Course is in great shape and basket movements have been updated.
Eleven holes that play through rolling hills with mature trees and mowed grass. Two par fours that transition you into and then out of a five hole section of tightly wooded technical holes.
Good mixture of right-left, left-right and straight shots. The elevation isn't major but does effect most holes.
The orange(long) tees and white(short) tees mostly follow the same lines but cater to different skill levels.
New Baskets were installed in 2022, and now 12 of the holes now have B positions! New signage and course improvements/clean up are on the way in 2024.
Course is in a multi-use city park. Please be aware of and courteous to other park guests, yield to pedestrians and send spotters if playing with groups on holes with blind shots.
I-65 to IN 26 west, right on 18th St., right on Cason St., course on right. Tee #1 (orange) behind the shelter, Tee #1 (white) on other side of restrooms.