[Recommend] OS compliment to BeastX

Axiom Fireballs are a lot like longer Preds IMO. The S-DD isn't a bad choice either if you're throwing 400' or under.

I'm a huge fan of the Axiom Wrath as well. They fly like an OS Champ Wraith. No turn at all for me on 450'+ BH 400'+ FH, just incredibly straight with a late, consistent fade. Might not be quite as OS as you want, but consider it!
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Hurricane would fit the bill; it's Destroyer speed; don't know if that's too much speed difference or not.
I am completely open to brands but no overmolds por favor.

Axiom Fireballs are a lot like longer Preds IMO. The S-DD isn't a bad choice either if you're throwing 400' or under.

I'm a huge fan of the Axiom Wrath as well. They fly like an OS Champ Wraith. No turn at all for me on 450'+ BH 400'+ FH, just incredibly straight with a late, consistent fade. Might not be quite as OS as you want, but consider it!

I would say pdx is your best innova choice. The dd is very hss but the fade is on par with the beast. The pdx has that same hss plus the extra fade to really compliment the beast. My other suggestion is an enforcer.
I have tried a pulse and it wasn't any more stable than a wraith. Bad pulse or is that about the stability they are?

uhhh bad pulse. they are certaily more OS. Try a heavier ESP.(170+) My old pulse wore into a straight flyer but my 2 newest ones (1 year use) are still Plenty OS while being easy to use and great for forehands.

I say give it another try, but thats me.
Good question and just to mince distinctions neither the "old mold, old mold" Beast nor the "new mold, old mold" Beast are the BeastX, the Orc is the BeastX.

Or the BeastX is the one that Innova currently markets as the BeastX which is the new old mold Beast.
Beast is beastX, only one mold. It was a mistake from the mold manufacturers but innova is using it. The beast and the Orc are different. They were so close though that innova changed the beast mold to an L configuration. Last year they placed an order for a new beast mold and the mold ppl accidentally used the specs of the original. So now the og beast is back.
The new old Beast.

I have two new champs, a max weight and a 163 blizzard. Both are plenty stable for me at 370' of power. A hair more HSS than my Orcs of the same weight.

The old X molds I have are slightly less HSS than the Orc.