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What is this disc worth?

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10/10 177g 11x KC Roc...

^$30, maybe you could get up to $35

edit- probably not gonna get more than $30, for some reason I just figured it was max weight.
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^Yeah, that's what they have been going for. I've seen some go for a little more, but that was on feebay. Silly me...:doh:
curious on a few that i have.

Orange 175 Chains avair. 6/10 with a medium dimple on the champion

kc pro 11x cheetah. 8.5/10 175.

CE 174 firebird. ink on inner rim. 7.5/10

also have a kc pro 11x eagle x 175 8/10
175 bulldog
175 4x valk zipper top fly dye. 8/10.
pictures of these 3 are in my profile with a few others.

paid 5 for each of the discs except for the avair was 8 and ce firebird 25.
thanks ahead of time


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Chains Aviar - Probably $15 at the most in that condition, doubt it would sell for that high though.
KC Pro Cheetah - $20, can't really see it going for much more.
Not really an expert on CE Firebirds, someone else will be able to help you out with that. Only way I can help is if I knew what it was labeled, like FX, F.
11x Eagle - $15-20
Bulldog (New, I'm guessing?) - If so, then $25-30. If it's around 8/10 like the rest then I'd say $15 at the most.
4x Valkyrie - $15-20? Can't say I'm an expert on these either, but that's what I've seen them going for on ebay, a fly-dye one went for just under $20.

Even though you paid a bit more for the Firebird you will still most likely make a profit off of it. As for the other discs you picked up, you will make a profit off of those. You must have one hell of a PIAS. I would imagine that some of the discs have some ink on them but it helps that they are all around max weight.
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actually got them all off a few guys who were selling at courses and didn't know what they had. all them are ink free except for the firebird with it on the rim and avair has really faded name on the back.

oh the firebird is labeled 174 Fx if that helps

thanks for the quick feedback

Chains Aviar - Probably $15 at the most in that condition, doubt it would sell for that high though.
KC Pro Cheetah - $20, can't really see it going for much more.
Not really an expert on CE Firebirds, someone else will be able to help you out with that. Only way I can help is if I knew what it was labeled, like FX, F.
11x Eagle - $15-20
Bulldog (New, I'm guessing?) - If so, then $25-30. If it's around 8/10 like the rest then I'd say $15 at the most.
4x Valkyrie - $15-20? Can't say I'm an expert on these either, but that's what I've seen them going for on ebay, a fly-dye one went for just under $20.

Even though you paid a bit more for the Firebird you will still most likely make a profit off of it. As for the other discs you picked up, you will make a profit off of those. You must have one hell of a PIAS. I would imagine that some of the discs have some ink on them but it helps that they are all around max weight.
Yeah, good thing you picked up those discs.

There's a pretty wide price range with used CE discs, but that firebird looks like a first run, so it will get roughly $40-50. If I'm wrong then I'm sure apdrvya will be here to correct me and give you a more accurate price range. But from what I can tell that disc will probably get $40 or more.
anyone know what one of these condors would go for? 9/10 196g.... have a buddy with one but his doesnt have the sparkle stamp, thanks for the help :thmbup:
On the CE Firebird....There are some pinkish/red ones that might look red in a pic but not be a first run.
Ah, I was going based off the list someone posted on here about firebirds. and it looked like a worn red one. but i guess it could have just been pinkish. I retract my prior statement lol
I guess I just gotta ask...I know the Champ Cobra is good for 30-35, it is brand new.

The FB is 160g, marked 157g, cannot see whether it said f or fx but it is shaped like my star firebird, not my fl. I am guess last run on this one since its so clear.

The Leo is 174g, marked 171, is brand spanking ace new but has some blacked out ink (pdga num). I am guessing 2nd run on this one? Not sure

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