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Carrollton, GA

University of West Georgia - Old Layout

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University of West Georgia - Old Layout reviews

3 0
Experience: 10.3 years 2 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course Is Being Redesigned 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2021 Played the course:once


Course is being redesigned! There will be larger tee pads and two baskets for each of 9 holes. It will be longer and more challenging than before.


The land used is still the same area (although expanded) and there will be no water hazards and only minor elevation changes. Some holes will be wide open shots, but others will be more technical.

Other Thoughts:

All previous reviews should be discounted as this course is under redesign and should be ready for play around October or November of 2021
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6 years 339 played 319 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Passable with Map 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2020 Played the course:once


The course at University of West Georgia feels pretty normal for a school/college course: it's got acceptable variety on the shorter side, some multi-use hazard, and doesn't look like it's maintained.

It's a decent parcel of land with stands of woods and a little bit of elevation to disguise the fact that it's all basically just one field. The baskets are good DISCatchers. There were attempts at tees that were small, elevated boxes, which, while not usable, do mark most of the tees.

The variety is acceptable. Hole (1) is the best on the course, about 300' downhill to a pocket right basket. (2) and (9) are also good holes with some distance, choices, and gaps, though a little quirky and maybe not designed by a disc golfer. The remaining holes are short, but present basic shaping challenges like turns and doglegs. RHFH players will crush this course.


First of all, hole (4) is gone, as is tee (5) (and possibly tee (9), I can't quite remember). I didn't have any issue with basket (6) as some previous reviews did.

The amenities and infrastructure are dreadful other than the baskets. The tees look like elevated garden beds that have been overgrown with weeds, and even if perfectly maintained they would be too small to throw from. A couple have the remnants of tee signs, but they don't actually help at all. Course map is a must to play here. Generally, maintenance is terrible other than mowing.

The course also suffers from elements of poor design. The variety is decent, but a lot of the holes are so short as to be a walk in the park. Additionally, everything bends right, so no variety in that respect. Multi-use hazards and safety are an issue in this category. The field could easily be used for other things (such as picnics, judging by the pavilion), a walking path comes into play multiple times (especially (1) and (9)), and hole (8) requires you to throw directly over a garden.

Other Thoughts:

The university has an okay RHFH-heavy short course here. The basic infrastructure is atrocious, but the course itself has variety good enough for me to just barely award it a Passable. Course map is a must, as is a solid right-moving shot and good sense not to brain someone on a drive.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 16.1 years 647 played 184 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Pitiful DG at the UWG 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2021 Played the course:once


At the University of West Georgia, the list of possible degrees that start with "D" include data intelligence and digital marketing.

However, disc golf is not offered as a major; in fact, it's barely available as an extracurricular activity.

Not much has changed in the two-and-a-half years since wellsbranch250 reviewed this Carrolton course. The coffin isn't in the ground yet, but the hole has been dug.

The pros aren't many and starting the list with a "well, uhh, it still has eight baskets" shrug isn't a good sign.

You likely won't run into any interference as the course is located around an abandoned field on the west side of campus. In 2021, only two rounds have been logged on DGCR (mine and my disc golf partner) and only two rounds on UDisc. While isolation can be a bonus for disc golf, the seclusion at UWG contributes to the desolate feeling of the surroundings.

At least the course designers avoided sticking a basket pointlessly in the middle of the field. Several of the holes play around the field's perimeter before backtracking into an adjoining field.

I played the course in January, so the grass was short.

If you drive down the dead-end road to where the nature trails start, there's an area on the right where you can park and be near the Hole #1 teepad.


In brief, the teepads are terrible; the "signs" are worthless; the Hole #4 basket is still missing and another basket is bent.

A couple teepads are missing while several of the teepads are slightly raised platforms filled with some concoction of gravel, mulch, dirt and overgrown grasses.

The so-called signs are wooden posts with a small platform on top that apparently contained a map many years ago. Now the posts that remain are simply unsightly markers.

The baskets looked abused in the DGCR photos from 2010. More than a decade later, they appear even worse.

Hole #7 has a lot more trees in its fairway now and Hole #8 involves throwing over several garden-related obstacles.

Not much variety. Most of the holes are fairly straight and open. Also, the areas off the open fairways aren't ideal unless you like briars, kudzu and very wooded areas.

Other Thoughts:

Go directly to Hobbs Farm. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. Do not bother disc golfing at the University of West Georgia.
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17 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 10.6 years 694 played 669 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Necro Bagging It 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2018 Played the course:once


(0.947 Rating) A dying course, but there's still a weak pulse.
- CHAINS - Well.... 7 of the 9 holes have DISCatchers in great condition. Basket (6) must have been hit by a tree or a lawn mower. Basket (4) is still missing. From reading the previous reviews, it's been gone for some time now, so don't expect it back.
- QUICK PLAY - Do you have an additional 25 minutes after playing Hobbs? If so, then you too can say you've played all the courses in Carrollton.
- QUIET - I could tell by the overgrown tees that the players here are few are far between.


The course reaper is sharpening its blade.
- CHARACTER - Just 1% of the bountiful riches of Hobbs would do wonders here. Poor tees, disintegrating and missing tee signs, no seating, no map and no navigational aids.
- NAVIGATION - To expunge further. I found a map on another site and without it I could have never found my way around this course. Of the existing signs, they are just remnant wood as no information remains. The only numbers on this course are on the baskets. I've uploaded a map for the next fool brave enough to venture here.
- SAFETY HAZARDS - Hole (1) plays down a pathway and brings a shelter into play. Hole (8) plays across a garden.
- POISON IVY - It was everywhere on my May 2018 visit.
- UNIQUENESS - Actually not too bad for a nine hole course, but still well below average. There are a couple of nice benders. Hole (5) is a fun blind horseshoeing right hook. Hole (9) is another fun long right pocketing shot. Hole (1) is similar to nine but was playing down about 10 to 15 feet. The layout is very unbalanced with all the right plays. Elevation is minor other than the before mentioned hole (1). A mix of moderately wooded, lightly wooded and open holes. All par 3s and no water.
- NATURAL BEAUTY - A bit of a rundown look on this part of the campus. The tees are overgrown and an eyesore. There are some torn grasses from the mowing equipment. Tree limbs and leaf dump piles are along the fringes of the layout. I scored the course a 1.375 out of 5, which actually brought the overall rating back up a bit.
- LACK OF CHALLENGE - I'd say that the difficulty here is most closely aligned to the lower Recreational level. I think intermediates with average around 2 down and advanced players will average around 5 to 6 down.
- MAINTENANCE - The course is not maintained other than the mowing of the open field areas.
- PARKING - The course is a good 500 foot walk from the closest parking area.

Other Thoughts:

For anyone that's ever wanted to quickly see what I consider a top 5% and a bottom 5% course could just visit the city of Carrollton Georgia. I had partly wondered to see if some of the negative reviews was due in part to the phenomenal course next door. Nope, it's bad. The West Georgia University layout is a shell of a course. For the extreme necro course baggers out there, I would not be surprised to hear that these baskets are pulled within a year's time. It's pretty much a dead course now. Play it now before the coffin goes into the ground.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 264 played 100 reviews
1.00 star(s)

University of West Georgia 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 14, 2016 Played the course:once


Mostly open and flat course - should be great for the beginner

Quiet - I was the only player out on a nice Saturday morning

Free parking - but it's a walk to the first tee or last basket


Missing hole #4 basket

The cage on hole #6 basket is pretty bent but playable

Hole #8 fairway has a garden to shoot over

Holes 6-8 don't seem to be maintained

Natural tee pads are not flat - recommend teeing off on the grass/dirt around them

No tee signs

No next tee signs - since there isn't a course map, look at the pictures of this course before playing for first time

Short course overall with no par variety

Other Thoughts:

I came to this course knowing it's not going to be a favorite since Hobbs Farm just opened nearby. The course at West GA is quite simple and could use a redesign. It seems like the designers here just crammed the holes together without much thought. I have played courses at other universities like Shorter and Berry where the designs are much better in that the holes are spread out. It appears that the campus has the greenspace to accommodate a larger course. I hope the success from the new course will excite the Carrollton area and then spill over to this course to get new life once more.
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5 1
Experience: 2 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Diamond in the rough 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


The area is quiet and doesn't have too many players on a daily basis, so you can get privacy and un-rushed shots.

I like the simplicity of the course, it is great for beginners who want to feel good about the game and work on their skills.

If you are a right hand forehand player, 7 out of the 9 holes taper in your favor. so this course will be more suited to your throwing style. but that being said, for all of us RHBH throwers, it really gives us a forgiving landscape to work on the harder drives.

Since the last review was met, the maintenance of the course has improved greatly. they set up dirt tee boxes, and keep the back three holes regularly mowed. and on the 2nd and 3rd holes, the bushwhacked about 30ft. of the brush that was covering it.


its on a college campus, and i live about 10 mins. away for there, so that means every now and then there will be people practicing football or something. but unless its that time of year, its empty for the rest of it, basically.

number 6 pin is pretty ruined... like the basket it bent.

needs better parking

Other Thoughts:

I am a local here, and this is the course that got me hooked. no matter the other great ones that i play, this is the one i have never gotten bored of. i dont look at it as much more than a practice course, so if your good at the game and would have to drive more that a half hour... you may be disappointed. but if your average to noobie, i think this may be the one that would get you hooked too. you can go all out on big drives and not be too worried about loosing your entire bag to the woods because the field is so open.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 182 played 120 reviews
1.00 star(s)

University of West Georgia 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 20, 2013 Played the course:once


The University of West Georgia hosts this basic nine hole course. It's a short course, ringing up at only about 2200' and doesn't ask for many technical shots. For that reason it's quite friendly to beginners and recreational players, which I guess for a college campus is probably ideal. The course seems to play in its own little area for the most part. This means that you shouldn't have to deal with others on the course which is a problem at some other campus courses I've played.

The layout is pretty basic as it pretty much follows a counterclockwise loop around an open field. While the course is pretty flat, hole one gives a taste of a downhill shot while number nine hints at a somewhat uphill shot. Nine brings you right back up to one's tee pad so in that aspect the layout makes some sense.

Good ol' reliable DISCatchers are on all nine holes.


Unfortunately the course design will put you to sleep quicker than a glass of warm milk. While I mentioned it's probably ideal for a college campus, it's not for an experienced/advanced player. A steady diet of short, right turning shots on a pretty boring piece of property will leave you wanting more.

I was disappointed with 1, 2, and 3 finishing off right on the edge of some thick and punishing woods/shule effectively cutting the green in half. Then 6, 7, and 8 play on an unmaintained area with tall grass.

You'll find poorly marked natural tee pads, dilapidated signs, and a general lack of basic amenities

Other Thoughts:

I was never sure where to park as the closest parking lot says reserved for staff. I pulled up to the dirt area near the old trailer at the entrance of the course area but worried the whole time that I was going to get towed. A marked parking area would be nice for some peace of mind.

As other reviews have pointed out, the course is in an ideal area to create your own safari course and ultimately, this is really just a big practice area. The open field is a great place to practice drives, there's enough baskets scattered around that you can throw at several of them placed around the field and then, for a fun challenge, run through the course and test yourself to get as many birds as possible.

While this is not a highly rated course, it is better than nothing and I'm sure the players who attend the school are glad they have somewhere to play. I was glad I was able to add another course to the list.
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3 0
Experience: 16.3 years 65 played 14 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not bad for a quick round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 22, 2012 Played the course:once


I played this course while visiting my cousin who goes to UWG as a warm-up before playing the best course in the world, Flyboy.

It's an attractive, fun little course that's great for beginners and ok for a quick round for experienced players.

Many of the holes have the same shape with bends to the right, so it's a good place to work on your side-arms.

Saw a few cuties on the course, so that's always a plus.


It would have been tough to find my way around without having my cousin as a guide.

It's only nine holes, leaving you wanting more golf.

No hills, water shots, or really anything all that memorable.

Other Thoughts:

I wouldn't go out of my way to play this one.
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8 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.3 years 275 played 236 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Only good if you live across the street 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2012 Played the course:once


9 discatcher baskets.....


Signage is missing: No tee signs or navigational aids. I had to get the locals to help on half the holes.
Hole 5 had no tee at all, I never would have known where to throw from. I never did find the tee for 7.
Grass was shin high in some areas. On hole 8, I had to sprint after my drive to be my own spotter.

Other Thoughts:

It took longer to find tee 1 and basket 1 than to play a similar 9 hole course. Unless you live on Campus or with in walkign distance, there is no reason to play here.

13 miles from Flyboy, Where do you think I am going to pick?
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10 0
Experience: 15.3 years 17 played 3 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 5, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


- The University of West Georgia disc golf course is located on a open field with beautiful scenery and little foot-traffic along the surrounding pathways and trails.
- The baskets are not is perfect condition but are in good working order and the grass is well maintained (in the fall and winter)
- Great for in-between class practice, and safari holes.


- Almost every hole, with the exception of about 1 hole, dog-legs to the right to some degree, making this a boring course if you play if frequently.
- There are no long holes, and everything can be played as a par three, though the last hole plays up hill and is more consistent with a solid par three hole.
- All dirt tee-pads, though on most holes, finding the pad can be a challenge.
- during the summer, maintenance lets all the brush and undergrowth grow so high, if you toss a disc into the woods, expect to look for a while and practically swim through thorns.
- One hole (#8) plays across a garden the university plants in the fall, and next to that are bees are kept. They will bother you if you bother them.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is not a course i would drive more than ten minutes to play. It's saving grace is that the land it is on has so much possibility for neat safari holes and unofficial new holes. Playing backwards and from new tees is the way most students here play. It's nice for practice, but should not be considered if you are looking for a challenge or serious course.
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7 0
do you juju
Experience: 11 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

uwg dg course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 17, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Located on a critically acclaimed college campus for its scenery, this makeshift disc golf course at least offers pleasant aesthetics. The first five holes play around the inside of a massive field with gazebo in tow. The course is hardly ever crowded, and the trails that run throughout are frequented seldom.


With little variation in shot selections the course can be looked at as more of a practice one. The first few holes are around the same distance, and can be seen in plain sight. Hole 5, otherwise known as Blind Man's Cove, is the most challenging hole in the circle of the first five holes. Other then that all the holes are pretty basic. Holes 6-8 run beside a literal cluster of overgrown brush, dirt and compost piles. The holes are basically straight, basic, methodical shots that get repetitive after playing so many times.

Other Thoughts:

The land where the nine holes are on poses the question as to why some of this land isn't taken advantage of. I reiterate, this is a pretty basic course.
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6 0
Experience: 41.3 years 17 played 9 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Good for beginner lefties?? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 19, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


On a pretty college campus. Only course in Carrollton, GA (also a con). Good place to practice holes that curve to the right.


Short holes. Not challenging. Almost every single hole except 2 and 8 require a curve to the right, which is great if you're practicing that or if you're a lefty. Almost impossible to find if you don't know where it is, and only place to park says 'do not enter'. The campus police seem to know that you're there to play DG and haven't bothered me. A walking trail runs through it, but never busy when I've been there.

Other Thoughts:

This campus has so much potential for a really good DG course.
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5 1
Experience: 16.2 years 19 played 16 reviews
2.00 star(s)

West Georgia 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 13, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Set in the corner of campus pretty much secluded from everything so its never busy. First 5 holes play around a nice open field surrounded by woods. Main field is always maintained very well. Only need a midrange to play this course. Most holes call for anhyzer shots (RHBH) which is fun!


Natural tee pads, Majority of holes play under 300'. Holes 6-8 are sometimes forgotten about with the maintenance people so its not always mowed and can turn into a jungle.

Other Thoughts:

Good course just to mess around and experiment on some new shots. Watch for the occasional picnic and people on the walk/jog path that runs with the course.
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2 2
Experience: 17.3 years 4 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Convenience is Key 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2007 Played the course:5+ times


Convenience!! to anyone at west georgia this is perfect! no matter where you live its easily a five or ten minute walk. Great for practicing long drives the first few holes. first few are through a field, the next few have some trees in the way. Field is kept relatively nice. After you play you can get some food at the cafeteria right next to the course. Doesnt take very long and the walk isnt tough. The students who play it are always nice and friendly.


no real tee boxes. not really a huge challenge. poorly made maps. theres a big garden in the middle of #8.

Other Thoughts:

just a simple little course that the students at west georgia should be happy they have it. if you get bored with the course, play it backward!
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 25 played 25 reviews
2.00 star(s)

West Georgia Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 3, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Great for practicing, never heavily occupied, conveniently located on a small campus, easy to find the holes. The course caters to anhyzers (RHBH) or sidearm throwers. You definitely won't need to bring your driver on this course. Your midrange should be the longest thing you need or a slow fairway driver at most. The nature area that the course is located on is actually quite peaceful because most students don't know that it exists.


Not suitable for tournaments, holes offer no variation, tees aren't at every hole, no trash cans, the entire course is located in a circle around a huge field. When I say that the holes have no variation I mean that they are seriously, seriously repetitive. Anhyzer or perfectly straight shot on every single hole. Sometimes the grass doesn't get mowed for months at a time and losing a disc becomes inevitable. If you come and play during the middle of the summer the course probably won't be mowed.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a PRACTICE course. It's fun to go out and play on a beautiful day and it's surrounded by beautiful pines in every direction. The course is a little boring, but the closest public alternatives are at least 30 minutes away. I'm just thankful that the University invested in this little 9 hole course because it allows me to practice everyday. If a guide is needed just message me because tees are not well indicated.
**I'm currently trying to fix this and also trying to get the college to allow me to change the layout of this course. Stay tuned for details.**
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7 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 103 played 58 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Not worth the drive 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 4, 2007 Played the course:never


Nice baskets; land has potential


One of the worst courses I've ever seen. Hard to find, teepads are overgrown, dilipidated and tough to find. Looks like there were teesigns at one point but all that's left is the frame. Hole design is terrible -- 9 holes in a circle around an open field, every hole is the same.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely not worth playing! These poor baskets should be rearranged or relocated to a new location where they'll be used.
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