If you don't have more than 350 feet of distance, being a hero can lead to landing in some very high grass. Two well-placed drives can land a high percentage of players close enough to really drive their third shot toward the green.
Staying out of trouble off the tee can mean the difference between a birdie or a double bogey, as the rough along the fairway is very thick. Try to place a tee shot as straight and close to the opening to the left as possible, and you can then air out your second shot a little more to push toward the basket. Keep in mind the the elevation goes down past the basket, so going long can lead to a longer putt.
This is a relatively short but tricky par 5, but a birdie can be achieved without any long shots. Start with a left to right fade with a mid or fairway, followed by an accurate shot to the next gap. A shot around the opening at the second half of the fairway should set up for an open, gentle right ending shot to the green.
Don't be a hero, you'll usually end up off the fairway in the thick brush. Slow and steady wins the race on this hole. Keep your mids straight and you might get out of the woods in 3, possibly 2.
Placement of your tee shot is of utmost importance. Too long or too short and you'll have a tough time finding a good line to get out of the woods and into the meadow for your approach to the basket.
After holing out on 4, go left to the F tee and throw slightly downhill between the trees and across the path (caution for pedestrians). You want to stay out of the seasonal tall grasses. A spotter here is advisable at times, just as on hole 15. Finally, if you do clip a tree, be aware that the ravine has some thorny plants to watch out for. After holing out, you get back to the number holes on 5, just downhill.
The long tee for E is at the end of the pond closest to D, and requires something to work a little left to right, and not a big rhbh fade that will risk gliding into the drink. The short pin can be played dry the whole way, but you need to know that there's a walking path just blind up the hill to the right that's usually ruled OB in tourney play. After the E basket, walk forward to rejoin the number holes at the #3 long or short tee.
Recently cleaned up of some of the dead wood, there's still a traditional mando line on D that forces a water carry. Most folks can still reach it, however, so I ike to throw a fairway flex shot (rhbh) and go for the pin as best I can.
New to Idlewild? There are actually two tees on hole C. The first, near the B basket, is pretty straightforward, and requires you to shape a line that avoids the two younger trees just across the drive and the huge guardian at the green. The long tee is across the drive, around the pond to the right, and much prettier. Obviously, you want to clear the water, but not so obvious is the 'bowl' of long grass to the right and beyond. If the grass is long and you want to go straight for the pin, you might want a spotter. The safe line fades left to the mown grass.
The tree on the right, about 2/3rds of the way up the fairway, is usually played with a mando left, to protect the shelter up there from errant hyzer (rhbh) lines. Because of the gentle upslope, the hole plays as if it were maybe 30 feet longer than stated.