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Struggling to have a normal putt


Bogey Member
Jul 30, 2014
Joliet, Illinois
This has been an ongoing battle since I started years ago. I've tried multiple grips, stances, putters, arm swings and no matter what I cannot putt.

Nothing feels normal. I've tried just doing what's comfortable, copying pros. There also doesn't seem to be a lot of putting information out there.

I need more tailored and specific information for putting. Like, lining up, how does the arm swing, how much wrist do you use, why do my putts flutter or miss left and right.

I understand that practice builds consistency, but I have no good habits to practice.
Your putts miss left and right because you're not a good putter. You're not a good putter because you don't practice enough. There are no such thing as good putting habits. There are excellent putters who use every style imaginable. You don't need someone to tell you to use 17% more wrist, you need repetition and confidence.

See the ball hit the ball.
All you need is a grip and form that are both comfortable and that you use each and every time (i.e. repeatable). Then, it's really all between your ears (and practice - if that's what it takes to develop confidence).

That's what I try and do pitching also - keep it simple and repeatable, and then it's all in my head. Don't think, Meat. Just throw.
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You've already shot down the only secret to being a good putter. Practice. The only way to figure out what you're doing wrong is to practice as much as possible. But that doesn't seem to be an option for you.
but I have no good habits to practice.
Make sure you shift your weight cleanly by pushing the rear hip into the front hip. If you start off with the pelvis at like 45 degrees, the rear hip should slide behind so that you end up with the pelvis almost parallel to the putt line. You should not just be striding forward and maintaining the same pelvis angle...this doesn't shift any weight. Watch all the top pro's, their rear foot and rear hip move subtly in behind the plant leg. This gets your spine onto the front leg and helps you actually transfer weight, rather than step forward and then try not to fall past your lie.

Lots of other stuff is pretty individual, but having a clean weight shift and a straight spine without hunch is very key for essentially all putts. Spine can be angled targetward how you like, just don't have a hunch.
Well, it depends, what most do you find awkward about putting? Could be putter depth/ tackiness or slickness of putters making your releases sloppy. Hand shape/size? Or it might be that your unbalanced, or have too much movement, or poor weight shift. There's a lot that could be going wrong. Oh yeah focus and confidence are key too. But i'd blindly suggest to someone that has been struggling for a while to try to straddle with an down to up motion, with barely any bend in wrist or elbow. Keep it as simple and as repeatable as possible. Work on 10-15 footers. Remember to follow through and to use ur thumb to help you aim.Don't forget to focus and to lock in on center pole, tape, chain link, or whatever you think your sweet spot is. It's so easy to be lackadaisical and miss putts.
Bruh!!, "Normal" is a setting on the dryer. Slow plastic has provided some technically sound advice a few posts prior. Take that advice tweak it to what's comfortable for you. Then get about five minis and get in front of a basket. 10', 15', 20' and so on working your way up to circle's edge. Stay at the one you're comfortable with at any given time. Instilling the confidence to make putts is as crucial as any form or technique. I did this when I got a basket in my yard maybe a month ago now I'm sinking almost every putt from 20' in. Myb25' and longer putts also tend to find their mark much more often than before altogether my outting is up by about 55% in roughly one month (give or take) repetition, practice, muscle memory, confidence that's what makes you a better putter you think Raptor Legs Ricky just grabbed a putter and started draining them. NOPE! now go find a basket and for the love of all things good and holy take your putters along with you!!
Etdefender and slow plastic are right on.
Get into the stance that's most comfortable and allows a repeatable motion.

However, the first thing you need to change is mentality. You're not a good putter because you decided you aren't and you think it's harder than it is. Change your mindset first and then incorporate mechanical improvements.
When you step up to a putt you should not be thinking about missing. You shouldn't be thinking about making it. You shouldn't really be thinking at all. Focus on the spot you want your disc to hit. That's it. Every other thing you think about is a distraction.
^Yeah it's very mental. Once you figure out how to get a clean shift, release/pop, and manage to always get that disc out without wobble then you'll have to fire off a ton of putts so that you always get clean releases. After you've passed that stage, then just focus on making EVERYTHING. You need the muscle memory to repeat your motion, but after that it's like 80% mental or more.

It drives me nuts when I see people practice putting from like 35', firing off 5 putts in 10 seconds and hitting metal maybe twice. What does that help? It teaches you that it's ok to miss constantly. It may take me 5-10 seconds per putt when I'm practicing, but that's because I'm trying to hit EVERY SINGLE ONE. Everyone's approach is different, but I'm just agreeing that you need to expect to make a putt before you putt it. Focus on that after you feel like you have your release and shift clean, and only on that.
I knew, but needed to hear again everything that has been said thus far. A bad weekend of putting shook me. Thanks.
I'm not a very good putter.

But after trying lots of different things to improve, what seems to be helping me the most is the repetitions everyone talks about here. There are a lot of factors that go into a putt and what I found is that when I stepped up to make my first putt of the round, or the practice before the round, I sometimes couldn't miss and sometimes couldn't toss one in the ocean off a pier. Why so good sometimes and so bad others?

For me, it was realizing a whole host of things I had to remember to do each time. I really started questioning everything, wondering if I needed to switch to a totally different style, or buy different discs or something. But then I see players who can drain everything inside the circle using similar techniques, so I figure it's not about looking for a magical putting stance or grip, it's just about working on it constantly.

I pitch putt and use "finger spring" to impart spin to the disc. So what I found was I have to remember some basics on every single putt: Keep my arm straight, get my "squared-up" stance just right, grip the disc at the right position (in terms of thinking of the disc like a clock, at 1:00, etc.), have my wrist in exactly the same place, etc., etc. If I start putting badly and wondering what the hell is going on, I really pay attention and in almost every case, I realize I've let one of those things slip a little bit. When I adjust, it gets better.

My current routine is I've set up a basket in my garage and I have four of the same mold of putter in it. Before I get in my car to go to work, I putt from the other end of the garage (about 18 feet) and force myself to make four putts in a row before I can leave. When I get home, same thing before I go inside.

This is not the only putting practice I do, but it ensures I do at least some every day. And it really forces me to focus, because sometimes I'm hungry but I can't go inside and eat until I make those four putts in a row! This also helps with the type of pressure you feel during a round, where you can't throw practice putts, you've got to walk up to your disc after throwing a drive or upshot and sink the putt on your first try. With this practice routine, I really try to make the first putt when I'm completely cold. If I hit the first four, I stop right there. I don't force myself to repeat it. It gives me a confidence boost I carry around for a while.

For what it's worth. Not sure this is helpful, except to share that I felt as confused and frustrated as you not too long ago. And I still do a lot of times! But it's getting better by me doing these things. Maybe they'll help you.
My current routine is I've set up a basket in my garage and I have four of the same mold of putter in it. Before I get in my car to go to work, I putt from the other end of the garage (about 18 feet) and force myself to make four putts in a row before I can leave. When I get home, same thing before I go inside.

I hope your the boss
There are really only a few different styles of putting. Pick one, then go watch a tutorial vid on youtube. Then throw that style about 100,000 times. You'll be fixed.
When my putting took a turn for the worse, I tried to forget about all the technical things I was doing. Someone told me to just throw it in the basket. Thats what I did, and I found the best motion for just "tossing a disc into a basket" After I got that motion down I started practicing with it.
To me, putting is one of those things that you should not try to mimic other too much. You really should have only one goal in mind, make a kinetic chain happen without thinking. Pick a rock and toss it underhand, thats essentially how it should feel. If you pay attention what your body is doing during the rock toss. Few things should be happening: You are balanced, you are shifting your weight, it´s effortless. You dont have toss the disc underhand but regardless the feeling should be very similiar. Spin putting is very close to doing a jab in boxing. These chains are in our DNA just need to enforce them with practice. The chain wont work if you are trying to mechanically move one part at a time, its very fluid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w93L5pKuPEc
My 2 cents.
Build confidence in your putt by putting from like 10 feet. Seriously. It feels stupid, but after you make like 20 in a row at 10 feet then move back a few more feet. Keep putting and only move back when you feel confident and make most of your putts at that distance. Then as you slowly work your way outward and you'll find you are making putts a lot easier.

Eagle McMahon has a video out there and that's actually how he practiced as well. Tons and tons of 15 foot putts. And we all have seen how he's been putting.
Eagle McMahon has a video out there and that's actually how he practiced as well. Tons and tons of 15 foot putts. And we all have seen how he's been putting.

Plus if you know you always hit the 15'er you won't care about missing and having a comeback putt. So you'll likely draw metal or drain the first putt since you won't worry about the "what if I blow by" situation. The better you are at short putts and forget about the comebacker, the better your first putt is...it's very cyclical. It's why people nearly always drain their second frustration putt in casual rounds, even if it's with whatever disc was lying on the ground, because they don't care if they miss.