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Galena, OH

The Player's DGC

3.395(based on 33 reviews)
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The Player's DGC reviews

11 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.2 years 77 played 21 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A well worn course in need of some TLC drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 14, 2023 Played the course:once


+ Concrete tee pads on each hole

+ Discatcher baskets in good condition

+ Fairways that can be mowed were mowed and in good condition

+ Some benches and picnic tables

+ Course is in a nice city park with plenty of free parking and bathrooms available nearby

+ Long and short throws available for most holes. Good mix of shot types, though few opportunities for long open drives.

+ conveniently placed stepping stones and wood walkways get you through the worst of the mud and water


- Long walks between holes, little to no signage detailing direction to next tee. This course would be almost impossible to navigate without a smartphone and Udisc GPS map.

- Concrete tee pads are starting to break down

- Tee signs are largely damaged or nonexistent. It is difficult to know what hole you're on, and if you're playing the longs or the shorts

- No trash cans

- Course plays sort of around, over, and through several mixed-use sections of the park. At times you risk throwing directly at hikers, dog walkers, parked cars, driving cars, and in the case of Hole #6, potentially boats.

Other Thoughts:

This course feels like it was once really good, but now its past its prime. The tee pads are starting to break up, the signage is largely broken or missing, and there are large muddy tracks worn deep into the course from years of foot traffic. This course really sort of begs for a rebuild/refresh.
But that's just like, my opinion, man.

Anyway, so what's it like here? This is a course designed by someone who loves the idea of making you take the risk of throwing your disc into very deep water while running for the basket. 33% of the holes on the course feature water hazards of varying degrees of severity. Alum Creek Lake is a man-made reservoir and it drops off steep and deep quickly. If your disc goes into the drink more than a few feet off shore you're not getting it back from Davy Jones' locker without scuba gear.
Honestly I kind of like this arrangement. Its risky, but I appreciate that it forces me to really dial in my distances and try to park my shots precisely instead of just pinballing off the trees as hard as I can throw. (not that there isn't some opportunity for that as well)

This course plays mostly tight and technical in a nice patch of woods. Shot shaping and control are your friend here. Those of you who live to throw big arms and long bombs will be mostly disappointed with The Player's DGC. Even if you play the long tees you'll find that you're often so restricted by the trees that your drive has nowhere to go.

My only real complaint about this course is that it is difficult to navigate. With virtually no signage to the next tee, and the tee signs themselves little moire than posts, I spent a lot of my morning hiking around looking for the next hole. There are often long walks between holes on this course and it isn't always intuitive where to go next. The course winds through the park, over roads, over parking lots, and down trails where you can't see the next tee and you just have to hope that the unmarked gap in the bushes is the right path. Like so many times before, the Udisc app and GPS map is a lifesaver. This course would be almost unplayable without it.

All in all this was a good course and I enjoyed playing here. I'd say its getting a little worn over the years, and I wish I could have seen it when it was new.
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9 0
Derek B
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 411 played 47 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Powerhouse Wooded Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 27, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


1) Short and long concrete tees with some middle tees as well
2) 9 alternate targets that are permanent
3) Beautiful scenery
4) Solid course design


1) Tee signs are minimalistic
2) Trash
3) People fishing on the course and walking around on the course
4) Long walks between some holes (1-2, 7-8, 8-9)

Other Thoughts:

Course design: 4.5/5
Scenery: 4.75/5
Tees: 4.5/5
Signage: 3/5
Navigation: 3/5
Average/Total: 3.95/5 rounded to 4/5

The Player's DGC at Alum Creek has evolved over the years. It started as an 18 hole course with 1 set of tees. Several holes were re-designed due to park changes that were made about 7 years ago or so. Then, about 3-5 years ago, they had a massive tree cutting due to the ash borer disease. Within the last 2-3 years, they did a bunch of add-ons and made alterations to it, really making it shine.

The property is beautifully set within mature forest that is right next to alum reservoir. You get nice views of the water from at least a 1/3 of the course (and also dangerous water holes as well). The design, woodsiness and water holes on the course make up for the lack of elevation changes.

One of the outstanding features of this course besides what I wrote above are the varieties of layouts that you can play. They installed 9 alternate permanent targets (red top band) to complement the regular 18 yellow top band targets. All are Innova discatchers which are perfect for a wooded course as they stand out with the colored band. The 9 alternate targets are located on holes 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 13, 17 and 18. These alternate targets add variety and challenge to the course. In addition, they installed extra tees on most of the holes, which also adds variety and challenge. Holes 1, 3 (long is carpet), 5, 6, 14, 15, and 16 (long is carpet) have 3 tees. Holes 2, 4, 9, 10 (long is brick), 11, 13, and 17 have 2 tees. When you combine all of these additions, you have a nice selection with very different hole shapes. A hallmark of a workhorse course that will have you sharpshooting in no time!

The holes will test all shots and unless you're shooting from the short tees to the yellow targets, I would say this is an intermediate to advanced to pro course depending on the layout that you shoot. BTW...six of the holes involve water, so beware! Many people have lost discs in the water so I highly recommend bringing a water disc (something you don't mind losing) for those holes, or bring a disc retrieval tool!

Now, there are a few negatives about the course. First, the signs are virtually non-existent. A PVC pipe with distance on it is all you get. Navigation cues are also lacking. AFA navigation goes, just remember the course is basically in two loops: 1-8 and 9-18, with both leading you back to the parking lot. There's a long walk over the road from 1-2. There's a hefty walk from 7 to 8 (recommend walking up the park road toward the entrance once you complete the hole to avoid people shooting on 2's fairway - 8's tee will be on the left side of the park road).There's also a long walk from 8 over the parking lot and past the restroom building to get to 9.

A couple more negatives, and you can't fault the designer...there's pedestrians wandering around the course all the time and fishermen like to post up where you shoot over the cove on 9, on 10 by the basket, and 11 along the right side of the fairway and at the point by the basket as well. Also be aware that many people have no idea what disc golf is. I remember one time that there were some fishermen directly in front of me on 9's fairway, fishing in the cove and I raised my disc and said, "Heads up I'm shooting that way." The response was, "Is it really worth it, man?" I ended up skipping the hole because I explained it to them and they still didn't get it.

The last negative of the course is the trash buildup. People seem to love leaving their garbage there. I know that people must think that the trash makes the park look very appealing, but rules are rules and so we must remember to pick up our trash and haul it out with us when we leave.

All in all, this is one of the best courses in central Ohio, if not all of Ohio, between the property setting, the course design and the additional targets and tees. I recommend stopping here if you are in the area. Dare I also say that it is a destination course?! Play this and the Brent Hambrick Memorial course in a day and you'll have hit the two best courses in Columbus. Kudos to us for having this great addition to the area!
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 10.6 years 55 played 24 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Players 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Tee pads are great. I love anywhere with concrete pads.

Foliage maintenance is great. This is a state park and they keep it very clean. Everything was well mowed and trimmed when I was there in August.

Lots of benches and trash cans. This is what helps keep courses clean. If you throw a couple of trash cans around the course most people are sane enough to just walk a little bit to throw away their trash.

There is for sure an Epic Hole out here. Everyone that plays this course will know #6 is one of the most epic holes you have seen. Hyzer throw across water to land by the hole. A nice walk through the beach to get to your disc. Btw I lost my XXX opto on this hole if youve seen it please contact haha.

It is a state park so I think there should be camping around.

Lots of restrooms around this course. Great addition.

Lots of running water as well. It was 91 degrees out with massive humidity and I needed that running water.

They actually do a great job of a variety of hole distances.

I used a ton of different discs in my bag at this course. To navigate through the trees and to take off or add some distance you have to be able to throw a ton of discs. I used XXX Opto on hyzers and opens, thunderbird for shorter and a little less open, I used a shark and an OS Buzz a lot on the back for driving, I found myself bringing out my Boss a lot on the back as well. I actually used my Thunderbird a lot for rollers out here. It seemed to work really well.

For sure a mix of tight and technical and open bombs. The back 9 is almost all tight and technical but the front offers enough variety to give you your fix.

This course is for sure an overall challenge. I found myself cursing a lot when a tree would grab my disc. It all works out in the end though, you won't shot to terrible because the holes are so short.

Parking is great and right by #1.

This course has tons of scenic beauty. Maybe the most of any course I have played in Ohio so far. Right next to the lake and through the trees. It was really refreshing to go out and play a course like this.

Attitude of locals was great. Super nice people out here. Let me play through. Another guy helped me navigate after #8.


I am probably the only person that really hates these baskets. My discs chained out so many times it was annoying.

THEY HAVE TO GET BETTER TEE SIGNS, MAPS and MARKERS. This is such a huge failure by this course. The first time I played it I had no idea where to go until I pulled up the map on DGCR. Also the tee signs are literally just pvc with questionable distances and an arrow telling you how the hole plays.

General course design is not very good either. You have to walk across the parking lots way to much. Which is not safe. Also after 1 and 8 its a trek to the next hole.

Not a great amount of elevation. I am really not sure if they could add some in is the bad thing.

This course was super crowded when I was out there. Not only from discers but boated and campers and animals. Everyone wanted to come to Alum Creek State Park at 3PM on a Tuesday for some reason.

Other Thoughts:

Final Thoughts: If anyone sees a purple Paul McBeth Thunderbird on #10 shoot me a message. I threw a low line drive and it skipped hard into the water. My XXX Opto got eaten by the water on #6 as well.

I really hate the Maps on this course. You really should be prepared before coming out here or it will add a lot of extra time to your round.

Other than that Alum Creek offers some of the most scenic discing I have ever played. Its short back 9 makes for a fun but challenging round. The locals there should be able to help you navigate. This course was worth the 30 minute drive from Columbus and I will be playing it again.
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8 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.2 years 35 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well on its way 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 14, 2018 Played the course:once


This heavily wooded, technical course plays around a reservoir in a state park area that only disc golfers and boaters frequent. Scoring low here can be a challenge, with tight-but-fair lines through the woods available on all holes, and water coming into play frequently. About half the holes have two permanent baskets (all in good shape) to mix things up for those who play here frequently. Some holes have alternate "pro" tees that add quite a bit of additional challenge, in case you're 1000-rated and need it. There are probably a few more LHBH/RHFH-favoring holes, but layouts are mostly balanced.

Hole 5 is probably the most spectacular I've seen in person. The short tee has a gorgeous view of the lake, with both baskets right on the water. That's followed up by an awesome water carry directly over the lake on hole 6.

The final hole dumps you out right at the parking lot for a short walk back to your car. There are three separate dedicated bathrooms on the course, though only one was open when I played.

Locals are friendly and helpful.


There's a long walk from hole 1 to the hole 2 tee, especially from the red basket.

This course does need some signage. There were no tee signs at all, and the only reason I was able to determine distances was that it was included on our scorecard. The local club is always improving this course, so I'd expect to see some before too long. I don't remember seeing any "Next Tee" signs either, which would have helped the navigation a bit, though it wasn't too bad to start with.

There are several areas where thorns are growing in the rough, and even near the walking paths between holes. The club has done a good job keeping them cut back, but I still got caught a couple of times.

My biggest complaint is with the basket positions. There are probably 4 baskets where the water is inside the circle, usually with a downslope of bare compacted dirt leading to it. Once or twice is actually a nice challenge, but 4 ended up taking away from my enjoyment of the course. Having to lay up that many putts for fear of a lost putter isn't fun. The last one is the worst, with a 4' vertical drop into water just 15' away from the pin. If your shot ends up right on the edge, you can't even stand near there safely.

After heavy rains, some of the holes can get swallowed up by the lake and won't be playable.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course for the first time at a recent tournament. Even with all the issues, I found this course very enjoyable, and I'd like to get back out here for another one at some point. From what I understand it's undergone a lot of improvement, so if you played it a while ago, check it out now. It's better than you remember.
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9 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 9.2 years 246 played 97 reviews
3.00 star(s)

It Will Get Better! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 14, 2018 Played the course:once


I played this course for the first time during a tournament, and I will tell you what, playing a wooded course blind is tough when trying to score low. Trying to figure out lines, judging distances and landing zones, etc. Luckily I had two locals on my card to help out.

My tournament experience led me to play the short tees to the Red baskets, the latter being on 9 holes throughout the course.

The tees were concrete, a little narrow/short, but not awful by any means, and the baskets were fully functional Innova Discatchers.

Navigation was mostly intuitive, with a couple places not super well marked, but most holes had relatively easy flow from hole to hole.

With most holes playing in the woods, there was a lot of variety in the shape of the shot you are throwing. While the short tees were mostly putter/midrange shots throughout, the long tees gave way to an opportunity to throw some finessed distance lines every few holes.

There are a couple holes that play around the waters edge, something I was not used to. It definitely added some challenge, as a couple greens had water within circles edge of the basket. The water was high when we played, so it really got in your head.


The biggest con of this course is the lack of tee signs. While I was able to play the course, and able to put together my division's hot round (to toot my own horn :)), some holes from the longer tees would be impossible to play well blind. Especially when some holes have multiple baskets, and some holes have two or three tees, signs would be absolutely necessary, and it was really detrimental to the course.

There were a few holes that I could see would be better with a tree or two taken out, making the line a little easier. No horrendous offenders off the top of my head, but a little more openness on one or two holes can go a long way.

Navigation was mostly a breeze, as I stated above, but the walk from hole one to two was a little weird, you had to cross the road and go by the nature trail sign before you find the tees. Hole 8 to 9 is across the parking lot.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course is very solid. There were a lot of fun holes that led to some very fun shots, and I really enjoyed playing it in a tournament setting. When in it's best condition, the course is a lot of fun to play, and I can see myself coming back.

When this course gets tee signs, it will be a lot better, but it is still a great course, and I can see the work that the club puts into it. Kudos!
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7 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 205 played 195 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Beautiful, with Some Flaws 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 17, 2017 Played the course:once


"The Players Course" is a beautiful 18-holer on the banks of Alum Lake. The course features mostly technical holes that will certainly challenge different elements in your game. A good chunk of holes play right along the shores of the lake, offering a few memorable water shots.

Most holes have two sets of concrete tees, as well as two baskets. While I'm really not a fan of a two Basket system, the baskets themselves were nice Innova's, and easy to spot due to their color.

The surrounding area is really beautiful. A lot of holes give you a clear, panoramic view of Alum Lake. Water was crystal clear when I played.

If you enjoy technical courses rather than bomber courses, you're in the right place. Tons of holes that test your accuracy.

Plenty of amenities around the course. Benches and trash cans are plentiful. There's also a permanent restroom behind #7's basket.

Navigation from hole to hole is pretty easy for the most part. Fresh tape on the bottom of the baskets guides the way. Some holes have wooded signs as well.

#6 is up there with some of the most intimidating holes I've played so far. The fairway is actually a beach, with crashing waves and everything. The basket sits on a steep embankment right on the edge of the water. Definetly a scary hole if your disc tends to cut right.

For a weekday morning, there was a pretty good amount of players here. Glad to see a solid course like this get a lot of players active out here.


Well, there aren't any tee signs. And that's a huge negative in my book. With a 2 Basket design, it's really important to have a descriptive tee sign that shows where you're throwing to.

There aren't really any holes that you can't use your big boy arm on. The course plays through wooded areas on almost every hole.

Having a few pin placements with a slope and water behind are cool. But when you have 4,5,6, etc. it gets pretty old. Many approach shots forced you to play it safe and layup. It'll get old pretty quick.

There were definetly some long walks in between holes. #1 seems completely out of place and away from the rest of the course. Not sure what the deal is there.

A couple of fairways are too close together. #2 and #8 almost overlap each other. #12 and #13 (I think) also were way too close to each other.

Couldn't play #15 because there was a car parked on the "Island" where the basket is. The pin sits right in the middle of the roadway.

16-18 were really forced in there to make 18 holes. Not a fun way to end the round.

Other Thoughts:

I think The Players DGC would have been more enjoyable with descriptive tee signs. Many holes I was just throwing kind of blindly down a chute of trees. Made for a few frustrating experiences.

This might be a bit harsh, but the whole two Basket system is just plain stupid. It'll confuse the hell out of you sometimes. Just seems like a waste of money, time, and effort.

This would be a strong 3.5 if they swapped the second set of baskets for new tee signs. While the course was beautiful, it got confusing at some points.

With all that being said, I give The Players DGC a 2.5/5.0. The pros and cons just about even out, making it a pretty average course. Thanks for reading!
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5 2
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Updates Make for a Quality Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 23, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


- Lots of variety. Likely that every shot or disc in your bag has a chance to come out and play.

- Variable difficulty. Multiple tees/pins on most holes let you pick the kind of course you want to play.

- Continued improvements make it more fun to play each year.


- Drainage still leaves some work to be desired. Wet periods and high water can cut off entire sections of the course.

- A few holes are still rough around the edges, leaving an uneven feel to the course as a whole experience (but still seeing progress).

- Couple tricky jumps from one hole to the next if you're not familiar with the layout.

Other Thoughts:

I moved to the Columbus area about 3 years ago. Of course the big name course here is Brent Hambrick. I played it, and I liked it, but it wasn't the kind of course that fit my play. When I first played The Player's Course, it was a solid 3-star for me. Not the most well-manicured course, only about half the holes had a long tee pad. But it was technical and fun. Mixed some length with soft touch shots. So I played it often.

In part due to the Women's Championships being held here a couple years ago, and just general improvements over time, it's earned the extra 1 1/2 stars from me. Is it Maple Hill? Well, no. But the fairways are cleaner, some trees have been cleared out to create actual lines instead of "poke and pray," and the variety is vastly improved. 9 holes now have a second basket placement, and all but 4 holes have multiple tees (5 holes have 3 tees). But like Maple Hill, the vast majority of these added baskets and tees are creating different shots, not just longer versions of the same hole. And that is a distinction that many courses miss when they make "pro tees."

As I put in the cons, sometimes high water days make the course all but unplayable. It's an unfortunate reality of the course's location. I've played at courses that got swampy and some good drainage vastly improved that. I don't think this course will ever have that luxury. The course itself plays through 2 different "peninsulas" (for lack of a better description) on the same lake. Extreme drainage through the problem fairways would only result in permanent water hazards.

Some holes in the middle of the 2nd half (12/13/14) feel a little unfinished compared to the new polish on the earlier holes. Nice wooded holes with decent fairways, but will benefit from some TLC along the way.

14 is especially jarring due to the layout (you can't see the pin really from the tees, and when you do get over the slight rise to the basket you are greeted at the bottom of the hill with a flower cross memorial for what I can only guess is honoring a drowning victim in the lake). Kind of unsettling putting down at the basket, knowing if you miss and go long you could smack right into the memorial. It's a shame because it's one of the best hole layouts on the course, but it's also the only one I would truly like to see revised in terms of pin placement.

In a couple years, I think this could be a true championship quality course that would be a great compliment to the openness of Brent Hambrick.
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5 1
Experience: 8 years 17 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Alum creek 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2017 Played the course:once


Very tricky course to play, i loved the layout, nice tee pads, very nice baskets, signage good, it was the toughest course i have played to date, not because of length but the line you have to hit between the trees on most holes . i loved the challenge. i can't wait to come back again. lot and lots of trees !


you will lose some disc on holes you don't play well as water comes into play, it was very wet the day i played, some swampy areas, i am guessing its dry in the summer months unless it has rained a lot, maybe some drainage issues in some spots

Other Thoughts:

it was a little discouraging seeing a lot of trash laying on the course and i believe it came from disc golfers, lots of beverage containers, i didn't see many trash cans but that's no excuse for not taking your trash with you. stop it !
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 38 played 25 reviews
4.00 star(s)

LOTS of Fun! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2016 Played the course:once


Variety. It is, after all, the spice of life, and The Player's has it. Long holes where you can let it rip, short holes where you'd better hit your line -- heck, even the in between holes are a lot of fun. Variety includes shot selection, too - and I used every disc in my bag and pretty much every shot I have (or think I have).

Challenging: The variety would be nothing if the course was a yawner. It didn't kill me (I shot +2 first time playing it, so I was kinda happy), but it DID punish wayward shots. Even on the longer holes, you'd best hit that line, or you're going to be in a bit of trouble.

Scenic: This is an absolutely beautiful setting for disc golf. #7 especially is worth a picture or two (BEFORE you throw that disc into the water, not after lol).


Navigation was kinda hard in spots, but that's probably the newb in me. I usually like to follow people when I play a new course, but the locals were courteous and let me play through, so I couldn't follow them to see where the next tee was. Not usually a problem, since there are markings on the baskets to point you in the right direction, but I could have used a little more help heading to 8's tee pad.

Other Thoughts:

I don't like to mention tight fairways as a con, since I don't really view them that way, but I will warn you here -- the back nine is TIGHT. There are lines there, but they are narrow, and if you miss them you're losing a stroke or two to par. I left plenty of strokes behind the day I played (and a couple of discs, too!), just because I missed my line by even a TINY bit. While there are some long holes here, throwing for power isn't going to give you a good score if you're not accurate. Throw it where you want it to go, and you'll be fine.
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7 3
Experience: 7 played 7 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Slightly above average course, too wooded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


-This course has one of the longer holes in the Columbus area. I personally like airing it out, and it's nice to see a hole that I can say is a relatively legit par 5 (hole 2) since there seems to be so few longer holes in the Columbus area.

-A few holes are very scenic, overlooking the lake. An added bonus too if you're toasty and want to cool off!

-The first 9 or 10 holes in this course are great and provide a good challenge without being too hard or easy.


-Some of the wooded holes are far too wooded. On 11-15, you're pretty much praying not to hit a tree, but it's nearly impossible. It was very difficult to locate a "fairway," and those holes felt like they were plopped in the middle of a forest without much thought to the design.

-Water comes into play a few times on this course. On 7 you're forced to either throw over a beach or around a dense underbrush in order to get to the hole. It's not the end of the world to get your disc in the water, it's a shallow sandy beach after all, but you can easily lose a disc if you don't see where it landed. Hole 10 also plays over a shallow inlet of murky water that I doubt you'd want to go into to retrieve a disc. Perhaps water is a plus for some, but I'm not looking to lose a 20 dollar disc.

-One of the times I played this course, it was so buggy on 4-8 that one of my friends had to wait until we were out of the woods. Depending on what part of the season you come, bring some Off or long sleeves if you can handle the heat.

Other Thoughts:

-This course is very average, at best. I like that it tries to put holes in the woods, but they need some work. Perhaps cutting a few more trees down to at least develop a fairway would be a good idea.

-Try this course once or twice to say you did, but if you're already driving 25 minutes from Columbus to play it, do yourself a favor and drive 15 more and go to the course in Delaware State Park.
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7 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 129 played 71 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun, Fairly Technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2014 Played the course:once


Nice course winding around a fairly picturesque lake. Most of the holes can be reached using mostly a control driver or midrange. I found that I mostly through a Roadrunner of Buzz around the course.

It is fairly technical, but for the most part fair. The underbrush is minimal so errant shots were easy to find.

Water does come into play on about 6 holes (sorry, didn't keep a list) but only one hole - maybe 7? which is a long throw over the edge of the lake. Providing you don't flip the disc, you should be safe.


Navigation isn't the easiest. Hole 1 wasn't marked, and I had no idea where hole 2 was. Found it across the road with the help of some local players. I found navigating to the back nine tough to find as well

There's a good bit of debris on laying around some of the holes which took my rating down just hint due to being kinda ugly in places

Other Thoughts:

Found the course fun to play, add some course maintenance and better signage and definitely a 3.5 course. With a little practice on this course could easily shoot 5 down, so not all that of a tricky course
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1 7
Experience: 5 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Near water and ugly 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 3, 2014 Played the course:once


Concrete pads, nice baskets. Challenging.


Hard to find 1st tee from parking lot. Way too many downed trees. For amateurs, a few of the holes are impossible / unplayable.

Other Thoughts:

Won't drive up from Westerville to play the course again, when there's Brent Hambrick DGC at Hoover.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.1 years 401 played 385 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beautiful lakeside wooded course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


The Players DGC in Alum Creek State Park is a challenging, intermediate level course that features wooded lanes and a couple of tricky water carries, utilizing nice, level concrete tees and quality discatcher baskets. They've undergone a bit of a redesign in the last couple of years, because the park extended and improved the boat ramp and parking area that divides the course. Along with the removal of numerous ash trees during 2013-14, the course actually opened up a bit to make formerly brutal woods lines more reachable, but still the kind of holes where a well-executed shot can give you a deuce opportunity, but a tree kick can leave you scrambling to save a four.

What makes this fun is the chance to challenge yourself in a beautiful, lakeside, wooded setting. You won't have much opportunity to bomb long drives, so bring your technical game here. Holes range from just under 200 feet to a handful just shy of 300, three under 400, and one 600 footer. Holes 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, & 13 all risk wetting your disc, with 6 being the feature challenge when the wind is coming at you, where you'll need to clear over 250 feet of lake to stay dry.

There are opportunities to shape shots left to right, right to left, S-shapers, and fair, but guarded approaches. What's interesting is that the holes on the East side of the boating lot (9-18) don't have an excessive amount of undergrowth to hide an errant shot. That's not to say you shouldn't keep an eye on some of the other holes (or send a spotter ahead), particularly on holes 1 (if you go long), 2 (right), 5 (right), & 6 (left).

There are some picnic tables, benches, and logs out on the course to sit and take a breather, there is a course sign and practice basket in the middle where the front and back nine loop nicely together, at least three bathrooms adjoining the course, and plenty of parking for easy accessibility. There really don't appear to be any trash cans out on the course itself, so carry in, carry out, please. Finally, there are plenty of activities here in the state park for the non-disc'ers in your party to enjoy a visit.

In all, this is a fun course when they've made it tourney ready (like this past weekend), and it will draw a lot of Intermediate level players who enjoy a technical challenge.


Though I've drawn up a new Aerial map for dgcr, the pictures (as of July, 2014) are dated, and out of synch with the current hole layout and numbering. Presently, tee signs are simple PVC pipes with hole, par and distance painted on them, so they're visible and basic, but the distances are slightly different than listed here on dgcr (so that, and new pictures, need to be a priority for members who live in the Columbus area to update).

The flow of the course leads to a couple of long walks between basket and tee, particularly on 7 to 8 and 8 to 9. Hole 18 shoots out through the trees just left of the 17th basket and the practice basket, where the likely tree kicks may be a risk to folks on those greens. Use caution going for the big throw on 2 (and 8), because the fairways parallel, and errant shots could spell trouble).

The low lying areas (I'm talking to you, holes 3, 4 & 5) can be a harbor for mosquitoes and other insects in the rainy season.

Other Thoughts:

Some courses tend to be a little unsatisfying because you always get a similar result (a hole just out of your reach will always yield a three, for instance, once you've steadied out your game). The Players course is fun, because it's not unusual here to have a great, accurate shot on particular hole one time through, and a tree kick leaves you in trouble on the same hole the next time you play it. The fun comes when it works the other way around!
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1 3
Experience: 45.3 years 11 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Good layout, needs maintenance 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 21, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Concrete pad for all holes. Layout is very nice. Wooded and open holes. Water comes into play on several holes.


Not all holes with short and long tees have both marked, and few have both tee pads. Listed tee distances are questionable. Course needs maintenance (fallen trees, vandalized signs, etc.).
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3 1
Experience: 24.3 years 28 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Central Ohio's Gem Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 22, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


This course will require every shot in your bag. It plays very technical and tight with a few breathing holes. Not for the faint of heart and could scare the beginner but boy is it fun. Woods! And, lots of them. Water also comes into play and frames some of the more scenic holes on the course. The baskets are in good condition. The tee pads are in good condition. But, they should be at every tee position similar to the Brent Hambrick Memorial DGC.


Slight over growth in some areas, although I can imagine up keep on this course would be quite the chore. There are also some holes that could use downed trees cleaned up. Use them to line some of the tunnel shots and fairways. The course can be muddy after weather but that's to be expected. The tee signs are also a little vague. They aren't signs but more of a general direction of the pin.

Other Thoughts:

It'd be nice to see a course map on the course welcome sign near the practice basket.
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1 3
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2013 Played the course:once


Good Variety (Distance, Location)
Clearly Labled Tee and Pin Locations
"Next Tee -->" signs


Very dangerous water hazards (not for beginners or the un-"clutch")
Too many small trees and obstacles to hit

Other Thoughts:

Very enjoyable, but it can easily discourage
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.2 years 36 played 36 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Tight, unforgiving, and fun. Continually improving! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 28, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


All basic amenities present including concrete teepads for long tees and all but 2 of the short tees, bathrooms, abundant parking and high quality baskets

Bonus amenities include a water fountain on the course and a convenience store a mile up the road that sells discs.

Good use of available elevation and water adds an element of interest

As of 7/1/15 10 holes have 2 concrete tee positions, and 2 holes have 3. 1 hole has a second tee made of gravel, and it appears plans are in place to add concrete here too.


Course is in need of a very minor amount of pruning, as certain holes feel like a crap-shoot as opposed to a test of skill. Update: This has been mostly fixed with recent work done too the course.

Two of the short tees don't have concrete teepads, but the dirt has been replaced with carpet, so that's an improvement. Update, this too has been fixed.

Layout is somewhat chopped up due to recent redesign caused by expansion of the nearby boat ramp. Course forces you to cross the parking area twice, which could be a problem if you aren't attentive.

The course didn't buy me dinner before it f@#ked me.

7/1/15: The new concrete tees are 1-2' shorter than the originals. Given that they are mainly set in longer positions than the original tees and are also slightly elevated, this is a MAJOR drawback.

Other Thoughts:

This tightly wooded course is certainly one of the toughest in the Columbus area. There are no truly wide open holes, every one has at least a few trees to force you to hit a certain line. You will need every shot in your bag to have success here. As I mentioned in my Cons, there are a few holes that need to be reconsidered slightly as there are scrub trees that are clogging up already small openings between mature trees (again this has been mostly fixed...)

While the course is challenging even from the short tees, it does lack what I would call a signature hole. Despite this, many of the holes will reward you with a memorable shot if you have the skill to hit it.

As I jokingly alluded to in my cons, this course roughed me up badly, and has continued to do so over time. Overall this is a great course to separate the skilled players in your group from the "lucky chuckers" as it's almost impossible to get lucky 18 times.

3/15 Update: The local club has been doing WORK!!! Many of the downed trees have been cut up and stacked along the fairways of several back 9 holes. These serve to force you to shape shots on some holes, but help keep you out of a nasty swampy area on the 2 holes that play along it. Overall this change is very positive. Otherwise the course is still quite challenging. Bring your A game, you'll need it.

7/1/15 The new tee positions required additional clearing of trees and brush and this is a major positive for this course. The new tee positions are worth a half point bump, and I'm deducting half a point due to the tees being too short. Overall I'm raising my score on this course by half a point due to the clearing of brush that was done in conjunction with the new tees, and the fun new shots the tees open up.

Update 12/5/15. Improvements continue! Not satisfied with 2 sets of tees at most holes, a dedicated group is adding a THIRD tee on holes where there is room. Brush is being cut back, and the entire personality of this course has changed for the better.

1/21/17 update:

Adding half a star to my review to reflect the 9 new red baskets added to the 18 yellow baskets that are already present. With 38 tees and 27 baskets on only 18 holes there are limitless possibilities to play a course that fits your abilities and appetite for challenge.
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6 1
Experience: 19.2 years 133 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

review after the changes 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Concrete tee pads
-Discather baskets
-Good course flow
-Difficulty in holes
-Long bombers and short finesse shots
-Lots of water hazard/Great use of the water
-Half wooded Half mostly open
-If you're not afraid to get wet you can retrieve your disc
-Good use of what little elevation is available


-No trash cans or benches
-A lot of the back 9's baskets are right next to the water, one hit off a tree and bye bye disc
-No 'Next Tee' signs
- If it rains a lot I have seen 2 baskets underwater

Other Thoughts:

This course just got a facelift due to a growing marina which the course plays around. Hole one is now on the other side of the road from the practice basket and is kind of all by itself considering you have to cross the road again to play the rest of the front 9. But all in all this is definitely worth the drive, hole 6 (use to be 7) is a shot where the fairway is the lake! And hole 15 (use to be 16) is an island by OB out of the woods. AWESOME! On that note this course is not a 'learn to play' on but more so for someone who has played a few good rounds.

This course will test you! I was on fire with -4 up till hole 10 and finished out at +4! the front 9 has nice fairways with some great aceruns, the back 9 has wooded fairways with no relief but if you hit the right line it will pay out nice. Also on the back 9, as stated up top, a lot of the baskets are located on the waters edge and being wooded there is a decently big risk of ricocheting in the water. now the water isnt that deep up to 13' feet out so fishing for your disc inst that hard.

Final Thoughts:
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3 0
Experience: 13.2 years 10 played 2 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Going to be a nice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2012 Played the course:once


*Tee boxes
*Makes you use every shot you have
*Water comes into play


**Recently had work done
*No signs
*Course cover with downed trees

Other Thoughts:

This was the first time I had played the course. So first thoughts is that it is a nice course but needs some work. They have recently expanded the parking lot for the boat ramp and thus moving around the first couple holes. Holes 1, 2 and 3 were all different. We spent 10 minutes trying to find the first hole, and then the second. I understand that they are still working on it, so I gave it a 3. Lucky for me, I went with someone who had been there several times before. If he was not there it would have been very difficult to play. There were no signs on the entire course, all they had were tiny little flags with the hole number on it. We had no clue our distance or weather it was a par 4 or 3. So this made it difficult to keep track of the score. There were also trees and limbs down everywhere from a storm a couple weeks back. Will be nice to have them cleared to make easier to move through the course. But all in all, it was a decent course. I will probably go back and play again, but not until late summer or even fall. To give them time to do the final work that NEEDS to be done.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 43 played 38 reviews
3.50 star(s)

over the 77 trees in the fairway, nothing but chains 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 24, 2011 Played the course:once


- Very beautiful and heavily wooded course. The forest here is thick and you feel like you are deep into nature once the road is out of site. The terrain is easy to walk on but because of a lot of roots and bumps you'll find rollers and skip shots hindered.
- Because this course is so technical you really will use a plethora (3 amigos!) of shots to keep yourself out of some of the thick rough and also to get yourself out of trouble once you're in these tight spots. This course has a mix of left and right turning fairways that will have you changing up your angles of attack constantly.
- The distance from all the concrete Tee's to Baskets is most likely around 5100' for 18 holes. The overall distance of this course is short but because of how technical this course is the short distance does not really hold back my rating.
- There are only a few flat holes; otherwise the course is in a constant state of small rolling elevation changes
- The course flows pretty well. Hole #18 ends where Hole #1 starts which is also right at the parking area. There are a few holes that can be confusing to transition to because of a longer walk or a strangely located Tee; #2 to 3, #6 to 7, #7 to 8, #9 to 10, #14 to 15. In those situations the map can be very handy.
- One concrete Tee per hole, all in good condition. Hole #1 also has one natural tee.
- Nice Tee Signs showing location of the pin along with a Next Tee arrow
- Excellent water hazards have you calculating risk vs. reward! Holes #6, 11, 12 & 14 throw directly at the water while holes #7 & 10 throw over the water. WOOT!
- The baskets are in excellent condition and well labeled
- The park had some decent upkeep. The grass was well mowed but there could have been a little more clearing in the heavily wooded areas. Maybe some debris removal and some mulch. The weedeating, however, was done well around the baskets.
- Lots of traffic around the disc golf course but you shouldn't run into too many non-disc golfers on the course itself as the course plays separate from other activities. I'd suspect that the disc golfer traffic is moderate to heavy.
- Signs at the entrance help direct you to the course
- There is a message board at Hole #1 but not much going on there
- Practice basket near Hole #18's basket. Keep your eye open for people driving off of #18's Tee.
- Plenty of parking from Hole #16's basket all the way down to Hole #1's basket.
- Bathrooms located at Hole #2 and Hole #9 (they are kinda nasty but at least they are there. Hold your breath or head to the woods)
- Amenities. This park has a lot! Kids nature walks, camping, beaches, swimming, marina, basketball, horseshoes, playgrounds, nature programs, dog park, hiking trails, rental equipment including golf discs... lots of stuff, etcetera.
- This park is just beautiful and full of nature. Old trees and lush green vegetation and it's all located 5 miles off the highway so it's easy to get to.
- Trashcan at Hole #1. Litter is a common complaint about this course but it was pretty clean when I was there, however, at least one or two more trashcans would help to keep it this way.


- Safety can become an issue on Holes #2 & #18. Hole #2 you are throwing at an intersection that is very busy with park traffic on nice days. Hole #18 has a clear straight and anhyzer path but the hyzer path to the basket could lead to big trouble as it goes over the parking area & putting basket and a long shot goes into the picnic area where golfers congregate. FORE!
- Map. Handy for your first time out but it is seriously outdated. It shows two tees per hole but only Hole #3 had two Tee's that I could find. Looking at the map these holes had only Long Tees; 2, 3, 4, 7 (center Tee only), 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 & 18. These holes had only Short Tees; 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16 & 17. Because of this the course could use a complete make-over on DGCR and possibly getting re-measured in the process would help as well.
- Signs were missing on Holes # 7 & #9.
- Drop Zone is not marked for Hole #16
- A few benches would be nice for those without a simian ::wink::

Other Thoughts:

- This course has much more potential. Clear the areas and finish those second Tee's, add some benches and more trashcans and then you're onto something. I would also suggest starting Hole #1 where Hole #3 is. The course will still flow just fine. The reason is because the area where Hole #1 is now is very tight and unsafe to gather at. I was there for a tournament and as the tournament finished we were in a constant state of awareness that a disc could be flying at us any second. There is so much more room to gather at Hole #3.
- I think the tape was still on the baskets directing you to the Next Tee (but my memory sucks so not sure)
- This course is challenging especially for the non-technical player that just wants to grip and rip. This is not a course for those people.
- The most challenging hole for me was Hole #16. Per the Tee Sign, this hole is all O.B. except for the putting area. A very tough shot to make and this hole will make or break a close game that you may be having with a friend.
- My favorite hole is definitely Hole #7! Loved throwing that huge hyzer bomb out over the water to watch it fade back to planet Earth and plop on the green for the birdie putt.
- This was a very fun course but I do not label this as a course to travel a long way to play, however, this course combined with some of the other courses located nearby would certainly be worth a long drive and make a great full day of disc golfing.
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