[MVP] MVP Reactor

Have 3.
Eclipse is very flat but very overstable. Close to max weight.
Blank Neutron 174 is more OS than a new Buzzz.
Stock stamp 169 Neutron is more biddable. Not enough throws to render a full verdict, but this one is the closest to what I'd hoped for.
I really like the feel and speed of this mold, it's the best MVP mid yet, imo. Really interested to try a Hex and compare/contrast the two.
I use a max weight eclipse reactor for my OS mid. Great for flex shots.
Bought one of these this week in Fission plastic 162g. Haven't had time to throw it much. I really like the speed 5 discs, the Mako 3 has gotten quite a bit of use from me.
Currently on my second Neutron Reactor 174g, good for wind play. Can have too much turn, but good distance. Like it in the woods for mid level flight. The first one i lost in a river flying over the basket. .

Had an Eclipse Reactor 177g very stable could hit gaps. Short on distance, was bounced by my first Neutron Reactor. Had it more than a year.

For a short time had a Fission Reactor 161g too much turn, and not much distance. It was too light for me.