Maxing at 400ft on a good day, feel like I have awful lower body mechanics.

I'm really enjoying the ER dominant style set up, I'm finding alot more consistency on the course and feel more natural. One thing that's bugged me for a while is my poor transfer between my feet which has been picked up on alot, where my back foot is glued to the floor. Please see below two throws where I think that is dramitically improved. Especially the one with the better coil, I can really feel myself sitting into the front leg and posting up against the front side. I'm not really pressing back out against either and they're small strides, but they felt smooth (and evidence of small can crush?).

Since you got SW in here correcting you, I won't go in too muchdetails (since Andrew knows much more than I do).

You start your plant in a great "angle", but somehow end up with the front foot slightly open when the heel sits. Your rear feet is pointed backwards too (I know some of the pros does that, but they get their weight off it waaay sooner than you do. )

It looks like your posture could use some work. English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if this doesn't makes sense. It looks like your anterior pelvic tilt is "too much". Gonna post a picture of Simon at release, notice how he's "leaning" in over the disc, whilst you're "tilting" backwards (flexation?).

Your release is funky. It looks like you're just letting the disc go, instead of it "ripping" out. That might just be due to you throwing lower power shots.

Good part is: I absolutely struggle A LOT with the same stuff. Posture and release point is "easy" to fix. Hammer drills! Swinging a hammer with your current posture will suck.

Dingle a hammer for a good amount of time, just to get the feeling on how the hammer dictates how the body should move. You don't even have to think about "getting in the pocket", just a straight arm on a somewhere straight plane (pendulum).

When you get the feeling of it, go to a field and yeet that sucker out there, I'll promise you, that your posture will look way better!

Just my two cents.

Seabass22 - hammer drill

Aceitdiscgolf -hammer

Search that on YouTube, and you'll get plenty of stuff on drills.


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That looks like improvement, although the video quality is not great. Also agree with Kennets.
Sorry about the video, lighting was terrible and my phones been on one so I did it all rather hastily.

Thanks so much for the thought Kennets, APT has been mentioned several times before as well but I've never known how to address it in the moment (more of a longer term gym goal to fix). That being said I found some advice from some golf discussions and the linked video about setup by tucking butt under. When I played with that feeling, along with setting up ER dominant, with a hammer and dumbell I felt considerably more grounded/turned on in the glutes. I'm going to play with this as a three step set up: ER dominant, tuck butt under, fast transfer between feet and see where that takes me. Glad you're also seeing the improvement SW, I think more tangible changes are being made now.
Quick play today with the three step setup of: ER dominant hips, tuck butt under (eliminate APT), fast transfer between feet. I struggled with staying closed and wasn't coiling as much as before as I was focussing so much on the rest, but other than that really like the results. Felt alot more grounded once again and balanced.

You are rotating in the same direction as you are shifting back and forth, instead of rotating the opposite direction or just shifting before rotating.
I've been quietly working on my imbalances and posture and I think I've been making real strides generally in an athletic sense.

One particular revelation is that I think I've worked out what causes my immediate tip during the backswing's transition into the downswing. The best I can invision and describe it is that I think I'm doing the equivelant of a "good morning" squat and my hips are shooting up before my torso. The mental cue I have to fix this is "pushing the bar up first". Please find attached a linked video to describe it. I can actually start to feel a ground up connection with this swing thought. It puts me in a much more rounded posture right now, but I can sync that back up, and I'm still getting stuck between my feet. However, it's alot more evident now that I'm in a better posture and my mental image reflects my action alot more.

1:00 for "demo"
Get into more athletic shoveling / battering ram posture. You are too upright/stiff.
Here's a latest attempt to get into a battering ram posture. Still really upright and stiff but I think I'm getting better footwork going on. Bit concerned I'm getting a bit stuck also and squishing the bug. My focus was on trying to hold a postitive shin angle in the backswing whilst still straightening the back leg and keeping a bend at the waist.

Focus on your finish position standing upright balanced on front leg.
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SW has always noted how stiff I look throwing and I fully believe him, flexibility has always been one of my downfalls. I've also always struggled at improving it, as I've known it would help me out but not how to get it done. I have however made some headway in that regard recently though. I've set myself the target to be able to (somewhat) achieve a pike, pancake and butterfly and I've adopted a weighted stretching strategy that's making more of a difference than the conventional stretching routines (90-90s, spiderman lunges). Jefferson curls, straddle good mornings and weighted butterflys are allowing me to stretch things I simply couldn't achieve before and with more effective intensity (potentially from lacking the mobility to do the more conventional ones effectively). I'm also supporting this with more single leg lunges to support my squats for a while and even out the strength in my legs.

Just on the back of feeling alot healthier I decided to film some throws (no real swing thought changes), and to me at least it looks like I'm maintaining a good posture further through the throw than I have been able to before. I'm getting into the power pocket with a bit of coil and not jamming my lead hip as much. I think I'm losing the posture as I open up into the follow through and can't maintain the closed brace, but to me it's a motivating sign. Will post again in future after more mobility development.

Try to bring your left arm into the finish like an uppercut instead of a hook.
Tried out the uppercut follow through on the way home from the gym, not great throws but like direction the shape of the follow through is going. Really happy to see that I'm consistently getting better lower body action at the moment, very motivating to keep at the mobility work. Probably won't update again for a while whilst I work on all this, but thanks all for the help.

1. Take some video behind tee, and higher quality than VHS.

2. You aren't quite getting your head/spine tilted inline to front leg. Your head is swaying around your front leg which is still causing you to hook the trail arm around. Note how your right ear is crashing down into your shoulder and your elbow/shoulder are lifting up in ear. Want to keep your chin up above your shoulders and chin leading forward underneath the nose.

julian paul head tilt.png

Been working on mobility and can definitely see improvements. Latest focusses are my hip flexors and QL, trying to get enough internal rotation to sit in 90 90 and be able to get my back to the wall in couch stretch.

Also had a play with swing thoughts on the back of a video from overthrow. The key thought for me was driving the arm whilst not turning the body out of the backswing.

Below are a series of swings/throws from side on and behind. I think this is the best swing axis I've ever had, and I feel like I'm definitely transferring onto the front leg. I don't feel pulled taught really, and it's difficult to feel if I try and go for a flatter swing plane but I can see a pathway to success.

Hopefully this is getting closer to feeling some of the things you've all been trying to convey for a while.
You are over turned/leaned back and not shifting your pelvis/CoM.

Shift back and forth and feel your center pull your arm back and forth and also feel your arm swing trying to pull your center away.

julian vs dingle.png

No video associated with this, just an update partially for myself to describe my current thought process.

I recently had a coached session on the javelin throw, and it was a really interesting experience. I've previously had a session on my disc throwing mechanics coached by an elite javelin thrower, as well as coached sessions by disc throwers and all the advice on here. Throwing the javelin as the implement, I very quickly reach the same plateau and mechanical issues as I do with throwing discs. The coach highlighted that my block leg was effective at stopping my momentum, and that my upper body mechanics were able to compensate for footwork errors. The things I found difficult were increasing my stride length after the impulse step, and holding tension in my back side (drive leg). This was highlighted by the other javelin thrower and aligns with the consistent issue here.

In their words I don't do the equivalent of hold the hinge/firing the back hip. I think that it helped to have it reframed for me in the context of the javelin throw, as I've struggled to understand the concept of this feeling and how it drives the throw (especially separating it from squishing the bug). The partner drill in the video below (3:36) is I think the first time I've felt that feeling in a sports motion, and so I think I'm going to try to develop that via patterning drills. In addition the mobility/strength benchmarks I feel like I need to achieve it are: ability to hinge somewhat in pancake pose, pistol squat on each leg, ability to bridge.

The partner drill is similar to Door Frame Drill, but it should be stretching your backside posterior chain, instead of your frontside anterior chain.