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If someone wouldnt mind, please help me progress my throw


Par Member
Mar 5, 2012
Orlando, Fl
Im looking to better my throw, not that I have a bad or odd throw, I just want to take it to the next level, so to speak. I know that I need to stop touching the disc at the top of my reachback, but other than that im happy with it but I know there is soo much more for me to improve on.
Ive attempted to attach a video of my throw. I was going for a flat throw, so keep that in mind.


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Turn camera sideways, not vertical....also, youtube is a better host for videos on this site.

OK, I would like to see a further reach back.

Start on the back right of the tee pad with your toes facing 9 o'clock just like you did. Keep your left arm to your side. It looks like you are throwing under your arm. It is hindering your reach and potential distance.

When approaching the throw, do your x-step, and have your right butt cheek face the target while extending your arm straight back towards the back of the tee. Plant the right foot, explode from the hips first and throw.

Hope this helps.
Visit the discraft website, They have tons of helpful instructional videos. Over 20 I think. Just remember, don't try and change to much or work on too much at a time or you won't be happy with your play. Pick something to work on like touching your disc on your reach back then gradually introduce other things when you've accomplished your first goal.
Thanks guys,
My buddy filming didnt know to turn it sideways. Ill take another today and host it on youtube allong with this one. Ill remember to take baby steps.
When throwing a baseball or football for distance (as well as accuracy), the most important thing is the follow through. If you don't follow through on a throw from center field to home plate, the ball just won't get there. If you threw a baseball from the tee pad you threw this drive from, and stepped to the side as your follow through like you did on this example, do you think you would've thrown the baseball as far as you could throw it? Probably (almost certainly) not.

You have very good form from the ribs up (ok, the reach back could be "more dramatic", which would increase your body - hips and legs - turn). You have more room for improvement below the ribs. Power from the hips and legs are yet to be fully utilized.

Learning to use the lower body is like learning a new dance step. It's a pain to get down just right, but once you have it... the rewards are worth it. It may mess up your throw as you learn to incorporate the power from the lower body into your throw, but once you have the power, you can then refine the form for accuracy.

Dave Feldberg is the second thrower on this video. Watch how his body turns completely around on his follow through.

Wow, great annalogy eegor, I also watched the video that is just above or below this thread. Made alot of sence. Now, I have accomplished dropping my arm next to my side, next I think ill try to work on the 80/20 weight transfer, which im hoping will lead to evolve the other factors im missing. I have only been playing a year but iys always more fun to beat your friends
BeWell youtube and my phone dont seem to want to jive. So ill have to uploax them on my computer and upload them that way.
So, I have been reading alot about a "pure or proper" throwing technique, and one thing that I am currious about is if I an OATing. As my max distance seems to stop rightat the 350 ft. mark. I also turnalot ofdiscs over thatare quite stable, like a starfire, beast, and lately my 166 destroyer. I can throw them all quite well using a hyzer flip, but again, they all fall offat the 350 mark.
In turn I am going to completely try and relearn the technique of throwing a disc, from the basics. Today after work I did a series of right peck drills with my TL's and ROC. I then practiced a stand still throw trying to concentrate on starting the rotation with my hips and noticed a nice pop sound comming from my middle finger. Tho I thought that it would come crom my pointer or pinky finger?
My ROC shots seemed to always come off nose up and stalled at around 250-275 out. My TL throws would start out nice and flat and slowly turn and burn. Im hoping that I am not OAing as it would be just another thing I need to work on.
So, all in all, in my half asses video above, is there any evidence that I am OATing, or is it more likely the fact that because I have been playing for a year that my snap and arm seed are enough to turn a disc over from a stand still shot when starting my rotaion with my hips?

Thanks again all of you disc golf gurus!
I would guess its more nose angle issues than power from the vid and what you posted. I can push my buzzz out to around 300', 235' or so with a flat release and there are pros that can launch rocs over 400 easy. I would suggest slowing down your throw some and really try to focus on your release angles, that helped me a ton when I was struggling with similar problems. I have been working on nose angle for the past couple months and I can see a huge difference in my throws when I get a nice flat release compared to when I let the nose get up on me.
I headed out to a few newer courses in my area so that I wouldnt be compelled to use my old style of throwing. With using more of my lower body to generate power/speed I have developed a extremely late release and I could not figure out why it was happening. Every full power mid shot (250-275ft) I would end up releasing quite late and throwing 50-75 ft to the right of my intended target.
I was just wondering it this is a normal or common issue when converting from a improper to a proper throwing tecnique?

thanks again guys
pertaining to qberts post, i believed that I had quite a good nose angle on the throw in the video. As i normally do not have problems pointing the nose up, it seems that with this new tecnique is where I am gaining a upward nose angle. If someone notices a poor angle in that vid please let me know.
You are trying to shift your weight back and forward with flat footwork/off balance, and not turning your hips/shoulder away. You should feel weight centered dynamically so you can shift your weight from behind you on the plant so your stance will be more closed and get your body out of the way.

Watch the first five vids in the link below:

Field work, field work, field work.

Take the best of all the advice and hit the nearest large flat field. Empty your bag, collect your discs, and repeat until throwing 350.
so i headed out to the practice field by my house and put in a few hours. the first vid is of when i first got there, hence why the heal pivot is a bit over exaggerated. The second video is towards the three hour mark. I was throwing into a 10-15mph head wind so i was turning alot of discs.
After I wanted to see just how far I was throwing my ROC and my GL Pain, so I headed out to the golf course I live on (stick and ball) and lined up at the 100 yard mark (~300ft) and was pushing my ROC to about 290-320 depending on if I flexed it or not, and my Pain to about the 280 mark because of its harsh LST.
Wanting to know that now that I have something that looks similar to a decent form what areas do I need to concentrate on? Thanks again guys!


When you plant your right foot before you pull threw try to get that toe pointed in a bit more. Doing this might help your weight shift, but I don't think its too far off. You do pivot off your heal pretty well from what I looked at, but I really think that right foot should be pointed in a bit more. Also I could be wrong because of the slow mo messing with me, but it does seem like you start to accelerate a bit to early........try to hold off on that acceleration until the last portion of your throw...(as you cross the right pec or so).........thats just my two cents after watching you a bit.........good luck
Slow down! Everything should build speed as you go so you can really accelerate the very end of the throw. You are decelerating. First vid looks slightly better in the strong arming arena, but still trying to shift your weight all wrong. You would be best to learn a standstill and perhaps watch the snap 2009 vids/thread and hammer drills.

Watch the difference of your torsos and how tall and weight centered up to the plant Espen is below:


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