Latitude 101°

would u like a picture of the firebird like striker? or the XXX thinking your picture but with three opto snowflake, dome opto, GL XXX. what do you think about that? parting line and upside down really gives you an idea if the discs are different.
Yes absolutely. Pictures of the XXX's would be nice. I actually have a picture of the firebird like Striker in my info though. It's the one I refer to as "REALLY overstable".
Jeronimo said:
Yes absolutely. Pictures of the XXX's would be nice. I actually have a picture of the firebird like Striker in my info though. It's the one I refer to as "REALLY overstable".

Want XXX next to Pred pic ?
RS39 said:
Jeronimo said:
Yes absolutely. Pictures of the XXX's would be nice. I actually have a picture of the firebird like Striker in my info though. It's the one I refer to as "REALLY overstable".

Want XXX next to Pred pic ?

I could pull that one off myself but I'm not sure I want to head that direction. The purpose of the information was for awareness of variation, not so much comparison to other products on the market. That would be a good topic for another thread. Another idea I've had that I wanted to pursue, If I had a better video camera, would be to post videos of disc flights. In one video I could have covered all the material above and thrown each disc to show how they behave. The big problem there though is that it's tough to really capture disc flight on camera since your eye does a much better job refocusing on a disc zooming off into the distance than a camera does.
this thread is awesome, thanks so much for it. It helped me out on a question I had in another thread. But you really helped me pick some Lat 64 stuff to try out. After reading it I decided to make some purchases.
I ended up ordering 3 discs. A river, flow, and vision.
I'm not sure ill have the arm for the flow, but the most open spot in my bag is that extra long driver.
Im hoping the vision may end up being that big turning disc ive been looking for. and I had to try a river with it getting so much praise.
I thought hard about the striker and core, but I'm pretty happy with my XSs and Buzzzes. The gold line plastic feels so nice, if it throws as good as it feels after throwing these new ones for awhile, I may give some more of the Lat stuff a shot at my bag
Uh, for the record: my flight path drawing was for Regular weight (170g+/-) Optos. The gold line river and vision will be very similar to what I drew but the flow might be drastically less stable than my line.
Jeronimo said:
Uh, for the record: my flight path drawing was for Regular weight (170g+/-) Optos. The gold line river and vision will be very similar to what I drew but the flow might be drastically less stable than my line.


I was actually hoping the GL flow would be less stable :) Im looking for something that would be a little flippy.
so if i am going to be buying a lat64 driver this is what ive gathered so far.

more dome = more stability
less dome = less stability
flashing will make it more overstable and removing it will lessen its stability

has anyone noticed any consistent in the color to dome factor? *for instance, dark red innova tends to be a very flat dome were as a light pink innova will be more domey than normally. mainly looking at the River and Flow
Smyith said:
so if i am going to be buying a lat64 driver this is what ive gathered so far.

more dome = more stability
less dome = less stability
flashing will make it more overstable and removing it will lessen its stability

higher PLH will mean a more stable disc. both my rivers have a huge dome but are not over stable.

flashing will make any disc more stable and removing it less so.
Smyith said:
so if i am going to be buying a lat64 driver this is what ive gathered so far.

more dome = more stability
less dome = less stability

The only place I've found this to be true is with Core's, and it's not quite that simple. The dome is not what is making any discs more stable it just appears to be a common characteristic from what I've seen. There are extenuating circumstances like the very domey, smaller 4" diameter dome which is a common factor to Cores that are a little LESS stable, and the more gradual dome on the latest Opto's. A thought I had in regard to those recently was that I typically throw a 170-175g disc, and all these more stable Core's with the gradual dome are 178g to 181g. It could be my own inability to snap the heavy discs, but I sort of doubt it. I believe the reason for the more gradual dome on the heavy Core's is because there is more material in the mold so the already thin flight plate isn't effected as much by shrink, therefore yielding a more linear surface.
Yeah, thanks very much. I only wish I could get one of those magical Cores that are most stable. Mine all flew like a beat in D Buzzz.
Modified Jeronimo's slightly using his flightpaths

EDIT: FIXED trident v striker
EDIT 2: Added blitz and modified

BTW, Jeronimo:
You can throw a Trident as far as a Striker....FFFFFFWOW!
Nice job EL-KABONG!! I like it.

eh, I might have been a wee bit generous with the Trident's distance there... It can definitely get out there with a good toss, but I should have dropped it back behind the striker a little bit.
extend the Striker just a little beyond where the Trident is now and pull the Trident back just a hair from it's current position.
Jeronimo said:
Another idea I've had that I wanted to pursue, If I had a better video camera, would be to post videos of disc flights. In one video I could have covered all the material above and thrown each disc to show how they behave. The big problem there though is that it's tough to really capture disc flight on camera since your eye does a much better job refocusing on a disc zooming off into the distance than a camera does.
It is hard, but if you can loan/rent a Full HD camera and take it out to the field with you, you can probably keep the disc visible. If you can be arsed, you can add a ring around the disc in post-production which will make it easier to see where the disc is going. It's pretty easy if you go frame by frame. I did this when I made a video of all the basic throws (anhyzer, flat and hyzer for understable, neutral and overstable each) to teach the salespersons at our local sports shop, worked quite alright.
Man...I'm looking at your Flow graph. 400'+ & dead straight

No one in my group* can throw mine is a really overstable freak Flow
I had a guy that consistently hits 400 throw it with 20+ degrees of anny and it fought out of it at about 150 feet and hyzered out/crashed at 300
I have destroyers that aren't that sassy

*Some of these guys throw way over 400