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Best/Worst someone getting hit with disc stories

My one friend would of been a victim of a head shot. He walks up this OB black path parallel to the hole on the left after shanking his throw. I tried forehanding my teebird and I turned it over to the left. I was just about to bend down to pick up my stuff when I saw my friend pop into view with my disc barreling down on him. I let out the most manliest "fore" I have ever yelled. (I honestly felt the ground tremble) My buddy turns to his right just in time to see a disc on a collision course with his head. Sadly enough he ducked. This story would of been sooo much better. haha just kidding
My gf was crawling under a fence to get a disc she had griplocked into the empty lot on the other side. As she's crawling under, we hear "FORE", and look around to see a disc barreling down on her. She couldn't move from under the fence quickly enough, and I wasn't near enough to get in the way, so the disc nailed her right on her shoulder blade. It raised a huge red welt instantly, and left a funny looking bruise for a couple weeks.
A buddy of mine threw his drive on hole 6 at Hornet's Nest way right and toward a parking lot. We started shouting "Fore" and "Look Out" but all that did was get everyone over there to look at us and this BIG dude caught it right under his eye. While we were apologizing (profusely), his girlfriend brought the disc back and then told the guy we were giving her "attitude". He came over, none too happy, and offered to kick the crap out of us if we wanted to cop an attitude with him. We assured him we were apologizing and he seemed to realize his gf was trying to start something and headed back to his car. This all happened in less than 30 seconds but in that brief period a huge mouse had formed under his eye.

On the lighter side, one night at our thursday handicap league, one of the other guys on my card had brought his young son along. As I was lining up a putt, his son decided to grab a disc and throw. It caught me in the back of the head. I was fine and we all had a pretty good chuckle about it.
A buddy of mine threw his drive on hole 6 at Hornet's Nest way right and toward a parking lot. We started shouting "Fore" and "Look Out" but all that did was get everyone over there to look at us and this BIG dude caught it right under his eye. While we were apologizing (profusely), his girlfriend brought the disc back and then told the guy we were giving her "attitude". He came over, none too happy, and offered to kick the crap out of us if we wanted to cop an attitude with him. We assured him we were apologizing and he seemed to realize his gf was trying to start something and headed back to his car. This all happened in less than 30 seconds but in that brief period a huge mouse had formed under his eye.

On the lighter side, one night at our thursday handicap league, one of the other guys on my card had brought his young son along. As I was lining up a putt, his son decided to grab a disc and throw. It caught me in the back of the head. I was fine and we all had a pretty good chuckle about it.

Did you offer to kick the crap out of him? ;)
I was playing on a really cold day in Humboldt... at the Mad River - famous for FORE calls -on the teepad of hole 5 when I heard a guy on 9 yelling FORE... I turned and ducked and the disc hit me in the side.

Because it was so cold and everything was a little moist... the disc was stuck to my jacket, just like licking a frozen flag-pole. The disc was just dangling there. When I peeled the disc off my jacket, fibers from the jacket ripped off and were stuck to the disc.

Moral of the story... always keep your head up at the Mad River.
I was playing with a father and daughter that were newbies. On one of the holes, I had just made my putt and went to the basket to get my disc. The girl didn't realize that I was doing this, and she made her putt as I had turned to walk away, and her disc hit me square in the butt. We all got a good laugh out of it.
I was playing with a father and daughter that were newbies. On one of the holes, I had just made my putt and went to the basket to get my disc. The girl didn't realize that I was doing this, and she made her putt as I had turned to walk away, and her disc hit me square in the butt. We all got a good laugh out of it.

That's funny.

And, congrats on the 4000th post.
In the late '90s I was playing the old Highland Park layout in St. Paul, MN. I had thrown an errant drive that had landed behind a huge tree, and skipped into the parking lot and under a car. I got down to the tree and crawled half under the front of the car to grab my disc. As I was standing, still behind the tree, inspecting the disc and car for potential damage, a disc SLAMMED into the side of my neck. The guy who threw it never saw me or my friend behind the massive tree. The impact knocked me to my knees and made me see stars for about 15 minutes. I had to sit down, then lay down to clear the cobwebs. The guy walked up, said "hi," threw his second shot and walked off, still completely oblivious that he had drilled me so hard I thought I'd been shot. I couldn't even muster words to tell him, and my buddy was still confused, having not actually seen the hit. My neck hurt for a week.
This is more of a story of hitting something rather that somebody but…

I was playing in an Ice Bowl at Perkerson Park last winter and had a somewhat uncomfortable situation happen to me.

First off I should point out that this is a temporary course and it is in a primarily African American part of town. This particular day was a pleasant one and the park was being well used. Anyway, there was an area that was being used as a family reunion/bar-b-bue to the right of the second tee if memory serves. I had a particular but not uncommonly bad shot that left me with a sizable upshot to the basket and it was nothing out of the ordinary. Although the group of folks participating in the bar-b-que didn't bother me particularly I do seem to remember their presence and their curious watching and occasional chuckles/snickers.

That is when it all went downhill. I carefully lined up my shot and went for it. Moments later all I could do is watch in disbelief as my disc seemed to hone in on the shiny black cars parked on the road to the right of the pin. Sure enough it smashed right into the side of it as I heard what I guess I will never forget as long as my meager white ass lives, "OH NO HE DIDN'T". Suddenly about 5-6 unhappy people came running towards our foursome. Thoughts of pointing to someone else, pulling a disappearing act, crying, waking up, anything, ran through my mind. They started asking questions, "What the hell you doing, what is that?"

I don't know how I got away with it but I pulled a "Steady Ed" Blowfly from my bag and handed to the lady and said see, "It is just a Frisbee." She said, "Oh, dis tang is soft!" They asked a few more questions and then let us move along. I was shaking for the next few holes. It sucked.
i hit a beer girl in the head in ball golf (i know off topic but still worthy of telling). her beer kart was 20 yards or so past the green and green was uphill about 150 away. i went over green and ball hit her in head. When we came up she was crying and bleeding all over. Hit her in the eye/nose. We got her to the hospital and she just had a broken nose. felt so horrible. always gave her crazy tips after this happened.
Have you had a drive that just gets loose and, as if possessed, defies all the laws of physics? A few years ago, I was playing with some friends at Tupelo Bay in Myrtle Beach. The 3rd hole runs parallel to Business 17, a four lane through town, and the hole runs the same direction as the south bound traffic. Well, my friend starts his RHBH drive, and lets go to late... Way to late! The disc literally traveled backwards out over 17, and over the traffic. As it's descending, it glides down in front of a drivers windshield like a UFO. I'm sure it freaked out the driver, it just about hit the hood, but the draft from the car carried the disc off onto the median. Thankfully it was all a close call and no major wrecks happened. I know no one got hit, but I'd hate to think of how much worse that situation would have been, if the driver swerved into the car next to him trying to avoid the disc that appeared out of nowhere! This is a busy section of road, and there were cars side by side. Thankfully, the driver just slowed down! After relief set in, we got a laugh watching him play "Frogger" trying to retrieve his disc out of the middle of the road!
haha, one time we playing a hole, my friend threw a bad first shot, so we were all starting to walk down to get our discs when josh decides to throw a 178g buzzz again, as soon as he released my friend stephen turned around and it smacked him dead center in the forehead... i hit josh in the back of the head once on a long putt... i shouldve waited for him to move...
Had one happen today at a tournament. I was on my second shot and I was staring at the basket, and didn't notice a lady on a bike coming down the jogging trail to my left. I threw just as she came into my vision, and the disc and her seemed to be headed for a meeting ,(or a collision)at the same time. Luckily my disc landed low, and hit her bike tire. She looked over, and gave me a "Go to hell" look, and just kept riding. I told my group, "I never saw her, she came out of no where. We got a laugh out of it, and kept playing.
my girlfriend smoked me in the back off the head with a full force throw. it was swollen for 2 weeks and i had a gash for about a month. that wasn't cool
I lost a disc while playing some warm up holes before a tournament. Before the 1st round started some one walked up to me and handed me my lost disc, a treasure of mine at the time.

The way I repaid him was, during the tournament round, I threw a drive into a tree that shot across to another tee and hit the guy who found my disc in the back of the head.

Hell of a way to say thanks. lol
Thankfully most of my disc attacks involve putting and not drives. One time my friend was texting about 15 feet from the pin and I was practicing putting, basically in such a position that he was behind the pin for me. Well, I was hitting most of them, but one flew past the pin and hit him right in the nuts. A pretty hilarious moment, and we're even since he nailed me in the back of the head with a drive before.
Thankfully most of my disc attacks involve putting and not drives. One time my friend was texting about 15 feet from the pin and I was practicing putting, basically in such a position that he was behind the pin for me. Well, I was hitting most of them, but one flew past the pin and hit him right in the nuts. A pretty hilarious moment, and we're even since he nailed me in the back of the head with a drive before.

I would have been laughing my ass off.
My friends brother is jim, Weve disced together for many years (10+), I kid you not he has hit about 15-20 people with discs that ive seen personally. Hes hit me twice. Everyone I know that knows him has several different stories of him drilling someone with a frisbee out on the disc course. He is a true shankapotamous. If you stand anywhere in front of his throw your most likely gonna get nailed. All of his friends have been hit like 2-5 times by terrible throws of his.

On a diiferent note I was discing (not with jim this time) and my buddy launched a good 350 footer that glided into another holes fairway, he yelled "fore!!!!" but it was too late, his disc nailed this little kid standing out on the fairway with her mom and dad who were playing. We ran up to them and she was balling her eyes out in certain pain, I almost began crying myself as I have 3 kids myself, but her parents were cool, they were like "its o.k, accidents happen". This was like ten years ago and I still think about it once in a while and feel sad for the kid.

Ive had probly 20 close calls over the years myself where you hear the wind of the disc whiz by your ear within feet of your head. Reminds you everytime to be aware and look out for frickin ametures.
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