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Deerfield, IL

Keller Park

1.815(based on 18 reviews)
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Keller Park reviews

8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 301 played 275 reviews
1.50 star(s)

A Forgettable Suburban 9er

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 6, 2023 Played the course:once


- generally well maintained park
- some decent hole distances for a multi-use suburban park
- some obstacles add a limited amount of challenge
- a couple cool water hazards during back half
- course map at beginning of course
- basic but serviceable baskets
- pole provided near creek for disc retrieval is a nice touch
- baskets have hole numbers (a couple are missing)
- concrete tees, though could be larger


- very flat
- significant safety hazards - walking paths, playground, houses
- no tee signs (details in concrete on tee)
- bit of a walk from 9 back to beginning
- parking is not ideal; no dedicated spaces near start
- generally open with few unique qualities
- navigation is not completely intuitive
- creek mostly doesn't come into play on first half of course
- no hole numbers on baskets
- most tees are pretty undersized

Other Thoughts:

This course was pretty forgettable overall. The number of safety hazards stands out - tons of throwing over walking paths, throwing adjacent to residential backyards on holes 1 and 2, throwing near a playground and baseball field... virtually every hole had some concern.

The course is entirely flat with some limited obstacles but nothing exciting. There is some good incorporation of the creek as a water hazard on later holes, although the earlier, wooded portion of the creek is not included which is too bad. On the throw over the creek, there is almost no line to the basket that can be seen; cutting back the growth a bit here would be an improvement.

In general, I really dislike hole info being on pavers or concrete tees. It can make navigation surprisingly more difficult on these open courses without obvious fairways, and in the winter forget about finding anything. The other equipment here is serviceable - while the tees could be bigger, they are concrete and the baskets catch well enough.

With all the suburban Chicago area courses, not much about this one stood out besides the water hazard. The hole lengths are decently varied and respectable; this isn't a totally trivial length 9 hole course.

The park is in fairly good shape besides the growth on the water carry which I'd like to see cleaned up. There are parking lots near the back half of the course, but nothing really available near the start - street parking has no parking signs. Overall, there isn't really anything that would make me come back to this course. The vanilla flat/open aspect plus safety hazards make this one not worthwhile unless you're trying to bag everything - and there are a ton of other 9 hole courses nearby.
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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.2 years 181 played 150 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2016 Played the course:once


Keller Park is a small city park that hosts a decent casual DG course. There's some nice distance to some of the holes that exceeds what is usually on offer in such a small park course. There are enough obstacles in play to force some line shaping and encourage shot versatility. Sprawling tree branches make you aware of your ceiling in a few spots, too. So this course is far from a grip it and rip it one or an ace run fest.

Navigation is fine. The park seems well-groomed.


While it's nice that the course layout makes maximum use of the space provided, its layout seems to brush against other park activities at many points. I'd be concerned about conflicting with non-DGers on a day when any are present.

This course is a quick and casual one that doesn't offer you much other than scratching the disc golf itch and bagging a course. I think there are better such courses in the area, such as Central Park and Twin Creeks, which play the same role in roughly the same environment but do so with a little more personality. Still, all of these courses play quickly enough and are close enough together that you won't necessarily have to choose one over the other. That's part of the area's appeal.

Other Thoughts:

Great as part of a course-bagging day trip. Be sure to prioritize visiting Fairfield when you're in the area.
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2 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 103 played 35 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Nothing Special 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- Some interesting holes (#3, #6, #7)
- Creative use of terrain playing around and over the creek
- Nice distance variety allowed for some open drives
- Concrete tee pads
- Not a lot of traffic
- Nice sign with accurate distances before hole one.
- Good flow, easy navigation.
- Challenging par if you do not have a big arm, some 400+ ft holes.


- Few holes are redundant. (#4, #5)
- Concrete tee pads are too small and are starting to show some wear.
- No tee signs, only the one before the 1st hole.
- Baskets are in terrible condition. most have only one set of chains, and the actual basket wobbles on the posts. Some are rusted over or painted brown?
- Some holes play dangerously close to houses that back up the park. Don't shank one!
- If you throw it in the creek it can be annoying to retrieve due to the steep banks.
- A nearby water treatment plant sometimes leaves a funky smell.
- Hole 3 and 9 play to the same basket. Could cause problems if the course was crowded.

Other Thoughts:

Keller Park has a decent layout and some interesting holes, but it lacks the general amenities one comes to expect from a solid disc golf course. No tee signs and rickety baskets to name a couple. Overall it gives me the impression of an incomplete course, that is now neglected. Though others have mentioned it, I have never seen a lot of traffic here. I imagine it makes the course even less enjoyable if it were crowded. Though the smell from the water treatment plant likely can't get fixed it does play into the overall rating. Even if there was a total revamp of disc golf course equipment such as new tee signs and new baskets, the layout of the course only lends itself a 3/5 max. It is worth a play if you are in the area, but don't make a trip for it.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Aveage course with some challenge 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2009 Played the course:once


1) Nice new concrete teepads. They are nice because they are not slick, you can get good grip on your plant foot. The teepads even have a red square in one corner of the pad. I assume this means it is a red teepad . . . perhaps leaving room to add some longer tees? Not sure if there is even that much more room for longer tees. They are also a perfect width and length.

2) Nice main sign by the first tee. It has a nice layout of the course and distances listed (if I remember correctly).

3) Distance varies on a few holes which is positive. It forces you to throw some different shots. It also makes you use different discs. There is a hole under 200' and two over 400' with a good range of distances on the other 6 holes too.

4) Course uses some nice features to its advantage. There is a river that you have to throw over on #3. It is close to the tee but there is a gap you need to keep it in. I instead griplocked over to the tree on the right side and nearly went into the river. Man did it smell I am glad it didn't go in (ask me later about hole #4!).

5) #4 and #5 have that same river on your left that you had to throw over on #3. It seems like you are protected from the river by the dense trees but immediately inside the line of the trees is a severe slope going right down to the river. It is clearly a main drainageway during heavy rains. Well I was warned to throw it out to the right to avoid the water and I chunked it right into the woods and it ran down into the river. It was floating upside down and although I slipped in John was able to get the disc wih a branch as it floated down. THANKS JOHN.

6) #8 has a nice large mound that will come into play. The basket is about 8' up in he air on this mound. Although the mound is large you can still get rollaways especially on windy days where your putter isn;t coming in at the same angle as it normally would on a flat throw. (ASK Doktor John about the rollaways and the wind) Course also uses a nice row of large trees on the 6th hole to force a tight shot between the trees and private property on the left. I decided to try and go outside the row of trees and I chunked it right into the first tree!!! Doktor John launched his disc into the White Pine inside of a fenced in private property. He even went to the door to ring the bell and ask if he could go up the tree to get his disc . . . noone home and I am sure if they were they would have said no because they seemed like that type of people! Anyways he climbed the tree and got the disc.

7) #9 throws from the top of the mound on #8 basket down to the #3 basket. It has a backstop if you go past with the big mound that blocked you on #3 from seeing the basket.

8) Beginner friendly for the most part. Wide open enough to allow some errant shots but #3 and #6 may be tough on the beginner because of the river and the row of massive trees (cottonwoods or poplars if I remember right) on the right and the Private residences on the left.


1) No tee signs which would be really nice to have on this course, especially for beginners and new players.

2) Baskets leave a little to be desired. They are old and some have only one ring of chains. Some of them have had a new top and basket put onto the post which is nice. The older ones have the chains painted brown . . . which truthfully I feel like it helps the chains catch better, so they don;t look like they are n good shape because the paint is chipping off. Some of the baskets are taller than others and we weren;t positive but it did seem like a few of them may have been higher up the chains making them inconsistant. This should be corrected if there truly is a difference. It changes how you throw at each basket and we all know routine and consitancy are important with putting.

3) #3 basket is not visible from the tee being difficult for a new player.

4) #8 basket and #9 tee are way too close together. The mound could be used for both but another 50' of seperation would be better.

5) Path winds through #3 and #9 and you need to have some etiquette for passerbys. We had to wait for about 8 family bikers that took a minute or two so we could throw on #9. Not seeing the basket and the path on its left on #3 is also a shot that could hit passerbys without even being able to see the danger. The soccer field is also slightly in the way on #8 drive. Noone was there when we played so we could take a straight line at the basket but other day you might have to throw a 45 degree dogleg around the field.

Other Thoughts:

This was an allright course and was the 6th course on my 9 course day. It had some length that some of the other courses lacked. It had a slight elevation change by using the mounding on #8 basket and #9 tee. It has river that can come into play on 3 holes. It also has some nice placement of trees to force certain shots. There is a big willow on the right of #1 and a long 200' hedgerow with the basket tucked around to the right of the hedge. I enjoyed this course even though i didn't particularly play that well. Basket placement is pretty good and the concrete teepads are a plus.
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