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[Drivers] 10 longest driver molds (for me)


* Ace Member *
Dec 4, 2014
Littleton, CO
Here's a list of my top 10 longest driver molds. Obviously this is strictly a matter of opinion. These are listed based on sheer distance potential. Not necessarily accuracy or ability to beat a headwind.

1: Innova Shryke: Simply unbeatable. Unrivaled distance potential. Nice high speed turn and great glide.
2: L64 Ballista: The Ballista is fun to throw. It has noticeable high speed turn and absolutely bombs. Like a Shryke, but a speed faster.
3: DD Sheriff: DD got this one right. A little inconsistent from disc to disc and across different plastics, but the Sheriff is a very legit, glidey bomber.
4: Prodigy D3: Much like a Shryke. Some high speed turn, speed, and lots of glide.
5: Discmania DD2: Massively long. A very wide (yet shallow) rimmed disc. Lots of high speed turn and huge S curves.
6: Vibram Lace: Can be a little erratic/flippy, but the Lace mashes. Very, very long disc with tons of glide.
7: MVP Catalyst: The Catalyst is the longest driver I've tried from the MVP/Axiom line. I liked it better than the Mayhem or Octane. The Catalyst is similar to a champion Shryke.
8: L64 Raketen: This disc will surprise you. Very long, with great glide and a nice S curve flight.
9: Innova Tern: Despite being slower than the other discs on this list, the Tern will hang with any of them. Great glider and huge S curves.
10: Innova Katana: High speed turn coupled with low speed fade make this disc a huge S curve flier. The Katana is a very, very long driver.

Honorable mentions: DD Captain, L64 Halo, Innova Colossus, L64 Bolt, Westside King, Discmania DDX, Westside Destiny, Discraft Nuke SS.

I've omitted blizzard discs from this list. Some of them are extremely long fliers, but I don't see them as useful on the course.

Anyone have any input? What are your longest drivers?
was it tough hitting 300ft with all those or just some of them


Got my lulz:thmbup:
Used to be D2/D3s, Nukes, Sorcerers, Wraiths, Terns, ect. Then, after back surgery and aging, I'm down to lower speed drivers. Pretty much all my distance drives are PDs and TDs these days. Went from ~400' to ~350'. I'm okay with it. Can't fight time.
Ever try a King? It's got similar flight to a Shryke or Ballista for me, but on the right lines can go further.

Farthest discs I've ever thrown are the Ape and Enforcer, but not on golf lines.
Used to be D2/D3s, Nukes, Sorcerers, Wraiths, Terns, ect. Then, after back surgery and aging, I'm down to lower speed drivers. Pretty much all my distance drives are PDs and TDs these days. Went from ~400' to ~350'. I'm okay with it. Can't fight time.

I feel that I had my spine fused a year and a half ago. Went from 500+ to now maybe hitting 450 on a good day, if I manage my pain well enough. Usually I max at 400 now tho.
I never really learned to throw distance lines, but on golf lines the hurricane, crank, and tern always seemed the easiest to stretch out. I don't carry a tern or crank though, since they are inconsistent at best when I try to hammer them (mix of nose angle issues as well as getting the height right when I do get them to turn.

The hurricane has been the longest golf line driver I've thrown though, can easily/consistently throw 375' with under 10' of height and not a lot of lateral movement.
Those are all on my longest list as well. I would add King, and since I do not throw as far as the OP, Tern is actually king of the group. I believe it's due to a combination of wing shape(It's perfect) and shallowness. For the people mentioning Crank, I do not find it competitive at all with this group.
Ever try a King? It's got similar flight to a Shryke or Ballista for me, but on the right lines can go further.

Farthest discs I've ever thrown are the Ape and Enforcer, but not on golf lines.

I've thrown several Kings. Bit of a finicky mold. Really easy to turn over and not have it come back. I personally get better distance from Ballistas, but the King is definitely long. I'd put the Destiny in the same boat as the King. Flippy, but long.

As for the Nuke, I actually bag a Z. Its a long disc, but not as long (for me) as anything I listed. Nukes don't quite hold the S curve as long. They fade out a little too soon.
Those are all on my longest list as well. I would add King, and since I do not throw as far as the OP, Tern is actually king of the group. I believe it's due to a combination of wing shape(It's perfect) and shallowness. For the people mentioning Crank, I do not find it competitive at all with this group.

Me either. I like the Crank OK, but it doesn't crack my list of 10 longest drivers. The Crank just doesn't have the glide or oomph to soar past other drivers. Its long, but not remarkably so.

In all honesty, I like the Nuke more than the Crank. Not necessarily for sheer distance, but for reliability on the course. Cranks can get touchy.
I've never tried any of those. I'd like to. There are still a decent amount of good, long drivers out there I haven't tried.

I picked each of them on a whim, and they have all been in my bag since.

The knight has been the hardest for me to find an identical replacement to my og. A lot of stability variation in that mold.

Also unLace for hyzer-flip bombs. May it R.I.P.
1. 166g STAR Shryke
2. 150g Starlite Boss
3. 150g Champ Mamba
4. 162g Champ Tern
5. 144g Starlite Wraith
6. 162g Westside Tournament Destiny

These are currently in the bag. Used for crushing backhand throws consistantly to 325 and sometimes beyond.

I need a little lighter disc for my 60 year old arm speed !!