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Caution: Thread drift !

Why are you (if I'm reading you correctly) inferring that competition can only exist when there are somewhat equals involved?
I'll show my hand by saying that that's about as competitive as flipping a coin (i.e. 1 day I win, 1 day you win, ad infinitum).

I kind of get the impression Armus, that you are maybe part of a commune or something similar. A very controlled environment where cooperation is fundamental to everyone's daily life. I wonder if there is an idea that cooperation and competition are thought of as antonyms? I think in one aspect that could be seen as true, but I would very much disagree on that being a black and white line. They can exist together, competition does not mean conflict.

Every "environment" is controlled by something. I would prefer conscious control, involving self-control and restraint and work and care, to unconscious manipulation. But I am not part of a commune or anything similar. Although...

In two of the places I spend much of my time there are contrasting Amish communities. I live and work among and with them, and they've taught me a few things. One community, in central Ohio, has been in place since the middle seventies. From the beginning the existence of the group was only possible by commerce, as the founding members were apparently unskilled or uninterested in subsistence. But there were customers hungry for a gimmick. Today the families of this community are commercial businesspeople with one exception, and are all wealthy or pretending to be wealthy, again with one (the same) exception. The community bond is social, to some extent cultural, to a lesser extent religious, but in no way practical. The members do not need one another as parts of a whole, and they compete with one another commercially, which would be an impossible concept to the members of the other community I know best.

This group has been working ground in central Virginia since the late eighties. The community was founded on the context of a good place. The land was and is good enough to live on. There were no customers. The members are farmers on a small scale, most families specializing in one trade outside of basic husbandry. While this creates a monopoly of sorts, the interdependent nature of the community ensures that no one is taken advantage of. There is no commercial competition, no retail commerce, and very little importing and exporting of goods. Unlike the Ohio group, these people are never seen in Wal-Mart (besides buying all of their household goods there, the Ohio bunch unabashedly repackage Wal-mart groceries for enormously inflated resale to oohing aahing dunces). This Virginia community is one in a real sense, and while I find their attitude toward certain technologies to be baffling or even hypocritical, their care for the land and each other, and their lack of competition, is inspiring to me.

"Competition does not equal conflict"

True. Ecology (though it involves conflict too) is an example of competition that preserves and equalizes and expands. This miracle of a stable yet wild and expanding multiculture has not been reproduced by humanity. The money economy is an example of competition that destroys and unbalances and constricts.

Thus my original question: what is recreational competition an example of?

Is anything other than my personal oddity indicated by my disinterest in winning and losing? Would I be a better or worse or simply different person if I was competitive? If the basic definition of a healthy ecosystem is rich, integrated survival via a system of checks on "winning" (see kudzu, the ecological Wally World of coal country), should I or how can I apply this lesson to my own life?

But I didn't mean to say of this.
Poking through the fencerow behind my house I broke off a rose thorn in my hand. The fever in it reminds me of myself. Get it out.
More self-contradictory delusional bull****.
The lies 'gammas' like you tell are nauseating.
Clean your own room before bitching about others'.
You are not special.

For you to live, something else must die. You compete. Even sacrosanct vegans compete & kill. You attempt to lead others into debate by asking 'innocent questions (i.e.: loaded questions). This is called 'a game'. You compete. You imagine others cannot 'see' you doing this at your keyboard. That game is called 'hide and seek'.

Humans, in general, AP in particular, would be better off if they recognize the fact that their personal desires (and their fulfillment) are not paramount. Humanity is not somehow 'separate' from 'nature', despite the fact that our egos constantly tell us to believe just that. True Amish readily recognize their lack of control and gratefully work within the framework provided. In other words, true Amish are obedient.

Ask yourself what is the point of an avatar, specifically regarding 'competition'...
More self-contradictory delusional bull****.
The lies 'gammas' like you tell are nauseating.
Clean your own room before bitching about others'.
You are not special.

For you to live, something else must die. You compete. Even sacrosanct vegans compete & kill. You attempt to lead others into debate by asking 'innocent questions (i.e.: loaded questions). This is called 'a game'. You compete. You imagine others cannot 'see' you doing this at your keyboard. That game is called 'hide and seek'.

Humans, in general, AP in particular, would be better off if they recognize the fact that their personal desires (and their fulfillment) are not paramount. Humanity is not somehow 'separate' from 'nature', despite the fact that our egos constantly tell us to believe just that. True Amish readily recognize their lack of control and gratefully work within the framework provided. In other words, true Amish are obedient.

Ask yourself what is the point of an avatar, specifically regarding 'competition'...

I admit to not understanding many of your comments. I am far from special and know it. My personal desires are unimportant and I know it. Humanity is of and through nature and I know it. I try to ask loaded, or provocative questions and I know it, and assume everyone else does too. I kill and compete, sometimes in ways I wish I didn't, and make no effort to hide it.

Your comments seem to have a contrary tone, but I don't recognize their purpose since I agree with most of them.

If I have told lies (and I have, big ones and little ones) it has been openly, in an effort to tell the truth. But, I reckon you don't know which parts are true...

Most worryingly, I don't know what gammas are.
Curmudgeon solidifying his status as a beta. Cool stuff.. gammas? Yeah that's a new one to me as well. Looked it up. It's pretty much just as stupid as I thought it would be.
I keep skimming this thread when it shows up on the front page, and I have to confess the OP's posts make me uncomfortable. Not because his questions or concerns are having any impact on my own thoughts or motivations, but I feel as if the OP is not well.

I quite genuinely asked the OP previously if he was OK, and unless I missed it, he did not respond.

I feel like there are a few possibilities to explain all this weirdness...

We are reading the ramblings of someone in the throes of a burgeoning psychedelic stage in their life, that is "seeing" the deeper layers of reality, and is questioning every last possibility.

We are reading the ramblings of someone in the throes of a psychotic break, who is tallying humanity's wrongs via questioning the base motivations of our brilliant/disgusting species.

We are reading the ramblings of our very own Sheldon Cooper, an insufferable "genius" who's own intellect prevents him from enjoying the baser motivations and interactions of the human experience.

We are reading the ramblings of someone's creative writing exercises.

We are reading the ramblings of an AI that someone designed.


Lay off the LSD for a while.

If you need help, mentally or emotionally, please seek it through real life avenues and avoid internet philosophers.

If you feel different than others than embrace those differences but be careful not to isolate yourself from others.

If this is a creative writing exercise, congrats on the brief flashes of poetry and imagery in your posts, but your deep thoughts are your own and perhaps best kept to yourself, or maybe you should read a little more deeply to see all the questions (and attempts at answers) that Man has asked himself.

If this some computer spouting this gibberish, **** you, I'm on to you.

It's ok to play solo Rounds, nobody is judging you....now go on and enjoy yourself....
Curmudgeon solidifying his status as a beta. Cool stuff.. gammas? Yeah that's a new one to me as well. Looked it up. It's pretty much just as stupid as I thought it would be.

That's 'Bravo' to you, buddy.
I keep skimming this thread when it shows up on the front page, and I have to confess the OP's posts make me uncomfortable. Not because his questions or concerns are having any impact on my own thoughts or motivations, but I feel as if the OP is not well.

I quite genuinely asked the OP previously if he was OK, and unless I missed it, he did not respond.

I feel like there are a few possibilities to explain all this weirdness...

We are reading the ramblings of someone in the throes of a burgeoning psychedelic stage in their life, that is "seeing" the deeper layers of reality, and is questioning every last possibility.

We are reading the ramblings of someone in the throes of a psychotic break, who is tallying humanity's wrongs via questioning the base motivations of our brilliant/disgusting species.

We are reading the ramblings of our very own Sheldon Cooper, an insufferable "genius" who's own intellect prevents him from enjoying the baser motivations and interactions of the human experience.

We are reading the ramblings of someone's creative writing exercises.

We are reading the ramblings of an AI that someone designed.


Lay off the LSD for a while.

If you need help, mentally or emotionally, please seek it through real life avenues and avoid internet philosophers.

If you feel different than others than embrace those differences but be careful not to isolate yourself from others.

If this is a creative writing exercise, congrats on the brief flashes of poetry and imagery in your posts, but your deep thoughts are your own and perhaps best kept to yourself, or maybe you should read a little more deeply to see all the questions (and attempts at answers) that Man has asked himself.

If this some computer spouting this gibberish, **** you, I'm on to you.


You're reading the ramblings of the mental midget who's looking up your skirt. Don't worry about it.
I don't care what any of you haters say, I enjoy Armus' posts and I hope you windbags don't run him off. That part about the Amish buying produce at Walmart and selling it at a markup was gold, gold I tell ya!
I don't care what any of you haters say, I enjoy Armus' posts and I hope you windbags don't run him off. That part about the Amish buying produce at Walmart and selling it at a markup was gold, gold I tell ya!

I enjoy them, too. At least he's thinking, which is really something we all ought to be doing all of the time, to paraphrase Neal Stephenson via Daniel Waterhouse...

Some questions simply have no easy or complete answer. Aspiring to find them, though, is commendable.

Mr. Patheticus almost brags about not having read any books published since (insert his date here), and I can't help thinking he'd benefit greatly from a more Eastern brain-bath. Jump on in, Armus, and enjoy the scrubbing. There is peace to be had in the art of learning how to breathe properly when sitting stone-still...
I don't care what any of you haters say, I enjoy Armus' posts and I hope you windbags don't run him off. That part about the Amish buying produce at Walmart and selling it at a markup was gold, gold I tell ya!

To be fair to them, they aren't reselling Wal-Mart produce, but things like chips and breakfast cereal and candy and pretzels and baking supplies. They repackage it in little bags with twist ties and people for some reason buy it. They also sell produce that comes from out of state farms, but I don't know if it's any different or better than Wal-Mart's since I grow my own.