DGPT POTY more likely, PDGA POTY has McBeth out ahead due to better results at the Majors
Head to head Wysocki/McBeth DGPT comparison
Average finish between Majors + DGPT Championship (33% of DGPT POTY):
Wysocki - 3rd, average place 6.6, 1 win @ DGPT Championship
Buhr - 2nd, average place 5.75, 1 win @ USDGC, did not travel/compete in EO
McBeth - 1st, average place 4, 1 win @ Worlds
DGPT Point totals (33% of DGPT POTY):
Wysocki - 1st, 1040.08 (4 DGPT Wins, lowest DGPT event place not dropped T10th @ Jonesboro, lowest overall result T57th @ DMC & missed cash, 1 Silver series result included)
McBeth - 2nd, 1035.63 (1 DGPT Win, lowest DGPT event place not dropped T9th @ Preserve, lowest overall result 51st @ DDO & missed cutline, 3 Silver series results included)
Final 33% is Media vote
Unsure if USDGC results or the events dropped from DGPT season points total will be completely ignored. There are a few ways the media folks could look at the results/stats. IMO with 4 wins on DGPT (including one of the playoff events) + winning the DGPT Championship Wysocki is deserving of the DGPT POTY.