Kennewick/Finley, WA

Two Rivers Park DGC

3.695(based on 16 reviews)
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Two Rivers Park DGC reviews

4 0
Experience: 14.7 years 2 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good Looking and Flat 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 18, 2010 Played the course:once


The course is incredibly well manicured and sits directly on the river. There are several holes that have some fun challenge (namely 6 - A quad mando, very long, par 5), as well as hole 7 (a blind drop over trees to the basket). Maps/Scorecards and pencils are readily available at the park trailer next to the tenth tee--which is across the street from the 1st tee. An easily accessible restroom, and a vending machine for beverages at the above mentioned trailer make this a convenient course to play.


Excepting the two holes I mentioned above there are a lot of issues on this course with low obstacle no elevation play. This course is also a "disc black hole" for new players, as during the back nine you play 4 holes with a very narrow fairway sided by the river. I have also seen issues on this course (due to the small nature of the park) with park enthusiasts/boaters actually "camping" on some of the holes. Especially #3, #6 and #10 (as they are shaded near the river). This can make throwing on these holes a little nervous.

Other Thoughts:

As a relatively new player I get the choice of moving between this course and the Columbia River Course (8 miles to the west). I am blessed with such a great location to learn this sport. I played the Columbia Park Course first, then fell in love with this course when I saw it. It was so beautiful, and convenient. . .I couldn't imagine why anyone would play the other course with this one so close. But, after a little experience I realized Finley was a like a Trophy Wife (or Husband). . awesome in the looks department, but without the great personality of the other local course. In my opinion, if you are visiting our region and what to throw some disc, hit this course second.
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5 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.7 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great, Great Ammenties, Nice Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 24, 2010 Played the course:once


Everything about this course is first class. From the large rubber mats teepads to the new Mach lll's with the numbers on top, to the elevated teepads with professional looking steps to the wonderful, lush green grass, this course was built as if money was no object. Large square boulders were placed next to some of the tees to use as benches.
Just about every other course designer and disc club members who have built their courses on shoe string budgets will be green with envy if they saw this operation. Quite a few holes play next to the water. There is a Parks Department trailer at the beginning with both new and used ($5) discs for sale. There is a locked box to return lost discs. Maps and pencils are available there and you are asked to return them or pay for them. There are two pop machines here also. Both the front and back nine end at the main parking lot. There are plenty of picnic tables scattered about to eat at or grab a quick rest break or just get out of the sun. The poles are in place for signs to be attached too. I'm sure they are ordered and will be to notch quality as well.


Whoever is in charge (Parks Department? Local disc golf club?) here has done a fantastic job of building the best disc golf course possible here. They've thought of everything and spared no expense. However, the problem that I see is while this is a beautiful park nestled next to the water, it's not an ideal place to place a disc golf course. The park is long and narrow because it basically hugs the water. In order to squeeze in 18 holes, the designers have had to resort to gimmicks such as double mandos on the front 9 and absolutely squeezing the holes in on the back 9. As others have noted, some holes on the back 9 felt like "filler holes" or were squeezed in on the perimeter of the park. But I think my biggest problem was the ultra narrow fairways on the back 9. This makes this course really disastrous for new/inexperienced players. They are going to throw into the water or into the coming traffic or across the street into the neighbors front yards. The neighbors have already been complaining about errant throws landing in their yards. I believe that even newbies should be able to play any course without swimming after their discs.

Other Thoughts:

It's so easy to fall in love with this course. There are that many wonderful features to it. The park itself is so clean and litter free and well maintained and the grass is so lush and green and wonderful to walk on. But, and this is a major But for me, the park layout itself does not neccesarily have the neccessary room for a 4 star rated course. Developers have done all that they can possible do here and they've done it so well! But there is probably a reason why 40 players were playing at Colombia this afternoon and an hour later I shared this course with a party of three newbies, who inncidently went swimming after their discs hysered into the water.
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8 0
JR Stengele
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.8 years 255 played 191 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Two Rivers Park DGC 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 30, 2010 Played the course:once


Two Rivers Park was recently put in to the ground in 2009, and is located between the two cities of Kennewick and Finley, WA. This course is the newer of the two fantastic courses in the area, about 8 miles from Columbia Park - River Country DGC. This course is predominantly flat, but has five elevated tee pads ranging from three to twelve feet above the fairway. The course is a mixture of tight and open fairways, with little to obstruct players throws with the exception of the occasional cluster of young and mature trees spread throughout the course. What makes this course so different from the neighboring course is the amount of water that surrounds the area. Many holes on the course use the river to help narrow the fairways, or as an OB if players overshoot the pin, which adds tremendously to the overall challenge of the course (especially on windy days).

Two Rivers Park is one of the nicest manicured courses I have played yet! The fairways on this course are entirely lush green grass, which makes it perfect to play on barefoot during the warmer months, but still manageable to maneuver around in shoes during the wetter months. The Parks and Rec Dept, along with the local DG club have done an amazing job thinking of everything, including beautiful and durable rubber tee pads, buckets at each tee for cigarette butts, brooms to wipe away the sand and dirt from the tees on those windy days, and clear mando signs (white with red arrows) to make it obvious for throwers to know which direction to throw. The course also provides a few pit stops to grab water from the drinking fountain, several park benches and BBQ grills spread out through the park to stop and eat lunch at, and lots of shallow water along the shore to go for a quick swim.

The course itself is easy to navigate once you locate tee #1 (there is a large wooden sign on a tree near the playground), playing the first nine holes on one side of the park and the other nine on the other. The first nine is much more challenging with the exception of the Par 5 beast on hole #15, which is anywhere from 620-820 feet depending on the tee. It is extremely narrow, and if a player tries to throw it too hard and loses control they will end up OB, and wind up in the water or in someone's yard. Their other signature hole at Twin Rivers would most definitely be hole #6, their other Par 5 ranging from 620-820 feet, and has four mandos in which to shoot between. The hole is a long dogleg left, and requires extreme accuracy (especially as you near the pin). When the wind is blowing hard, like it was the day I was there, both holes # 6 & 15 are two of the most difficult and exciting holes in the entire state!


As the previous reviewer stated, this course is quite solid and doesn't have much to improve on, as the course designers and local dg club have done a tremendous job with this area. My biggest issue however, is the fact that there are some short monotonous holes on this course, especially on the back nine. Many of these holes also share the same fairway, which could be quite dangerous when there are other disc golfers throwing.

Also, not that this is really a con, but bring a bathing suit so do don't wind up in your skibby's like I did if your disc goes in the river. When the wind is blowing, there is a very good chance that your disc could end up submerged in the chilling water so just come prepared. I personally liked the challenge of both the wind and water, but just kind of felt silly wading in the water in nothing but my underwear.

Other Thoughts:

Kennewick has two great courses within close proximity of one another, and both are well worth a stop for. I had a wonderful time playing at these two beautiful parks, and each one had an entirely different feel. The tournaments in this area have a great reputation, and I recommend that if you have the time to be apart of one, you won't regret it!
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 23 years 499 played 496 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Washington's version of Trojan Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 30, 2010 Played the course:once


Two Rivers is the newer of the two disc golf courses located in Kennewick and does not disappoint. The park is well manicured green grass that you would feel comfortable playing bare foot on. The baskets are in great shape and all of the tees are these excellent rubber mats (not fly pads) that are in perfect shape and do a good job of providing grip. The park is located right on the river in fact you can walk along the shore or even go in after a disc if needed and the way the wind blows here it might happen more than you think. The way they used the shore as kind of a fairway narrower is quite ingenious and while you aren't throwing directly over the water it is a huge factor on some holes. The scenery here is amazing and there are plenty of benches, picnic tables and BBQ's that you could spend the entire day here.

Hole 6 - AMAZING HOLE! This is one of the most difficult and actually fun holes I have ever played. It is a pro level par five hole that starts out weaving your way through the tall, skinny trees and this hole has more mandos that I have ever seen; first a doubles mando (basically like a field goal between the two trees) and then another mando right and left until you finally get into the open section of the hole and this is where the water really comes in to play. The river starts to come in closer and closer as the shore comes at you and at the same time you have a bunch of trees and brush and rocks to your left until about the last 40 feet of the hole where the fairway is about 15 feet wide, amazing.

Hole 15 - Another big long nasty but open pro par five that is very demanding in terms of accuracy and distance. You're at the far end of the park away from the parking lot and you are throwing with the water, trees and other fairways on your right and the main road and peoples houses and yards on your left. This is a very dangerous hole in terms of going out of bounds as the fairway here is very tight. They have had problems on this section of the course lately as many people are throwing in to the neighbors yard and climbing fences to retrieve their discs, it's probably easier to just knock on the door. This is one of the two signature holes on the course.


This is a solid all around course and there aren't many cons but the biggest one is some of the back nine. Many of the holes in the back nine have crossing or sharing fairways that makes playing while a lot of people are out there a nightmare. Because of the space issues with the back nine this also took away a lot of what could be accomplished in making more awesome holes like the front nine and a couple of these feel like filler holes.

Other Thoughts:

This is a must play if you are in the area as it is a great course, especially the front nine and holes 6 and 15. The scenic beauty here is excellent there are many places to stop and sit and enjoy yourself.
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