
• Easy to follow flow (despite the absence of signs on many holes)
• Risky shots are rewarded if executed correctly
• No benches, although many tee pads had plastic lawn chairs; a unique touch
• Alternate basket positions on just about every hole
• Great for family play & beginners, but advanced players will be challenged by the tightness and twistyness of the fairways

After the first 12 holes, you emerge back in the parking lot where you started. Here, there is a snack bar (open during baseball games) and restroom facilities. While enjoying some cold drinks, we bumped into a couple of players that were going to replay the first 12 holes. When we told them we were continuing on to #13, they were surprised and told us "Good luck" with a grin. We very quickly found out why.

Hole #13: When you get to the tee box and see the hole placement, you will actually ask "Are you kidding me?" out loud. You have to throw a long shot that turns left, but you are actually throwing right down the middle of the busy park entrance road. The hole is around to the left and the road goes down and out of view to the right, so there is no way to determine if there is any oncoming traffic. There are tall trees to the left and right of the road and the road itself is out of bounds--I am NOT making this up. You have to throw right down the middle of the road and have your disc follow it down and around to the left then keep curving to the left after the road turns right to get to the basket. The basket itself is on a steep embankment that is all Georgia clay and has experienced so much erosion, it is surprising the basket is still standing. The area around the basket looks like moon craters. I went into so much detail because this is actually the best of the final six holes--it just keeps getting stranger.

Hole #14: The fairway is actually the trail that you had to walk up to get from #13 to the #14 tee pad. You are walking up the trail while golfers teeing off on #14 are throwing down the trail. You have to throw across a nasty pond and back into the woods. Beyond the basket is about a 20 foot sharp drop-off to the same nasty pond--don't overthrow.

Hole #15: Unplayable by all but the most adventurous players. You are throwing down a 20 foot wide trail about 300 feet to the basket. For the first 250 feet, throws to the right get another nasty pond and anything to the left gets a sheer 20 foot drop-off to a creek with water that has both color and smell that water should not have. Anything not down the middle is almost a sure goner. You have three choices: be really good, be really lucky, or throw a series of 25 foot flop shots. I skipped this hole.

Hole #16: About 300 feet up a steep hill through the woods following a winding footpath. 20 feet to the left of the footpath is a barbed wire fence; immediately to the right of the path is the 20 foot sheer drop-off to Stinky Creek. For added fun, the barbed wire fence takes a sharp right turn and runs about 20 feet behind the basket as well. Hole skipped for the same reasons as #15.

Hole #17: The tee pad is painted in the parking lot of a soccer field. You have to throw across the parking lot, across the busy entrance road (which is about 10-15 feet higher than the parking lot) towards the basket which is on a steep embankment that rises up to the outfield wall of a baseball field. There are trees all around the entrance road, but you only have about a 20 foot wide alley to go through. I would have actually played this hole except most shots will zip across the road at windshield level and it is not possible to see traffic coming down the road until it is too late.

Hole #18: Playable, but the tee pad is right alongside the very busy entrance road (don't let an arm or leg wander off the left side of the tee pad). The fairway is the narrow right shoulder of the road. The road itself is out of bounds, but the traffic is so heavy you don't want to wander over there anyway. The top of the basket is barely visible over a hill; be advised that overthrowing the basket could put you on the busy road that the park is located on.

While I thought #18 was the most normal hole of the "Back Six", there was one more surprise in store for us. Following the trail from the #18 basket back to the parking lot, after a lengthy walk we were surprised to find the trail evolves into the fairway for hole #1 and we were walking right towards a threesome about to throw right at us as we were coming down. Fortunately they saw us and we did not have to deal with any unplanned plastic surgery.

I really don't like being so negative about these last six holes (especially considering the enjoyment of the first 12), but they are just so darn bizarre I feel they have earned it. In fact, I highly recommend playing this course at least once if you have the opportunity. Even if you decide not to come back, the entertainment value of those last six holes makes the trip worthwhile.
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2 12
Redneck Machismo
Experience: 131 played 23 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Disappointing 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 27, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


The course is good to work on short game accuracy. Holes 10,11 and 13 can be fun to throw and playing the course is sort of work out. Multiple pin positions kind of add some variety.


The course is overall poorly thought out and designed. The course is way too short.to be any fun at all. Holes 4 and 7 are jump putts at best. The only really good hole on the course is hole 5. There is virtually no flow to the course and many of the holes just do not make any sense. The reality is that this piece of property simply cannot support a legitimate disc golf course.

Other Thoughts:

The only way this course could really be fun or interesting is if you were playing with a midnight flyer. It could be redesigned to be better but the locals seem to be very proud of it as is.
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