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Kennedale, TX

Sonora Park

3.385(based on 30 reviews)
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Sonora Park reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.6 years 495 played 493 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Very nice 9 hole course

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 2, 2024 Played the course:once


- Good infrastructure with large concrete tee pads
- Baskets are color coded with pink, red/white/blue, etc. but I had no idea what for. It does make finding the baskets in the woods much easier
- Tightly wooded course forces lines or makes you get creative
- difficult, longer par 3 holes as well as shorter, more getable par 3 holes
- Creek makes you think hard about placement with a few baskets located next to the creek.
- Excellent variety in shot shaping, must use straight, hyzer, and anhyzer lines to score well
- Lots of 'local routes' to be found here.
- You could play some sick safari layouts if it's not busy
- Great spot for breaking in new discs with all of the trees you're almost guaranteed to hit a few
- Lots of trees to protect you from the sun or the wind


I agree with Aclay who said hole one could be pushed back to make a water carry of sorts. Not using that pond seems criminal when it's so close to the tee pad for hole 1 already.

- Not much opportunity for throwing your warp speed distance drivers
- Most locals start on hole 2 because the course flows better this way and ends you near the parking lot
- Navigation shouldn't be too difficult but without a local guide I would have had to look around a bit
- Very little elevation

Other Thoughts:

Even the 9 hole courses in this area are designed and built right. An excellent course, one of the best 9 hole courses I've played, top 3 for me for sure. This seems like a great option when the other nearby courses are busy or the temperature is in the triple digits. The other courses right down the road are great too.
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12 2
Par Hunter
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 3.3 years 24 played 15 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Disappointing course drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 4, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


It is an easy drive from I-20 just off of Business 287.

Several groups were there for other activities and seemed to be having a good time. It looks great for a picnic or a get-together.

It is very clean.

There are a few places where the discs can be retrieved from the creek, or even played on the spot if you prefer.

Holes 7-9 are the easiest on the course (see below).

Tees are old school, wide at the back and narrow toward the front, which is the most friendly for different throwing styles.

An advanced player may enjoy a quick game here.


There is no map, and tee 1 is difficult to find. Go up the hill away from the basket, and it is over the ridge. Other holes had multiple possibilities so my group split up and eventually found the right tee or basket.

Someone suggested to use the UDisc app, but to me it is a black eye on a 9 hole course for the navigation to be poor enough to have to use it.

The creek provides challenge in the same way a poisonous spider does. My group spent over half an hour on hole 6, trying to retrieve discs. The group before me and another group after us also had to search the creek. The bank crumbles away so you are likely to fall in, and it is also loaded with poison ivy. The water is dirty, you get a few shots at it in the deep parts, and then it's gone into mud.

In avoiding the creek, you will likely miss putts and a beginner lose what little confidence she/he has. An average player may be frustrated by the end of hole 6.

7-9 are relatively easy and less likely to lose anything, but by then beginning players may have quit.

Other Thoughts:

Summary: nothing special overall, but rather unfriendly to beginning players (or players who like their discs) for a 9 hole course. There are other better options around.

Updated 1/24

After playing this two more times with a group, we have lost discs each time (average of 1 disc a round for a group of 4). It is frustrating to the extreme. Hole 6 does seem to suck the life out of the course because it is so difficult for a left-handed or forehand player to stay out of the creek on the right; to me if 6 could be eliminated and a different hole added or the basket moved at least 50 feet from its current location, this would be a three ⭐ course. There are apologists for disc-hungry courses, but I am not one of them...
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10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 301 played 275 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Hidden Gem Beats Most City Parks 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 5, 2021 Played the course:once


- well maintained and picturesque park
- some limited elevation change is incorporated well
- creek hazard is incorporated well and forces tougher shots, especially near 6 and 7 baskets
- ample parking
- shared space with fishing lake, pavilion, playground, etc. but course mostly has its own space in the park
- large concrete tees
- some cool wooded shots aren't overly challenging but force some lines
- good quality bridges to cross creek
- no real issues with undergrowth


- hole 7 throws over walking path and creates minor safety hazard
- no practice basket
- limited garbage cans and benches through most of course
- basic baskets with limited chains, though they are in good shape
- walk to hole 4 crosses hole 5 fairway
- minor navigation issues
- tee signs are very basic but are in good shape

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed my round at Sonora Park. This is one of the better city park type courses I played in Texas. Elevation change is pretty minimal except for dropoffs into the creek, but the space is used as well as it could be. Baskets and tees are in great shape, and so are the tee signs, although they are very basic.

The creek can definitely steal some discs and is deep enough to lose them in places. Particularly watch out for this on holes 6 and 7, and 5 to a lesser extent. Otherwise, discs should be easy to spot, with clear, open fairways. The online map seems a bit outdated and navigation is slightly strange as it seems like holes 4 and 6 were swapped at some point. However, it isn't too bad to figure out.

There are plenty of tree obstacles that force some shot selection here but it isn't an overly wooded, technical course. It's a fun, quick round as long as you stay out of the creek, which is the highlight hazard here. Other park uses mostly don't interfere, though do watch out for the walking path snaking through the course.

This course wont be a destination highlight, but it really was a lot of fun and is worth the trip if you're in the area. Some of the obstacles and hazards make up for the general flatness to make this an intriguing round.
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7 0
Experience: 35.6 years 33 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great 9 Hole Course With Plenty of Trees and Shade 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


Good tees
Well maintained park
Easy to navigate and very cart friendly
Still pretty new and has good baskets
Good use of creek and horse pasture as OB
Plenty of big trees and a few heavily wooded holes
Multiple lines available on several holes
Often not busy from disc golfers


Only 9 holes
Pond in park is not included in play
Lack of Par 4s and 5s
Not much change in elevation
Walking path goes through several holes so pedestrians will often be in the way
Holes numbered wrong for ease of play from parking lot.

Other Thoughts:

Flow is a bit off on this course, I usually use the basket for hole 1 as the practice basket and start on hole 2 as it is right by the main parking lot and finish on what is labeled hole 1 as it brings you back from the tee by the pond right back to where you parked. The course has never been busy from golfers when I play here, only issues I have had is use of the general park which has a lot of use on the playgrounds which sometimes overflows onto the course getting in the way of play.

Sonora Park is LHBH/RHFH friendly on several holes and I found I could even force a LHBH through some tight gaps on some holes that were designed to favor a RHBH instead, so a bit of a risk/reward situation there for my style of play. There is a horse pasture as OB on 2 and 3 but the horses and mule seem friendly and it is relatively easy to get discs back from there if you can navigate a low barb wire fence. There also is a large ravine with a creek below in play on 3 holes which adds some difficulty to the course. The creek is often not very deep, but September saw tons of rain and you will lose discs now in it if your disc goes down there. One of the baskets is perched on the edge of it so it would be a good idea to get a spotter to help you not lose your disc if you miss.

There is a sidewalk meandering through several of the holes which does add some pedestrians you need to watch out for, but also gives you some creative sidewalk skip shots you can make. Hole 7 is practically designed to give you a sidewalk skip ace run opportunity. Traversing the course is pretty easy and there is plenty of shade so I usually play through the course twice with ease for a 18 hole round even in the middle of the hot Texas summer. Not the most difficult course in town but there are plenty of trees and some fun holes to play. Good for an easier round or on the weekends when some of the other courses close by get really busy with tournament or heavy rec play.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40 years 339 played 267 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Hidden 9-hole gem 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 21, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


-- The holes offer a challenge for players of all skill levels without the ridiculous distance that is sometimes off putting to those of us without big arms.
-- Good use of the terrain (particularly the creek). The small amount of elevation change on the land is also well used.
-- Nice baskets and tee signs.
-- Plenty of shade.
-- Most of the underbrush has been cleared, although No. 2 can still bite you.
-- Plenty of parking.
-- Good concrete tee pads.
-- Water and restrooms are nearby (at the other end of the park from the course). There are port-o-potties at the parking lot and in the ballfield parking lot near 6 basket 7 tee, but those might be temporary leftovers from a Scout camp that took over the park last week.
-- Navigation is good and mostly intuitive. Once you find No.1 (west of the parking lot, on the top of a small hill beside the pond), you can probably follow your instincts. 1 and 2 are parallel. Three is the closest tee you see from No. 2 basket. Four tees from close to the No. 3 basket, and 4 and 5 are parallel, with 5 bordering the creek. Six tees from near the bridge to cross the creek, and the fairway is on the other side of the creek from No. 5. Seven then comes back from the six basket toward the creek/bridge. Eight tees from the other side of the bridge and goes away from the rest of the course. Nine then tees coming back toward No. 1 and the parking lot.


-- No benches at the tees, but there are a few benches nearby along the walking path.
-- If you've got a big arm, you might find the holes too short.
-- Retrieving discs from the creek (if you play a few times, you WILL end up there) is difficult. And I've heard but not seen evidence of snakes in the water.
-- While the creek is in play on at least two holes (5 and 6 easily, and No. 7 and 8 to a lesser degree), I wish there was water carry. The tee for No. 1 is beside the pond. If it were pushed back 50-60 feet, you would have a nice water carry and probably the signature hole for the course.
-- The walking path brings non-disc golfers onto the course. Some are unaware of the sport, so beware. However, all of them I have encountered have been very nice.

Other Thoughts:

-- The distance listed for No. 1 appears to be off. I think this is the sign from a previous tee pad. The "new" location adds at least 50-75 feet, but the tee sign was not updated.
-- The "electric" fence on No. 4 isn't really electric, in my experience. I have crossed it a few times, with no trouble other than my trepidation approaching a huge horse who was standing near my disc.
-- This is a fun course and one I often hit when I am playing a solo round. It allows me the freedom to play 9/18/27 holes.
-- Not a destination course but worth a stop if you are in the area or live nearby and want some variety.
-- Bag hooks have been added to the tee posts, but they were mounted with just one screw, and many are already coming off or are damaged.
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7 2
Experience: 9 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great 9 hole 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 31, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


* Concrete teepads and signage on every hole.
* Lots of trees in play to test your ability to throw tunnel shots.
* Not typically very crowded. There is a park in the vicinity, but the course is out of the way and does a good job of avoiding throwing near the walking paths.
* Very shady course, great for summertime play.
* Bathrooms and water fountains near the park entrance.
* Parking lots look like they've been paved recently.


* You won't really be throwing any long drives on this course.
* Creek in play, you'll want to bring your retriever if you have one as it's difficult to get your disc if it goes in near hole 6's basket.
* Hole 1 is a little hard to find, as it is uphill from the walking path near the pond.

Other Thoughts:

Great example of how a small course can still be fun and challenging. We sometimes like to play 2 rounds, one with full bag and one with some kind of handicap (such as putters only, no drivers, etc). Lots of wildlife nearby (duck pond, squirrels, horses).
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6 2
Can't get right
Experience: 9.3 years 25 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Little Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 16, 2017 Played the course:once


Compact but not compressed. Good use of space. This little course makes good use of the limited space available. There are some nice tight lines and a couple of good wide open shots.

Concrete pads are great. Signs are simple but in good shape. Could use a good billboard style sign or something similar to point out of town visitors to hole one, but it's not too difficult to find first tee.

Decent course flow with a few down and backs, but no overlaps so that's good.


Only two things I can think of that might improve things a bit. One would be signage pointing to the first tee to help visitors out. Second would be just adding a creek crossing somewhere down by the 6th tee for stray throws that cross over. (A first time player with me did that today). He he'd to take the long walk. Hehehe.

Other Thoughts:

Nice little course that I would recommend everyone try out at least once. A bit of a drive for me personally, but if I'm in the neighborhood...

Good job Kennedale.
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3 3
Experience: 13.4 years 12 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Variety Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 28, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Consists of several various shots of the tee
-Hardly ever crowded
-Easy to follow from basket to next tee pad


-Creek does flow right through middle of Hole 6 and parallel to hole 5.
-Multi-use park

Other Thoughts:

Great course in which is perfect for beginning players!
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6 2
Experience: 7.3 years 9 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Fun, short course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 18, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


- Well manicured and kept up.
- Some great throws for us forehanders.
- Hole 1, 2, and 3 are wide open.
- Hole 2 is custom made for forehand.
- Holes 4, 5, and 7 are heavily wooded for good technical throws.
- Great course to play in the summer as it is VERY shaded.
- One of my favorites (it is local for me... so that helps!)


- Hole 5 runs parallel to a cloudy creek the entire way. Creek isn't too deep, but cloudy as sin so you will lose it easily.

Other Thoughts:

- Short course (9 holes), so we usually play it twice.
- Great playground and splash pad at this park if the wife and kids need something to do while you throw!
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7 2
Experience: 10.5 years 44 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Technical Course, Good Practice Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-Good Combo of all shots; RHBH,RHFH,Tomahawk/thumber.

-All baskets have numbers, all tee-pads are concrete, and have easy to read signage

-Course is very well maintained. Very clean

-Water hazard on almost 50% of the course, so good practice for your mental game

-Kids park+splash pad close by, for your family to go to while your playing


-(In My Opinion) hole 4 has WAY too many trees on the left, electric fence on the right... a little too challenging unless you are a Grandmaster (SUGGESTION cut down a few trees on the left, and place them on the creeks edge, to prevent discs from skipping in)

-At certain times, there can be alot of cross-traffic on the course, since there is a park there.

Other Thoughts:

This course is really good in having you practice certain techniques, and can help out your overall game. Also since it is a 9 hole, its a quick course.

I will keep coming out here, it's so close to mansfield, and its low impact on my legs, 2 plus' in my book

plus Mondays around 6 pm they do a mini, which is fun!
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6 1
Experience: 12 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun 9 holes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


Good for beginners, concrete tees, very well kept park


-Only 9 holes, although that's ok, not everything can be 18.
-Water, especially right now with all the rain. I lost a disc to the creek off tee 5, and there are 3-4 holes where it is REALLY easy to lose a disc with one poor shot.

Other Thoughts:

This course is super close to my home, so I am able to get in a round after work a couple times a week. It's never too crowded in the afternoons, and is at a really nice park for bigger events. I've only been playing a couple months and I didn't feel overwhelmed playing this course.
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8 1
Experience: 20.3 years 128 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wish there were more... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Sonora is the only 9 holer I've ever driven an hour to play again. It is perfect in many ways. Sonora is almost completely shaded on 8 out of 9 holes with a winding creek that will come back to haunt you if drives, approaches and putts are not on point. Nice concrete tees, accurate signs and intelligent use of land make for an experience that leaves you wanting another round as you realize you are sadly nearly done with the 9 holes Sonora offers. The course is extremely easy to find and is located in a well manicured, modern park. The grounds are immaculate and baskets are in good shape.


There are only 9 holes?

Like many other courses that share space, Sonora may have non golfers in fairways.

Other Thoughts:

Sonoras minis (Monday) are year around and include night rounds.

Locals are talking of a soon to come back 9!

Gates are locked by city at 10pm

Course very balanced. May have a rare RHFH / LHBH bias...
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4 1
Experience: 12.2 years 59 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Accuracy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Tight lines. Good use of trees and creeks. Some great choices for risk reward. Concrete tee pads. Some elevation. Good maintenance.


Only 9 holes (play it twice). Some pedestrian traffic. Somewhat short (Pro and Con)

Other Thoughts:

Accuracy is the key to score well here. You can open up on hole one since it is longer and an elevated tee pad. Most of your other shots will require some accuracy, and a lot of accuracy on a couple of holes. If you hit your lines well you will have several opportunities at an ace. This course length wise might be good for new players but they will be extremely frustrated with the trees and creek.
I would consider this one of the best 9 holes I have played. Should be more well known in the DFW disc golf community.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 106 played 48 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Not Easy! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 29, 2013 Played the course:once


- Tight, challenging lines
- Good practice for accuracy, shot shaping
- Concrete teepads
- Not difficult to navigate
- Heavily wooded, shaded
- Peaceful rural setting, with duck pond, horses and cows
- Multi-use park with other facilities


- Only 9 holes
- Pedestrian cross-traffic
- Little elevation change

Other Thoughts:

Contrary to other reviews, this would not be a great beginner's course. It's not long, but the lines are very tight. You can leave your distance drivers at home, but don't assume you're going to get a lot of easy birdies.
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7 0
Experience: 11.6 years 6 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

under the trees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 24, 2013 Played the course:once


nice tee-pads,decent sighnage,park is well maintained,good use of elevation,the nine holes are made in a nice tight circle,makes for an enjoyable and less taxing experience.mostly technical shots thru trees,lotsa trees,creek in play,is really in play.overall a nice course.this course flows well and feels right,a nice plus


other than some poison ivy and a feeling this course could get nasty after a rain,i found no real cons...if you like the long game,you wont like it,if you have a problem with trees ,you wont like it,if your afraid of losing discs in the water,you wont like it....but other than that its a good play

Other Thoughts:

good course for beginners,not so much for vets ima thinkin,folks were friendly on our trip there....parking is good,restrooms available,not too much pedestian traffic...
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 32.3 years 49 played 24 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Sweet Little Course With a Mean Streak 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2013 Played the course:once


Never knew about this course from all the posts on DFW disc golf, and that is a shame. Its a fun nine-hole course that offers some challenges that can bite your butt. Found it when seeking a course near our motel in Mansfield last weekend. It is in a well-maintained park. The course is pretty, offers a variety of shots and elevation, and is shady. There is a splash pad for kids in the park, water and rest rooms close. The course itself is very compact.Other reviewers have described each hole, so I won't go there except to comment.For me 1, 2, 8, and 9 are pretty routine. Trees and crossing a creek are the challenges for 2, 8, and 9. 3 and 5 are fair and use elevation and trees well. 4, 6, and 7 presented me with problems because of the tight fairways, electric fence, and creek. 3 leaves you with a downhill putt if your approach is short. 4 has a very tight corridor to throw straight to the hole or a pray and loop an annie to get there. The left side sidewalk on 7 is tough for a fade. There was only mud in the creek, but it is soft and 4 inches deep if you need to go get a disc. lol. The course is easy to get to, tees are new concrete and well-marked The Chainstar baskets are nice, and the use of terrain is commendable.


I think better lines could be created by moving some of the baskets. A few holes leave you wondering what a good line is, but if I played Sonora a few more times that would work itself out for my skills. The electric fence on 4 gets in your head, so beware. Walkers are out on the sidewalks that run through some of the course, but they were friendly and one even wanted to throw a tee shot.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed the course, and I will play it again someday, even though 4 and 6 took a bite out of my rear. The parking is good. Sonora offers a bit of most shots in a nine hole course, and that is hard. You cannot score here without accuracy. Use the DGCR map and you will have no problems navigating. Again, the course is two years old, and I suspect not many DFW disc golfers know about it. I really think if you go play it a few times one day, you won't regret that choice.
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2 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 171 played 69 reviews
3.50 star(s)

God course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2013 Played the course:once


All of the tee boxes are marked. Baskets are very nice and show the hole number on each basket.


Cant say any really bad other than the grass needs to be cut and some trash picked up. But other than that the course plays very good.

Other Thoughts:

Good course to practice your short game.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
3.00 star(s)

fun 9 holes 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 30, 2012 Played the course:once


-fun and challenging holes
-lots of trees and a creek in play
-uses the slight elevation well
-nice baskets and adequate signs
-little underbrush, looks like most of the poison ivy has been neutralized
-decent parking
-NEW concrete tee pads


-can get quite muddy after a bit of rain
-possibly a bit too challenging for the beginner, too bad for a 9 hole course in a smaller town.

Other Thoughts:

The new concrete pads are in and they are great. The new location for tee 1 back by the pond is cool too. Gives a bit of elevation to the tee shot. The course looks great but some of the poison ivy may be returning.

This is a pretty fun and rather challenging 9 hole course. Most of the holes have a significant number of trees and a bad kick can leave you in the creek, over the OB fence, or with no upshot. Not a lot of easy hyzers, you have to carve your line through the obstacles.

I can't imagine the course ever being crowded. If it were, there are a few close fairways and the entire area of the course is not that big. Still shouldn't be a problem though since you probably won't be just trying to bomb it on these holes.

Another course well worth playing in Ft. Worth. Not a destination but certainly worth it if you are in the area.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 80 played 33 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Really nice 9 holer. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 5, 2012 Played the course:once


Very nice for a nine hole course, may be one of the best in the area. There are a lot of trees in play, and a creek as well. Not just the same shot over and over.


Navigation is a little tricky in some places. The baskets are numbered, but from a distance it can be hard to tell which one goes with what hole. Look out for joggers on trail. Hole 4 is very close to the fence line. A bad skip off of a tree could send you 50' or more off the property.

Other Thoughts:

This is a very good park for beginners, much better for a newbie to go here than Veteran's. It's also nice as a shorter course for more experienced players who want to disc down.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.8 years 225 played 19 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Jump in de line, rock your body in time 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 22, 2012 Played the course:once


I really liked this course, it has a lot going for it. The park itself is very nice and beautifully maintained. Aside from disc golf it features playground equipment and a splash pad, a huge plus for those of us who take their family disc golfing. The terrain was conducive to a baby stroller or disc cart. A majority of the course plays under a canopy of trees offering both obstacles and, more importantly, shade from the sun. The hole designs offer an interesting mix from the wide open hole 1 to the nerve racking tee shot on 4 where a bad kick will send you OB on a 400' shot. The course rewards skilled players with 3 of the holes requiring a very difficult right turning long throw to card a 2 with offline shots going ob. The course also give plenty of opportunity for a moderately skilled player to card a 2 with a well executed shot. Unlike many 9 hole courses, Sonora park does a good job of showing the mix of shots that disc golf courses can offer. The course plays quick with a adequate flow from basket to tee. The tee boxes were good enough for me, but concrete would be an improvement. The signage lacked information but did the job. I think anything more is overkill for a one tee, one pin course (though it was misleading on holes 3 & 6).


If a course offers nothing but big hyzers on every hole is it a con? I think so. When a course has no big righty hyzers is it a con? I don't think so but it is worth a mention that this course has none that I could see. The fence that comes into play on 2,3,4 is short and electric. It really comes into play on hole 4 with an errant shot or a bad kick off a tree. A tall chain link fence would be an improvement along this fairway, otherwise I see lot of trespassing or disc fishing over the fence.

Other Thoughts:

This course is a great example of what disc golf can do for a city. It will introduce more people to the game of disc golf and get them outside exercising. It uses an otherwise unused area. It will increase traffic to the park, and increased traffic tends to discourage vandalism or other illegal activities that may happen in a secluded park. As a 9 hole course it will not realise the heavy traffic and economic benefits from outside the area that an 18 hole course enjoys with weekly league play or sanctioned tournaments.
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