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Kansas City, KS

Rosedale Park - Down Under

Permanent course
3.645(based on 45 reviews)
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Rosedale Park - Down Under reviews

15 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 193 played 122 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Real Love-Hate Relationship 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 12, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


Down Under is the classic wooded course. And when I say wooded, I mean REALLY wooded. Whatever course you're thinking of that's really wooded, this is more. Every hole puts all your control skills and endurance to the test nearly every kind of technical shot imaginable. Mistakes are punished severely.

Every hole has some different lines available. Unlike some wooded shots where there's only one way to get to the basket, this course usually has several. Holes are short enough that touchy turnovers often work, but there are opportunities for skip shots and even sky right-to-left shots on hole 2.

The elevation here is amazing. In addition to the holes that play up or down, there are several steep drop-offs, usually to the right side. While it does make for lost-disc opportunity, you always have to be careful and possibly choose a safer line. One bad kick can cost multiple strokes when a shot that pures the tunnel will be on the green.

Despite many holes being fairly short, distance perception is difficult. The tunnels always seem longer than they are, so a full-power driver shot is often a little more than you need. Sometimes it will be really hard to park the hole from where you're at, but a fairly short putt isn't too hard. This makes shot selection important when you really don't need the most aggressive line to get up and down for the birdie or par. One example is hole 6, in the right pin position: a right-fading shot might park it, but might skip down the hill right, while a straight shot is nearly guaranteed to leave you with a longer, but makeable, putt.


Despite many holes being really unique wooded holes, it certainly gets old and leaves this course with relatively little variety. You won't find yourself pulling out your furthest-flying discs too often (though if you do, they're probably sailing down a few hills). It means that regardless of your skill level, this course won't have anywhere near a comprehensive test of your skills. Some might say the Up Top course is a good compliment to this one, but I would rather some holes play up the hills and into the open.

Upkeep is not good, and the way the course is makes upkeep nearly impossible entirely. The tees are natural and get muddy easily, and a lot of fairways are treacherous as well. Signage is practically nonexistent, and even having a map won't always solve everything. Being in the woods, you can usually just follow a path to the next tee, but the main space to get confused is around the baskets of 10, 12, and 17, and the corresponding following tees. That area is a little more open, and you even have to walk across the fairway of 12 to get to the tee of 17, potentially without knowing it.

There are a few holes that are not well designed at all. Maybe they were okay when the course was originally installed, but they're certainly not good now. Some examples are hole 7, which has a dumb fairway shape, 8, which is too tight of a line, and 13 and 14, which have little going for them other than the dropoff on the right. Those two are pretty much the same anyway. A few others, like 1 and 17, are a little boring and will leave every drive with a putt, provided it makes one gap. Now, while learning the gaps you need to hit is an important part of this course, parts of it fall flat pretty quickly.

Other Thoughts:

WATCH YOUR DISCS. Rollaways are a common occurrence here, and even anything going slowly is still in jeopardy. There could be steep slopes where you aren't expecting them, and the rocks can make discs quite unpredictable.

While the poor tees are a problem, the ruggedness of this course was intentional, and it's meant to stay that way. In many ways, it helps the feel of the course and makes it a little more exciting, even if it technically makes it a bit worse. That said, this course is by no means neglected. The bridge on hole 8 was replaced recently, and a staircase to leave the course has also been added.

Several holes have two tees, but unless you really want the extra variety, they don't add much to the course. The alternate tees on 1, 4, and 8 are nice, but I always play the right tees on 5 and 10. Hole 17 has two tees, but I think your choice is dictated by the current pin setting - again, there's no signage helping you out there.

Some pins are hard to see from the tee. This isn't usually a problem - the baskets are bright orange - but if you're expecting the basket to be somewhere it isn't, it won't be fun.

At the end of the day, plenty of people will love this course, and that's okay. Other people will hate it, and that's also okay. While it is a great test of skill, there are obvious downsides and many better alternatives for wooded courses. But this place isn't at all bad, so it doesn't deserve a low rating.
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14 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.3 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Thunder Down Under! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 6, 2018 Played the course:once


The Rosedale Park-Down Under Disc Golf Course plays fairly short but I felt there was usually (except one hole) a fair route to the pinkish orange baskets. Hitting that route was never easy. Down Under just feels a little run down. I played after some heavy rain and anyone exposed dirt was extremely slippery and with everything being wet, it just felt kinda dingy. Part of this feeling was the fact that there aren't concrete pads. The natural pads which are outlined with slate were sometimes slick, sometimes puddled and usually adequate. The Kingpin baskets have faded from orange to kind of a hot pink. I kinda liked them. # 10 looks to have a pretty new basket. There are no signs but navigation is intuitive and not a problem.

With only one basket reaching 300' this is a prototypical technical course. Many of the holes play along this ridge line with it's very steep slopes. It's on your right for quite a few holes.

# 11 has a nice shrine for a former golfer. Probably over a hundred bag tags have been left there. It's pretty touching and impressive, too.

I think my favorite hole was # 9 with the visible basket sitting down there an inviting 275'. # 16 has these two ribbons tied around trees that were only about four feet away from each other. I couldn't really figure out what they represented but then talked to some locals who explained to me in some casual play, that those ribbons actually are a very narrow Mando.


A general feeling of dinginess. I don't think this Course gets the play that the Top course. It certainly doesn't get the love and care that the Top course receives.

Short distances. No airing it out here.

Gooey mud is incredibly slippery after rains. Makes for some treacherous footing.

Lots of places to hunt for your discs.

Natural tee pads.

No signage.

Other Thoughts:

I think the Down Under course is more than a little overrated. It's a solid, enjoyable course but definitely seems to take second fiddle to the Top course. It seems as though a course with lots of long, more open, big air throws is more exciting to many players than the technical nature of the Down Under course. Personally, I'm not sure which of these courses I prefer. They are both excellent courses which compliment each other extremely well. Kudos to everyone involved with the Kansas City Disc Golf scene. It looks like you have your act together here.
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4 2
Experience: 9.4 years 36 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

tight and technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


This course requires you to really think about your shot placement. Not just where it lands, but how it lands. It's also a good workout what with the uneven terrain and climbing up and down hills. The baskets are good and despite have dirt tee boxes, they are well-packed and provide decent footing.


Signage is an issue here and if it's your first time, you might want to go with someone that knows the course. The wooded and rocky nature of the course can be treacherous when wet.

Other Thoughts:

This is not a great course for a cart. It can be done, but a bag is so much easier here. The whole course will be played with putters and midranges. There isn't really room for drivers. Be very aware of the slopes, underbrush, and leaves. Our group of 5 lost two discs in one round, but found 4 discs that previous players had lost.
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11 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.6 years 206 played 63 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not a fan of wooded courses, but this one was okay 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 7, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Tons of elevation present and it's used very well. Makes walking a little tough, but it's great for the disc golf. 10/10

A large variety of shot paths are required, some left to right, some right to left, some straight, some high, some low etc. You really need every shot in the bag to do well here. 10/10

Once you find the tees, the baskets are pretty easy to find, except in a couple hole positions on some holes. 9/10

The course uses the obstacles well, they did a good job of not overdoing the how wooded the course is on most holes. 8/10

Holes have a variety of distances. Several are short enough to ace, but some are longer and require good shots for reasonable par chances. 8/10

Alternate hole positions really add something to the holes and offer different spins on many holes. 7/10

Tees are flat, and have well defined borders, but they're dirt which makes footing a little difficult. Some are a bit on the short side, and are even a little dangerous so be careful. 6/10

Definitely not a beginner course, be sure to have good control of your disc before you try it. The course is pretty challenging overall, but still provides lots of chances for birdies or even aces with great shots, there just isn't a lot of margin for error. It has the ability to challenge all levels past beginner and novice without being impossible. 6/10


VERY hard to find discs. Many holes have steep ridges if you go very far at all of the "fairways" (rockways). Rocks can be very frustrating, as discs can hit and skip and roll at any time even after a perfect shot. Discs tend to roll down ridges, and it can be difficult and dangerous to find them 1/10

Navigation between holes is difficult at best. Many holes have multiple paths leading off into seemingly the middle of nowhere, so bring a map or a friend who's played before. 2/10

Overall comfort level: Footing is very rocky everywhere and a little treacherous in some many areas. There are "benches", but they are mostly fallen trees or stumps somewhere close to the tees. No running water or bathrooms on the actual course, so be sure to empty and fill up before you start. Lots of trees mean lots of shade which is good on a hot day. 3/10

Course maintenance: Many tee signs are missing, and the ones that are there only show what hole number it is. Trash cans are usually stuffed full and benches are uncomfortable. 3/10

There is some variety of openness in shots, but none are open at all. The variety is just between very tight and moderately tight. 4/10

Other Thoughts:

Overall Challenge 7/10
More Precise Rating 3.041

Very heavily wooded, but most of the obstacles are tree tree trunks, not brush and leaves, which makes the bounces more predictable and fair.
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4 3
Experience: 16 years 50 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

HOLY CRAP 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2010 Played the course:once


This thing was wicked, it tested every bit of my game and every shot had to be very very very accurate, there were no repeat shots, every hole was unique, especially 13 or 14 i don't really remember which one exactly because it went straight up hill, terrain changes, elevation changes, mixed with some short and long holes, great course i would like to play again.


Dirt tee pads, and the course was very hard to navigate, we ended up playing to basket 18 from the 11 tee and hole 18 finishes inside the woods which is like ok... how do we get out of here. when we found a path we ended up in the fairway for hole 5 on the top course and had discs flying at us, not cool

Other Thoughts:

no other thoughts good park, like having 2 courses to play there, and it is a must play park both top and bottom
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7 1
Hector Chain
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 222 played 191 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A fun hike 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 5, 2010 Played the course:once


This is the kind of course that tells you how accurate you are. If you can throw a straight 200-foot shot, there is no hole that is tough to par. But if you come in and try to fire your Boss down the fairway, you might be in for a rude awakening. This course is a blast. The elevation can be dramatic for as short as the holes are, so you may have a hole 200 feet long and 30 feet up or down. The fairways are all reasonable and get you to focus on controlled shots. The trees can be thick off of the fairways and will punish errant shots. The bright orange baskets are the most visible baskets I've ever seen. There are 3-4 basket positions on each hole from what I can tell. Downhill shots on courses like these are some of the most fun shots in disc golf. Although most of the tees were natural, they were in good shape, and you won't be needing much of a run-up on these tees anyway.


There are three main cons:
1. Tee shot repetition. Most of the holes were dogleg right, heavily favoring forehand players or lefties. I liked having to work my turnover shot, but it got a little boring hole after hole. Only two holes called for hyzer shots.

2. Signage. There are laminated signs nailed to trees, but not on every hole. And they only show one hole position, although there are at least three positions on each hole (the signs showed wrong positions on numerous holes). That didn't help on the holes where you couldn't see the basket from the tee. And it's a little annoying to read that the hole is 225 feet long and then see that the position being used is actually 275 feet from the tee.

3. Course design: One one hole (#16?) I was about to tee off when two players walked across the fairway. You have to cross that fairway to get from 17 to 18. Not safe. A couple other holes required you to pass very close to the basket from another hole to get to the next tee. Also, despite some "Next Tee" signs with arrows, navigation wasn't always easy here. At one point we started down a fairly unsafe slope before realizing we'd gone too far and hadn't turned left to get to the #17 tee. Need some stairs or tiers there and much better signs.

Other Thoughts:

The fun factor here is high. You'll never throw the same second shot here, and the big uphill and downhill shots are great. It's great to have a course like this as a counterpoint to wide open grip-and-rip courses. I didn't get to play the up top course, but the Kansas City disc golf community should be proud of creating this course in the woods.
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6 2
denny ritner
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.4 years 170 played 115 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 28, 2000 Played the course:once


A very unique tight, technical short course. A beautiful walk through the woods.

This course definitely challenges one's ability to hit tight lines, shape shots, and mentally overcome the inevitable bad breaks that come with such a tight course.

Great place to practice to improve accuracy. A nice change of pace. Very fun for casual play.


Moderate schule in places.

A higher "luck factor" involved than on most courses.
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