New Member - New Disc Golfer


Feb 21, 2015
Hello everyone!

I am new to the site. I was introduced to Disc Golf, about a month ago by a co/worker. I initially thought it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of.. Now a month later I am 100% hooked. I am an artist and was instantly hooked to the artwork and general aesthetics of some of these discs.. (Axiom discs, limited anything etc... etc.) I currently still suck on the course but am improving everyday. (I stick to the basics Mid and 1 putter, even though I have WAY too many discs.) In fact at my work, we all now pretty much plays weekly.. We figured we would replace our other awards with Disc Golf Trophies :p

Anyway seems like a great forum here.. already meet some great people in the VIP Forum.. (P.S. Thanks for taking all my money :p)

Wait until you find and discover the dyeing aspect within the sport and put YOUR own artwork on a disc!

Welcome from Mississippi too! ( In before Geek, :p ).
It gets better the more you play. If you have a mentor like mine, you will go very far. I've learned a ton from the site and from watching videos on YouTube. Stick with it and it will reward you. And welcome from the sweaty Sac in the California valley.