[PDGA Major] 2024 United States Women's Disc Golf Championships

It would help crystalize the separate "pressure" version of the game where a 1-stroke penalty is added for failing challenges created by the designer (in addition to loss of distance and sometimes position) by limiting the damage for failing those challenges to potentially just 1 stroke if the player chooses the rethrow and successfully executes it.

And sometimes the scoring in this pressure version of the game would look like traditional golf (where almost every throw counts 1 stroke in a round) in the case where a player always chose the rethrow option instead of a penalty. However, the reality from a game scoring and statistics standpoint, is there would always be the equivalent of a non-throwing stroke in the scoring when players fail challenges created by the designer whether they sometimes take the stroke penalty directly or must count 1-stroke for the poor throw and have not yet advanced because they chose the rethrow.
I thought I banned you from using "because golf does it".
I thought I banned you from using "because golf does it".
I agree that counting only physically projected shots as 1 stroke each is a game scoring format that happens to be followed in traditional golf, and disc golf had historically been attempting to follow that scoring format until some venues/events around 20 years ago changed their scoring format with extensive non-thrown strokes added in.
I agree that counting only physically projected shots as 1 stroke each is a game scoring format that happens to be followed in traditional golf, and disc golf had historically been attempting to follow that scoring format until some venues/events around 20 years ago changed their scoring format with extensive non-thrown strokes added in.
With a "count it but don't use it" abandoned throw rule (with abandoning the throw as the punishment for all violations) all scores would be the result of counting all (and only) physical throws.
To change subjects:

Here is the graph showing how the courses used at the USWDGC fit the players. Almost all the players were on a course that was too hard for them. The only exceptions were the 950 and above FPO players on Sprinkle and 850-rated and above on Williamson County. Even for these players, the courses could have fit better. Williamson County gave out too many 3s, and Sprinkle gave out too many 4s.
With a "count it but don't use it" abandoned throw rule (with abandoning the throw as the punishment for all violations) all scores would be the result of counting all (and only) physical throws.
I agree if player can choose this option when they make a throw where it may cost them more throws playing from the lie than rethrowing. However, that rule change is independent from determining whether a course is designed for the pressure scoring format with extensive challenge elements with penalties versus traditional scoring with no or few penalty elements that rarely come into play.

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