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HOD 9/23/2023: High Bridge Park DGC Hole #15 Spokane, WA


* Ace Member *
Premium Member
Jul 23, 2011
High Bridge Park DGC in Spokane, WA

281 ft.

"Hole 15 is the gem, shooting over a pine nursery and into the open field."

Finally, home course!

This is a neutral putter thrown as straight as possible. Some go midrange. Newbs throw drivers and careen off into the rough.
It's a good amount downhill, and if you hang it out too far right, there are a couple of big pines that will drop you short. The basket you see in the pic is for a diferent hole, the one your aiming at is obscured by trees in this shot, though it's clear as day standing on the pad. Behind the tee is a nice rock outcrop to sit and chill on, and contemplate how pretty the shot is.
Based on the home course expertise dropped here this sounds like a FH Buzzz for me.
I hope it's super downhill if I need to throw a mid
