View attachment 328950
View attachment 328949
1. First of all, I've just recently heard the phrase "turning the key" yet so I'm not totally sure what the traditional advice is for it. Is it supination?
2. When people say turn the key, or supinate to help with nose angle, is the advice to do it just before the hit or maintain it throughout the swing?
I've heard people who briefcase carry (pronation) will keep some of the pronation for more anhyzer, supinate back to flat for flat shots, or supinate passed flat for hyzers. This is what Gannon said when I asked him "are you always trying to supinate back to flat and then mostly use body angle for the release angle?" He said he does both.
3. So if pronation = more anhyzer, how can supination = more nose down instead of more hyzer? Or is it both?
4. If pouring the coffee (ulnar deviation) helps nose down, how can supination help with nose down? They are very different motions. I guess as the supination rotates the wrist it is changing the direction of the coffee pour so the changed direction could be the key.
The attached video is an exaggeration so it's easier to see the differences, I know that people who briefcase carry don't maintain such extreme pronation throughout the swing even for anhyzer shots.