Hey the dates have been set for the Ohio V. Michigan Meet. It's Friday, June 1st through Sunday, June 3rd. Check out the thread for the rest of the details, we hope you can make it.
Good news - got my XL back! Someone put on a wet suit and retrieved my XL (and several other discs) and called me! Dude lives in Pontiac, picked it up on my way home from work yesterday.
Saddest looking disc I'd ever seen; floating in the middle of the water, untouchably so close, yet so far. AAUUUGH!!!
Thanks for coming out for Poth fest. I had a great time. Sorry you lost a disc on hole #17, I lost a Boss yesterday, I know it sucks losing plastic... Im looking forward to meeting up in the spring/summer bud. Talk soon. T
I hear you have a Lat. 64 Pro bag. I'm contemplating getting one, that putter pocket on the side looks like the bee's knees. I need some pros and cons from a source I trust.
Where U from >? Livonia, MI ? **** we played Oakland University and Firefighters today woohjt ... NOt to far away from you .....im from davison/flint area .. but i dont get Outa town too often .. but ME and My father are hittin Up the Dunkin Doubles Bring your own partners .. In Grand RApids On saterday Tho ...BUt yea just seen your from michigan ..so i thought id add ya ..
I would take either of the Storms and TP Comets sound good too. I used to love the X MRV but with them being scarce idk if I want to try one since they will break in an leave me in the same situation I am in now.
It will be saturday, 11/21, and we'll be there all day (like 11 am till dusk), we'll probly play the 24 holes, take a break and grill some meat and potatoes and what not and then go back out for another round, thats what we did at flip city last weekend.
me and some other dgcr guys are going to branstrom this weekend in freeport, if your in the area, or you want to meet up and car pool or something then let me know.