I've been making a really concerted effort this summer to make my form as effective as it can be (and ideally gain distance and accuracy in the process), and the one thing that has seemed just completely impossible to get out of my muscle memory is beginning to pull the disc before my front foot is fully planted, often turning my shoulders in the process and making aiming my shots very difficult.
I see videos of pretty much every pro with elite distance beginning to shift their hips with their shoulders still completely turned and arm extended, seemingly until the rotation of their hips makes it impossible to keep them back any longer. I can go super slow in front of a mirror and copy this visually, feeling my way through how each moment of this movement, but when it comes to throwing even really slow, controlled practice shots I always run into the same problem: if I try to focus on good hips and bracing my timing is early, and if I try to focus on timing, my legs and hips forget what to do and my brace collapses.
I've attached two videos just so you all get a sense of where I'm at, one where I was focusing on good hip movement and off arm tucking and one where I was focusing on using my lats and not throwing as much with my shoulder, which I realized recently has also been a big problem for me but I've had a lot more luck addressing that. I have yet to put all the parts together perfectly, and definitely would welcome any advice on things I haven't mentioned and might not have picked up on, but I think what I'd really appreciate some insight on is just what it should feel like to nail this swing timing, and anything I can do to try to drill that feeling into my body.
I see videos of pretty much every pro with elite distance beginning to shift their hips with their shoulders still completely turned and arm extended, seemingly until the rotation of their hips makes it impossible to keep them back any longer. I can go super slow in front of a mirror and copy this visually, feeling my way through how each moment of this movement, but when it comes to throwing even really slow, controlled practice shots I always run into the same problem: if I try to focus on good hips and bracing my timing is early, and if I try to focus on timing, my legs and hips forget what to do and my brace collapses.
I've attached two videos just so you all get a sense of where I'm at, one where I was focusing on good hip movement and off arm tucking and one where I was focusing on using my lats and not throwing as much with my shoulder, which I realized recently has also been a big problem for me but I've had a lot more luck addressing that. I have yet to put all the parts together perfectly, and definitely would welcome any advice on things I haven't mentioned and might not have picked up on, but I think what I'd really appreciate some insight on is just what it should feel like to nail this swing timing, and anything I can do to try to drill that feeling into my body.