The event was pretty cool today except for the reg area, the had all these tables but on set up a couple for 300 people. I trouble pre reging and thought that my girlfriend and I would be okay. The maxed out and we just ended up being jolly vollys. Got lunch and 4 discs free. Pretty sweet deal along with all my gf and I learned about the rules and such. The only thing that sucked after that was being on hole 14 on the monster all day....
there were 3 of us spotting and we still got the hell beat out of us. That hole sucks hard and who ever said go for 4 and you may get there, go for 3 and you will get 5 was right. More like 6. Everyone who player smooth on short or long tees did fine, but everyone who tried go for gold bit it hard except one guy who made it 40 feet from the basket in two shots off the short tee but missed the putt for a drop in 4.
The other thing is I never want to see another Nuke, Boss, Katana, Destroyer, or XCal again. Every "Fairway driver" did pretty well but everyone throwing "The Max Distance Drivers" didn't get max distance and may have gotten 3 very tired people a whole lot of poison ivy... discing down makes so much more sense to me now even though I'm already doing it. My GF the other spoter and I played the hole once we were done. I was to tired to BH well but they did great with their FH shots. Really looking forward to getting into tournys.