[Selling] Odds and ends, Fold in half Shark, Z Buzzz, old Viper, etc

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Birdie Member
Jul 30, 2013
St. Paul MN
Make some offers on multiples! New thread for a new pic and some new discs up for sale.

1 and 2: Dx Ontario Birdies - With Thumbtrac. Bought for a buddy but he didn't end up finding them as sufficient replacements for his current old Birdie haha. $10, One is low 160's and one is higher 160's. 6.5-7/10 for both to be conservative I think.

3. 175 SSS Wizard - 7.5/10 to be very conservative. sold
4.159 Champ Shark - 8/10 - FOLD IN HALF GUMMY - $23

5. 154 fold in half gummy champ Valkyrie. 5x JK. $14

6. Z Buzzz - 175 - 8/10 - SUPER Flat. $10 Sold

7. Champ Monster PFN - 8/10 - $12

8. Omega SS - See it's own thread

9. Dx Ontario Shark - Some roughness on top - Otherwise 7/10 - $7

10. Dx Ontario Viper - 8/10 - Colored Stamp - Super nice run of Dx - $10

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Bump. Moving in about a week - let's get some more of these discs sold! Just taking up space for me. Someone should throw them!
Bump. Some interest and guys saying they'd get back to me in a couple days but "probably" would take something. Get at me before I head out of town tomorrow then move next weekend!
Bump. No one wants the couple gummy discs?? Might have to put out a gummy beast just to see if other people like that run as much as I do!
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