When it comes to disc golfing, I am easily pleased. I can be amused by a short course with many ace runs or by an extraordinarily challenging championship course.
A few things that frustrate me are; courses that swallow discs without legitimate hazards, horrible signage and/or flow of a course, I like to know where the next basket and/or tee is, and most of all when there is an awesome piece of land that isn't used to its full potential.
I try my best to rate courses fairly but sometimes I will take off half a disc or so if something really bothers me. For example, if I get eaten alive by bugs through 40 percent deet spray then that course, no matter how great, will not be as fun as it could be. I try to take everything into consideration.
I love to play new courses, no matter how good or bad. I don't mind 9 holers or even less. Every time I travel at all I put as much extra time in for disc golf that I can.
If you are wondering what perspective my ratings come from, I am not PDGA current and have only played a few tournaments. I usually shoot around 930-950.
Also, I know some people look down on 9-hole courses but I like to treat them all the same. That being said, a 18 hole course with a 4 rating from me is likely to be overall better rated on this site than a 9 hole course that also recieved a 4 from me. I don't always want to spend a couple hours on the course and a 9 is just what I need.
Yeah, you could tell at one time it was really great. It isn't a priority to keep it up, or at least unaware of what they need to do in order to keep it up. It probably would only take 2-3 people on a full 8-hour Saturday with the right equipment to bring it back into shape.
So happy to finally see you got your Diamond TR!! Well deserved. You are the quintessential course bagger driving to those small out of the way courses all over creation. You have performed a great service for those in your part of the country.