In my bag - played a few years


Sep 5, 2018
Hi. Would love some feedback on my bag, so lets get right to it.

Judge classic blend 175 gram (throwing putter)
Judge prime 175 gram (main putter)
Westside Harp 173 gram (overstable throws and approches)

Discraft Buzzz esp 175 gram
Lat 64 Claymore gold line 168 gram
DD Emac truth fuzion 169 gram

Fairway driver:
Lat64 Maul 167 gold line gram
Lat 64 River gold line 166 gram
Discmania FD c-line 167 gram
Innova Star Teebird 175 gram
Discmania FD2 c line 171 gram
DD Escape biofuzion 172 gram
Lat64 Saint opto line 174 gram
Lat64 culverin opto line 170 gram
Innova champion Firebird 175 gram
Innova g-star thunderbird 175 gram

DD Renegade fuzion 169 gram
Discmania DDX s-line 175 gram
Innova Star destroyer 172 gram
Innova Star Mamba 170 gram

Any good tips for this bag. Add, remove og complement any discs?

How far do you throw in the real world?

Looks like you have lots of overlap in your drivers. Maul/river/FD, teebird/FD2, I'm not super familiar with the others.

How do you use those drivers? You could probably cut 2/3 of them and still be fine.
yes. the bag is filling up fast when you get some new discs. I throw like 350.