"The Dude abides. I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners. Shoosh. I sure hope he makes the finals."
Terry, it was awesome seeing you too bud. i am hoping that i can get over to MI again soon. You should let me know what days you will be back near your place that way i could manage a meet up again!!!
Awesome! We'll have to get a round in soon. I'll keep in touch, shoot me a pm if you have anything specific in mind. Mike's seems to be a great half-way point. :thmbup:
Sunday we do winter league at Fallasburg, but I know it's hard for you to comet. You can also pay the 5 bucks and do all the stuff though.... Let me know. Also hit me up when you have some free time.
All is good friends... I have couple weeks off for christmas. We have fresh powder on the ground in MI and its a good reason to be lazy and stay inside. Looking forward to some decent weather to get in a round. I remember back in the day I would play through rain,sleet,snow whatevs...damn im getting old and soft, talk with all you TC fans soon. Happy Holidays
Hello everybody, Im currently very busy working. Ive worked on probly 10 different job sites in the last 3 weeks. Im hoping to get out discing again soon. Also Im in the process of buying a house so things are crazy right now. Ill PM as soon as I have some free time. Hope everybody is doing good... talk soon...